The second major expansion for Borderlands 3 launches this week and players are seeing another classic character return. This appears to be a pattern for Gearbox Software at this point with its downloadable content plans going forward. Last December with Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot expansion, fans were re-introduced to Timothy Lawrence, aka the Doppleganger class from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The recently released Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC already revealed the return of Gaige the Mechromancer, another DLC vault hunter originally seen in Borderlands 2.

Fans have already started making their wishlists as to which characters they'd love to see come back in one of the remaining expansions for Borderlands 3. One such character on most fan's wishlists is actually Krieg the Psycho class from Borderlands 2.

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A Little Background

Originally released for Borderlands 2 on May 14, 2013, players quickly found that Krieg was a little more unique than is typical psycho bandit look revealed. While the franchise has never fully detailed his backstory, fans have gotten a bit of evidence here and there through things like collectibles and voice lines from the character himself.

bl3 krieg the psycho

At one point in his life, Krieg was a vault hunter of some sort, but was captured and experimented on by Hyperion. This led to his current state where his mind is fractured with dueling personalities. Krieg's inner voice, which many fans regard as his former more reasonable personality, attempts to control the more psychotic and bloodthirsty side. His inner voice understands that it's going to be impossible to fully prevent Krieg from killing, so he's able to direct his bandit side to target only those who deserve it.

It's a constant back and forth, but during a chance encounter with the Siren Maya, Krieg follows her onto the original vault hunter train headed to Windshear Wastes at the start of Borderlands 2.

Events Prior to Borderlands 3

That chance encounter with Maya quickly blossoms into a real friendship, though Krieg develops feelings for her. As Borderlands 3 Echo Logs reveal, Krieg goes into isolation and his inner voice attempts to teach and coach him into speaking normally and acting less insane. While the results of that were somewhat mixed, Krieg does manage to track down Maya following the destruction of Sanctuary.

In their last conversation with one another, Maya reveals that she needs to head back to Athenas in an effort to learn about who she is and to protect the people there. In his typical bandit speak, Krieg remarks that he's going to be torn apart from pretty lady. Maya attempts to reassure him that even though Sanctuary is gone, Krieg is still a Vault Hunter and she tells him not to worry because she'll be back. One of the biggest remaining questions now is how Krieg will react once he hears what happens during the events of Borderlands 3.

borderlands 2 screenshot

Working with the Crimson Raiders

While that's where Krieg's story officially ends for now, Gearbox apparently had plans for even more. Earlier this year, dataminers discovered potentially cut content involving Krieg. According to the unused audio files, Maya has voice lines that has her speaking to him as well as translating his bandit speak for the rest of the team. Lilith sends Krieg on an undercover mission to infiltrate the Children of the Vault. Unfortunately, Krieg was discovered and captured by Crushjaw, who some players may remember as a Zer0 Assassination Target in the base game. It would then be up to the player to set and and rescue the big bandit.

Other Rumors

Dataminers also discovered an unused planet called Vulcan, which many have begun to associate with Krieg. Vulcan is the name of a Roman God, associated with fire and destruction, with the latter part of that primarily being the reason for its association to Krieg, potentially answering one of many questions about the Borderlands 3 Vault Hunter. It's possible this cut mission was to take place on Vulcan, though it's equally as likely that fans could be seeing this location added down the road as DLC.

Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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