Borderlands 3 has been going strong since its release late last year, and fans are curious to know what will be next for the beloved game. Shortly after its release, a Fall/Winter DLC Roadmap was revealed, detailing exactly what fans could expect over the next three months. Although developers have reached out about things like increasing the level cap three levels, since then there has been no official communication about a Spring DLC Roadmap or anything of the sort. There is of course room for speculation, as the contents of the previous roadmap do shed some insight on what is most likely to appear on the upcoming one. Do bear in mind, though, that this is all simply speculation.

Borderlands 3 released in September of 2019, and the Fall/Winter DLC Roadmap that followed it detailed what fans should expect for the months of October, November, and December. Last year, fans of Borderlands 3 were treated with something new every month, be it a seasonal event, new takedown, or full campaign add-on, yet 2020 has not been so generous. While it is true that February brought fans the Broken Hearts Day event, January was mostly devoid of any significant content, much to the surprise of the players. That said, the team working on Borderlands 3 shows no sign of slowing any time soon.

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Borderlands 3 DLC Roadmap 2020 Predictions

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In December, after the Fall/Winter Roadmap had finally delivered on all that it promised, fans began speculating on what the future would hold. Some noticed that Gearbox may have set a pattern up for itself and players and assumed that 2020's BL3 DLC would follow this pattern. This would see the year broken up into three quarters: January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. According to the original theory, the first month of each quarter would be a seasonal event, the second would introduce a new takedown, and the final month of each quarter would being a full story expansion.

This turned out to be untrue, as January was mostly void of substantial content and instead a seasonal event, the Broken Hearts Day, came along in February. This makes some sense, though, as a seasonal event in February does make a lot more sense than January, but leaves the future of the game's DLC somewhat of a mystery. Given that the last Roadmap was titled Fall/Winter Roadmap, it seems likely that the next one will be focused only on Spring. Additionally, since February's event has already been revealed and is well underway, it will likely start in March, featuring March, April, and May.

Borderlands 3 Spring DLC Roadmap

bl3 skill character progression


Working off of what has already been added to the game, it is likely that any new additions will be either seasonal events, takedowns, or story DLCs. Since February has already introduced a seasonal event, and Mad Moxxi's Heist for the Handsome Jackpot is still relatively fresh, it seems most probable that March will give fans a new Takedown mission. The last Takedown mission was added in November, so it will have been around four months since fans had some new high end content to tackle.


Borderlands 3 is a game that does not take itself too seriously, and so either an April Fool's or Easter event seem as though they would fit right into the mayhem that is Pandora. An April Fool's event would be interesting and not something players see much of in other games, but an Easter event of some sort seems far more likely. At any rate, this event should end up being similar in nature to the ongoing Broken Hearts Day event for Valentine's Day and the previous Bloody Harvest event for Halloween.


The final month of Spring is likely to end in a new Campaign story in just the same way that the first Roadmap did, . Although it may take a month longer to arrive than fans originally anticipated (it was thought that the next paid DLC would be released in April), the quality and depth of Mad Moxxi's Heist for the Handsome Jackpot indicate that these things probably take a lot of time to put together. As to what the next Borderlands 3 story DLC will be about is anyone's guess, but there are a number of directions that Gearbox could go with it should it choose to, and given the success of Borderlands 3 and its first paid DLC, it would be foolish not to.

It's worth adding that an announcement for Borderlands 3's next story DLC is currently scheduled for PAX East later this month, which could mean there's a longer wait between reveal and release. It could also mean this schedule is being sped up, so until PAX East happens, it's hard to say for sure.

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Why has there been Spring Roadmap?

borderlands 3 dlc 2020

Fans could speculate for days on the numerous possible reasons why a Roadmap for Borderlands 3's Spring 2020 DLC has not yet been released, but the most likely answer is quite simple. Many of the staff members and developers working on Borderlands 3 probably wanted a break after working so hard through the end of 2019. January was probably the break month, and releasing an event in February not only made sense regarding timing but also pushed the cycle forward so that the seasonal event at the end of the year wouldn't just be another Halloween one, and instead will likely be Christmas themed.

Taking a brief look forward at the rest of 2020, the Summer pass will bring content for the months of June, July, and August. Fans should expect a new Takedown in June, a Fourth of July event in July, and yet another story DLC in August. Fall, consisting of September, October, November, might bring a fourth Takedown, another Halloween event (or perhaps Bloody Harvest 2), and a story DLC. Finally, Winter, featuring December, January, and February, may bring a Christmas event, Takedown, and Story DLC in lieu of a Valentine's 2021 event.

Once again, all of this is simply speculation, and previous speculation has already been disproved by the absence of anything substantial in January. It is also entirely possible that the Roadmap from 2019 was a one time thing and not something Gearbox plans to continue doing or follow the patterns of. Who knows what sort of things Gearbox has in store for players and whether it will spoil the surprise of said things with another Roadmap. Nevertheless, patience is a virtue, and fans should simply wait and hope a Roadmap is released by the end of February.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: Borderlands 3 Broken Hearts Day Event Ends Soon, Here's What You Need to Do