Borderlands 3 is a first-person action role-playing game that highly successful Borderlands franchise. Each game has given players new characters to experience as well as an amazing story that takes part on the planet of Pandora.

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Although this looter-shooter has been an enjoyable experience for many players, many of them have already had their fill of the title. However, for those who wish to head back into Borderlands 3, here are some tough challenges to keep things interesting.

7 Hot Potato Weapons

A player looking at a box with guns in it in Borderlands 3

Hot Potato Weapons has the chance to be either an incredibly easy or a terrible challenge, depending on the RNG luck of the player. If players wish to take on this task they will be forced to pick up and swap to whatever weapon they find while exploring in Borderlands 3, be that a huge rocket launcher or a weak pistol.

This will force players to avoid getting attached to certain guns no matter how good they are as there will come a time that these weapons will need to be replaced. The likelihood of that being something terrible is high.

6 No More Buffs

Amara's skill tree in Borderlands 3

Part of the joy with Borderlands 3 is the assortment of characters with their own skill trees to select from that make these characters unique from one another. In the No More Buffs run of the game, players will be throwing away these detailed skill trees as well as their Guardian rank to rely heavily on their own FPS skills and the weapons they use.

Players will quickly begin to realize how much they rely on certain features of each character, from the mech of Moze to the adorable familiars that follow FL4K around. Each boss battle is sure to feel like a challenge when the player always feels they are at the base level.

5 Only One Type Of Weapon

The Star Helix gun in Borderlands 3

One of the most popular features of Borderlands 3 is the wide variety of guns that players are able to find when defeating enemies or looting chests. These guns come in all different shapes, sizes, and types that make for some interesting plays against bosses.

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In this challenge, a player must select one type of weapon, and they must proceed to use only that for the entirety of their playthrough. Depending on what weapon players choose this can make the challenge harder or easier. For example, if a player selects to only use Assault Rifles, this might be easy to complete, while only using pistols will provide a harder playthrough.

4 Starter Pistol Only

The Moloko pistol in Borderlands 3

Another simple yet challenging run of Borderlands is the task of completing the main story of Borderlands 3 while only using the pistol that Claptrap gives the player at the start of the game. At first, this may sound simple enough, but it is one of the worst pistols in the entire game that does little to no damage to not only bosses but eventually regular enemies too.

Players with a heap load of patience are sure to want to test their luck in this challenge or at least see how far they can get before Moloko becomes too much of a hindrance to a run. There are ways to make this easier such as using certain characters and their skills, but in the end, players must rely on this pistol.

3 No Shields

Borderlands 3 Plus Ultra legendary shield

Besides upgrading their character as well as their weapons, players are also able to find shields to protect themselves from the lethal attacks of the variety of foes they cross in Borderlands 3. Some shields favor a quickness to recharge while others have a larger shield but a slower recharge time.

In this challenge, none of that matters as players will need to depend on their own dodging and survival skills in order to stay alive as they won't be allowed to equip a single shield they find. Bumping up the difficulty of the game can make the lack of shields even harder as enemies are sure to hit for more damage.

2 Found Ammo Only

Borderlands 3 Ammo Upgrade

Players would be surprised to find out how difficult this challenge can be but depending on how lucky they are to get ammo from enemies, many players may be stuck punching their way to victory. The rules of this challenge are rather simple, players are able to use whatever weapon they wish as well as any skills they want; the only limitation is they can't purchase ammo from the various vending machines across the game.

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Therefore, when a player runs out of ammo in their weapon, they will be forced to wait until they can collect it from a chest or an enemy they face. This may mean that, when going into a boss battle, a player may have little to no ammo, or they would need to limit the use of certain guns to prepare for these moments.

1 No Weapons Run

Borderlands 3 Amara Melee super charged arms casting spell

One of the most challenging runs players can attempt on Borderlands 3 is one that misses out on one of the main loves of the game, and that's guns. In this challenge, players are forced to use any means they see fit as long as they don't fire a single bullet.

Players should get creative with their kills, whether that be by being as simple as using melee attacks or perhaps playing as Fl4K and only relying on his familiars to do the damage for him. In many ways, this playthrough of Borderlands is even slower than using the starter pistol, but there are sure to be some twists along the way.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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