Borderlands 3, the latest in Gearbox's series of chaotic looter-shooters, received its first DLC just before Christmas. Mad Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot takes players on a mission to empty the vault of Handsome Jack's orbital casino. The expansion also brings new heads and skins, more trinkets, and a host of Legendary weapons to Borderlands 3.

One of these new legendary weapons is the Lucky 7 pistol, which can be found as loot throughout Mad Moxxi's Heist. Though nothing particularly special on its own, the Lucky 7 has a unique feature that makes it one of the most interesting weapons in the expansion.

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A Spin of the Wheel

Each time the Lucky 7 is reloaded, an internal slot machine is spun to see if it will gain a new modifier. Five symbols, one for each of the possible modifiers, will flash up after the reload, indicating if the spin was a success. A trashcan with a red cross indicates an unlucky spin, meaning the modifier in that slot hasn't been activated. The five modifiers are:

  • Crosshair: All shots in the magazine deal guaranteed critical hits, pierce and ricochet.
  • Bullets: The weapons becomes fully-automatic with an increased fire rate.
  • Fire: All shots deal a random elemental damage.
  • Mushroom Cloud: All shots are explosive, with a small blast radius.
  • Number 7: Instead of single projectile the gun fires seven in the shape of a 7 each time it's fired.

Where the Lucky 7 starts to get really crazy is when multiple perks come up on the same spin. A guaranteed-crit, fully-automatic, and explosive Lucky 7 firing 7 bullets at once will pretty much melt anything. This combos particularly well with a character, such as Moze or Zane, who can get ammunition regeneration. One lucky spin can be sustained indefinitely by simply never reloading the clip, and allowing the gun to recharge ammo between shots.

Mad Moxxi Heist

Finding a Lucky 7

Like almost all legendary weapons in Borderlands 3, there are several ways to get the Lucky 7 in the game. The easiest by far however, is by taking on Scraptrap Prime, a boss in the One Man's Treasure mission. Scraptrap Prime has the highest odds in the game of dropping the Lucky 7 on defeat.

It's still not a guaranteed chance, but there is an easy way to get a second shot. Players who've failed the first time should simply let the little Claptraps in the arena kill them. This will not only respawn Claptrap Prime himself, but also preserve his original loot, making it a handy farming spot for weapons of any kind.

Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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