
  • Gearbox Software has released a significant update for Borderlands 3 on the Nintendo Switch, addressing crashes, improved textures, and optimized performance.
  • The update also fixed issues with missing audio, matchmaking problems, and geometry adjustments to prevent players from getting stuck in the terrain.
  • Although the Switch version is still limited to two players in co-op mode, the update has brought overall quality-of-life improvements to the game.

Gearbox Software has released a pretty significant update for the Nintendo Switch version of its action RPG Borderlands 3. Rumors that the game would be coming to Nintendo’s portable device were swirling years before it even released on other platforms, but Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford debunked that early on by confirming that there were no plans to bring Borderlands 3 to Switch. Of course, the studio eventually changed course and the game launched for Switch on October 6, 2023.

The port of the game to Switch wasn’t all roses, however, and Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition for Switch couldn't hold up graphically to what the PlayStation or Xbox versions could offer. One of the hallmarks of the series has always been its visually appealing, cartoony, cel-shaded art style, which simply couldn’t carry over to the Switch’s less powerful hardware. But there were other issues with performance in general on the portable console, as well as excessive loading times and frequent crashes.

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The latest update for Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition for the Nintendo Switch, which was released on November 20, addresses a number of these problems. Firstly, there should be noticeably fewer crashes when starting a new game, matchmaking, or fast traveling to certain areas like Sanctuary. Many textures now have higher resolutions, and an ongoing issue of missing or incorrect textures should be fixed as well. Performance has been optimized across the board, and some players have also reported on Reddit that load times have decreased when playing the game in handheld mode.

Borderlands 3 on Switch Pandora

The November 20 update for the Nintendo Switch edition of Borderlands 3 introduced other quality-of-life improvements as well. Instances of missing ambient and NPC audio have been fixed, and players should notice some tweaks to the game’s lighting and visual effects. Gearbox also adjusted the geometry in several locations to decrease the possibility of players getting stuck in the terrain. Additionally, for those who like to play co-op, there should be fewer issues with the game’s matchmaking system, though Borderlands 3 on Switch still only allows for a squad of two players rather than the four available on other platforms.

There have also been tweaks to some anointments in Borderlands 3 like Moze the Gunner’s Splash Damage Increase, as well as her Fire Rate and Crit Damage anointement, which were respectively not applying the correct bonuses to shield capacity and incendiary damage in some instances. Zane the Operative’s Digi-Clone will also now use up the correct number of grenades with the “Boom. Enhance." skill.

Other fixes in the recent patch for Borderlands 3 on Switch include adjusting the drop rate of items in certain instances. For example, Joey Ultraviolet will now drop the Cartel Vault Hunter Skins as he was supposed to, and Crazy Earl has gotten some Bloody Harvest Vault Hunter Heads in stock.

Borderland 3 for Switch November 20 Update Patch Notes

  • Stability updates addressing various reported crashes throughout the game in certain areas, including some instances of starting a new game, while matchmaking, and more.
  • The missions "Blood Drive," "Survive Ambush," and "Lair of the Harpy" have been updated to prevent some instances of a progression blocker due to a crash.
  • Jackpot boss is now able to be defeated if no enemies are killed before entering the boss arena.
  • Map geometry has been adjusted in many areas to prevent getting stuck, escaping, unintended death, or being weird.
  • Some Vault Hunter, environments, gun, and enemy texture qualities have increased fidelity and look nicer.
  • Vault Hunter alternative skins now apply colors correctly.
  • Bloody Harvest Vault Hunter Heads have been added to Crazy Earl's Shop.
  • Joey Ultraviolet was stingy with Cartel Vault Hunter Skins. He'll drop them now.
  • The Gunner's Splash Damage Increase anointment was sometimes incorrectly adding additional shield capacity after exiting Iron Bear.
  • The Gunner's Fire Rate and Crit Damage anointment was sometimes incorrectly adding incendiary damage after exiting Iron Bear.
  • The Operative's Digi-Clone would occasionally not consume the full number of grenades with "Boom. Enhance." skill.
  • The "Defeat Ambush" objective has been updated to prevent enemies from failing to show up.
  • "Cold Case: Forgotten Answers" mission now continues after defeating the void spawn in the Vincent memory.
  • The enemy One Punch has received a pep-talk and should consistently show up after solving the TV Puzzle.
  • Killa Kam won't be attacked by other enemies anymore.
  • Lilith won't disappear in the "From the Ground Up" mission. She still wants to be talked to.
  • Addressed a reported instance where there could be two Claptraps visible during "Mysteriouslier: Ghosts of Karass Canyon." There can be only one.
  • Artifacts with increased Shock damage were sometimes unintentionally increasing Shotgun damage as well.
  • The Catch-A-Ride in Sandblast Scar will now spawn vehicles.
  • The Red Chest has been returned to Neon Arterial.
  • The dead bodies are back under the Borman Nates bridge.
  • Various reported matchmaking concerns have been addressed.
  • Some reported instances of missing or unexpected textures across the game have been addressed.
  • Performance has been further optimized across the game.
  • Various UI and localization fixes have been added across the title.
  • Addressed missing or broken NPC, ambient, and environment audio.
  • Additional VFX and lighting improvements.
  • Many additional quality-of-life updates!
borderlands 3 box art
Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 is the fourth installment in the Borderlands series. In this looter shooter, players take missions from NPCs and seek out Vaults, similar to the rest of the series.

September 13, 2019
Gearbox Software
2K Games