Eridium is a highly valued currency in Borderlands 3. It’s used to purchase things like cosmetics, weapon skins, Anointed weapons, and is the main ammo of the Eridian Fabricator. While it isn’t necessary for completing the game, it unlocks a ton of content and makes the game more interesting.

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Players will likely find themselves farming this stuff for the unique benefits and fun perks they provide. But to avoid wasting time, it’s important to know the best farms areas as there is no shortage of places to explore in Borderlands 3. While these details can potentially alter slightly from patch to patch, here are some of the best places to farm Eridium in Borderlands 3 to get players started.

Updated December 29, 2021 by Stephen LaGioia: Gearbox's frenzied ARPG continues to kick into overdrive with its addictive gameplay, rewarding loot, and a slew of DLC content to keep the fun going. Along with the expansive Director's Cut content comes the most recent add-on, Vault Card 3, which yields loads of awesome new loot, challenges, and cosmetic flair.

With the 28 unique rewards in this final Vault Card comes the tantalizing perk of scoring endless Eridium and some highly sought-after Diamond Keys. But for those who'd rather avoid this wild goose chase and farm this precious resource in a more traditional way, we've refreshed and juiced up this handy Borderlands 3 guide.

13 Crater's Edge

Borderlands 3 Crater's Edge corrosive spewing monster

One of the many memorable locales in Bounty of Blood is the setting of the intense final showdown against Rose and the Ruiner; Gehenna's Crater's Edge. In it, a respawnable boss fittingly known as Ruiner lurks.

This final boss battle isn't easy to power through, though it does yield a bounty of riches, including a whopping 50 Eridium each time the beast is slain. Other traits that make this an optimal farming spot is the ability to resapwn quite close to the arena that houses Ruiner, and to gather ammo via a handy vendor nearby. Of course, there's a good chance to find other Eridium in this area too, given the various chests and other potent creatures within it.

12 Carnivora

Borderlands 3 Carnivora massive vehicle zipping across desert

One of the best Eridium farming spots in the middle of BL3's campaign can be found in Carnivora. This isn't a reference to the vehicular monstrosity that tangles with the Vault Hunter to a cheering crowd, but in fact, a Pandorian locale that offers loads of great loot. Appropriately, this region resides next to an Eridium refinery, and can produce roughly 25 Eridium for each run.

What's nifty in this case is that this resource can be obtained more simply by way of scattered Eridium Crystals, rather than having to go through the hassle of clashing with tough foes. There are also large chests within the region that offer plenty of solid blue, purple, and orange goodies.

11 Voracious Canopy Vault

Borderlands 3 Jabbermogwai (Voracious Canopy)

The Voracious Canopy Vault on Eden-6 is a fantastic place to farm Eridium early on. This location houses a giant cave with many crystals at the bottom. A thorough harvesting session should yield about 20 Eridium crystals per run.

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For players looking for something more interesting to do, there is also the Jabbermogwai. This is yet another Legendary Hunt creature that also drops about a dozen or so Eridium upon death. Another perk is that if the Jabbermogwai touches the nearby water it duplicates itself and all duplicates will drop some Eridium. As a result, this location has both combat and crystal harvesting options for players.

10 Jakobs Manor Swamps

Borderlands 3 Jakob Manor

Jakobs Manor Swamps on Eden-6 is littered with Eridium crystals. The player will, of course, need the Eridian Resonator to harvest these crystals which comes later in the game. But once in their possession, this can be a relaxing place to get some Eridium.

The downside to this place is that it will be spread out over a wide area. It’s recommended to hop behind the wheel of a car and drive around looking for it.

9 The Droughts

Borderlands 3 The Droughts with cliffs, stacked cars and hanging bot

The Droughts on Pandora is another great spot to find Eridium crystals. Like Jakob’s Manor Swamps, they’re spread out so having a car makes it more manageable.

The difference with this spot is that players can also farm the Lavender Crawly. The Lavender Crawly is one of the creatures in Sir Hammerlock’s Legendary Hunts. This unique Varkid upon death will drop about 12 Eridium crystals for the player to scoop up.

8 The Holy Distillery

Borderlands 3 Holy Distillery

Just outside the Holy Distillery on Athenas is another of Hammerlock’s creatures. This time it’s the Chupacabratch located inside a small arena of sorts south of the Holy Distillery. Like many of Hammerlock’s other creatures, the Chupacabratch drops Eridium. It will also drop the legendary Chupa’s Organ grenade mod, Nagata grenade mod, and Hornet pistol.

