
  • 4.5 million gamers advanced microbial research by playing a minigame in Borderlands 3.
  • The study shows significant potential for collaboration between gaming and scientific research.
  • Borderlands Science provides valuable data for understanding microbial interactions in the human body.

A recent study has underscored a groundbreaking achievement, showing that 4.5 million gamers worldwide have significantly advanced microbial evolutionary research by playing a minigame within Borderlands 3. In a collaborative effort between academic researchers, a gaming development company, and Borderlands 3 players, the tremendous potential of gaming and scientific endeavors has been demonstrated.

Borderlands 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games, marking the fourth main entry in the Borderlands series. Players engage in battles against diverse enemies, undertake quests, and scavenge for weapons and gear. The game distinguishes itself with a distinctive cel-shaded art style, playful humor, and cooperative multiplayer functionality that accommodates up to four players, both online and locally. Beyond its entertainment value, Borderlands 3 has recently contributed significantly to advancing medical studies.

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How Does Borderlands Science Collect Valuable Data?

The study was published in Nature Biotechnology and led by researchers from McGill University. It aimed to explore the feasibility and impact of engaging gamers in scientific research through a minigame called Borderlands Science. The minigame, embedded within Borderlands 3, challenges players to solve puzzles that contribute to mapping the human gut microbiome. By aligning colored blocks in the game, players generate crucial data for understanding microbial communities' functions within the human body. The study will “substantially advance our knowledge of the microbiome and improve on the AI programs that will be used to carry out this work in the future,” said McGill in a press release.

The study is a collaboration between McGill University researchers, Gearbox Entertainment Company, Massively Multiplayer Online Science, and the Microsetta Initiative. Jérôme Waldispühl, an associate professor at McGill, and a key figure in the study, expressed surprise and excitement at the results obtained through Borderlands Science. The rapid generation of five times more microbial DNA sequence data compared to previous efforts showcases the immense potential of leveraging gaming communities for scientific discovery.

Attila Szantner, CEO of MMOS, emphasized the importance of utilizing the vast amount of time and brainpower gamers invest in playing amusing video games like Borderlands 3. Borderlands Science exemplifies how such engagement can translate into tangible contributions to scientific knowledge. Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox, praised Borderlands Science as one of the most significant citizen science projects, highlighting its ability to harness the collective intelligence of millions of gamers worldwide. The success of Borderlands Science not only drives scientific progress but also challenges misconceptions about the impact and potential of video games.

While it is not clear yet if Borderlands Science will be featured in Borderlands 4, it might be an incentive for developers given how the data generated through the minigame provides a more precise understanding of microbial interactions. This collaborative effort is paving the way for insights into human health, aging, and various diseases associated with microbial imbalances, thereby opening new avenues for addressing global challenges through collective efforts that include the gaming community.