During February 11's Borderlands show, Gearbox's Borderlands 3 reveals its upcoming seasonal event, Broken Hearts Day, and its level cap increase. The event will spawn enemies that have hearts floating around them, and it is the players task to shoot them and thereby break that NPC's heart. The more hearts players break, the more rewards made available in Borderlands 3.

This new event also features two big improvements over the Bloody Harvest event, namely that it can be toggled in Borderlands 3 and it only lasts a week, beginning Thursday, February 13. One major complaint about the Bloody Harvest is how long it lasted and how there was no way to opt out of that, so these two features will likely go a long way for the community. In this time, though, players will want to shoot at least 100 hearts to unlock all of the rewards (which follow).

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  • Break 10 hearts - unlock an echo skin
  • Break 25 hearts - unlock a weapon trinket
  • Break 50 hearts - unlock a Maliwan SMG with a chaining beam
  • Break 75 hearts - unlock a Valentine's Day player skin
  • Break 100 hearts - unlock the Wedding Invitation, a Jakobs sniper rifle

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Wedding invitation is that it will richochet on a crit. It's standard ammo type is fire, but richochet shots change to cryo, so it'll be interesting to see how this ranks among Borderlands 3 best weapons.

Alongside some other QOL changes, perhaps the biggest accompanying the Broken Hearts event is a level cap increase, but not in a way many would expect. The new cap will be 53 instead of a multiple of 5. On the one hand, this means 3 more skill points which should not be counted out, but on the other hand, it doesn't make sense to farm for new weapons if the new level cap is just 3 higher. How this will exactly work out remains to be seen, but fans have asked for a Borderlands 3 level cap increase, so at the very least, it's clear that Gearbox is listening to its community.

Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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