Aside from the Chupacabratch, there’s not much Eridium to speak of. There are some crystals out in the wild, but not in high concentrations like other places. Players should note the Chupacabratch’s Lifesteal ability when hunting the creature.

7 Konrad’s Hold

Borderlands 3 Konrad’s Hold aiming gun at large Varkid

Konrad’s Hold on Pandora can be a helpful farming spot early in the game. The location itself doesn’t host many crystals, but it does have the Manvark. A respawning mini-boss that drops Eridium.

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It’s located specifically in the Last-Stand Yard and is basically a Badass Varkid/Tinkwark hybrid. This powerful boss also has the benefit of dropping the Try-Bolt rifle and Flakker shotgun which can be helpful outside of Eridium farming.

6 Desolation’s Edge

Borderlands 3 Desolation's Edge Blinding Banshee close up in cavern with growth

In addition to a unique puzzle, Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo is hiding another legendary monster players can grind for Eridium. The Blinding Banshee, a unique Mantakore, is in an arena in the northern corner of Desolation’s Edge. Upon its death, it drops around 12 Eridium.

This creature is also a nice farming choice for some choice items. The Breath of the Dying legendary assault rifle, Red queen grenade mod, and the Shrieking Devil shotgun will also drop.

5 The Pyre Of Stars

Borderlands 3 Pyre Of Stars

The Pyre of Stars is a dangerous location on Nekrotafeyo that can be a lucrative source of Eridium. In addition to the chunks of Eridium that are seemingly everywhere is the Brood Mother. She’s another Legendary Hunt creature the player needs to track down in a particularly unique side quest.

This creature when destroyed will drop nearly a dozen or so Eridium making it a great farming option. The perk of this area is that players can harvest Eridium crystals en route to the Brood Mother. The Brood Mother will also drop the Baby Maker pistol, Devoted SMG, and the Scourge launcher.

4 Eridium Refinery Carnivora

Borderlands 3 Eridium Blight (Refinery)

Eridium Refinery in Carnivora on Pandora is a great place for Eridium gathering. Near the Refinery are a host of crystals waiting to be gathered. A thorough clearing of the crystals typically results in 25 Eridium per run. To repeat this players will want to Save & Quit then enter back in and travel to this location.

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An additional benefit is the large red chest in this area. This area is a great source of legendary items and powerful gear. This particular chest seems to be respawnable as well, providing the player with a great spot to farm items as well as Eridium.

3 Blastplains

Borderlands 3 Bellik Matriarch (Blastplains)

The Blastplains on Gehenna is one of the best spots in the game to farm large amounts of Eridium. What players are looking for in particular is to farm the Hydragoian. This creature Skin To Win challenge for Obsidian Forest.

The unique Bellik Matriarch has the ability to duplicate itself in battle. Each of these duplicates and the original will all drop Eridium upon being killed. Players should wait a moment for the creature to create its duplicates before killing it to increase the Eridium gain.

2 Vault Of The Rampager

Borderlands 3 Rampager (Vault)

One of the very best Eridium sources in the game is the Vault of the Rampager on Promethea. During Chapter 10, players are tasked with defeating the guardian of the Vault. After players kill this guardian it is important they don’t do anything to progress the story.

Instead, they should harvest all of the crystals inside the Vault and then Save & Quit out of the game. After reloading back to the entrance of the vault, they'll find that the boss is still dead but the crystals have all respawned. Each time the player clears this vault they’ll receive about 100 Eridium. This one location alone should very quickly amass all the Eridium a player could ever need in Borderlands 3. It also makes for one of the best farming options as a whole when it comes to boss fights.

1 The Slaughter Shaft

Borderlands 3 The Slaughter Shaft building with banners and loot

BL3's chaotic twist on an FPS survival mode is naturally a terrific place to notch tons of awesome loot, as the game pummels players with increasingly tough foes. But this classic Pandorian area is also home to a great target for Eridium farming, Titan. This Goliath-esque mini-boss may look intimidating, but he's fairly simple to take out, especially given the whopping 500 Eridium he provides for each run.

Players will need to slay a few enemies before Titan shows up, and they will have to fight all the way to the intense 5th round, where various bosses crop up. It's well worth the grind in getting to this round, though. Players can even teleport to the nearby Fast Travel station on the map to reset the round without having to power through the other four.

Borderlands 3 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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