On March 26, Borderlands 3 new DLC Guns, Love, and Tentacles was released, and with it came some massive changes for the game. Not only are players enjoying a new story line on a new planet, but they also have gained an increased level cap.

With the level cap at 57 now, players are able to equip two capstone abilities and it's bringing some crazy new class builds to Borderlands 3 that are drastically changing gameplay.

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Zane Builds

borderlands 3 shift code 10 golden keys

Zane has already been an interesting character since he can equip two action skills in lieu of a grenade ability. This has been made all the more satisfying with the new level cap increase in Borderlands 3. There are a lot of great builds coming out of this, but the one that seems to be most tried and true at this point is a mix of SNTNL and digi-clone. If both trees are filled and the capstone abilities equipped, this build turns into an unrelenting barrage of damage. If players equip a legendary shotgun and rocket launcher, the build is made all the more relentless.

Moze Builds

borderlands 3 flak moze

Moze was already pretty indestructible before the new level cap, but with two capstones, her mech has become eternal. If players invest in Moze's Minigun skill tree as well as the Railgun skill tree, they will seemingly never have to leave their mech; if they do, it's to get right back in another. The Railgun skill tree allows Moze's mech to gain armor and health regeneration buffs, creating an almost indestructible war machine. The Minigun skill tree offers "bottomless ammo" so when paired together, the two capstone abilities make Moze's mech her new leisure wear.

Amara Builds

Borderlands 3 Amara Opening Cinematic

Amara has two skill trees that can be traded out as long as the the other is always Phasegrasp. Phasegrasp allows players to lock an enemy in place and do consistent damage to that enemy and enemies close to it. If players pair this ability with either Phasecast or Phaseslam, they can deal exceptional damage to a few targets all at once. Players are being encouraged to build towards Phasegasp and Phaseslam for the health buffs the Phaseslam tree offers. Either way, having two capstone abilities, one being Phasegrasp, makes Amara a one trick wonder.

Fl4k Builds

borderlands 3 january 23 update

Fl4k is arguably the most OP class in Borderlands 3 with the new level cap. Now that Fl4k can have two capstone abilities, players have been experimenting with the fade away skill tree mixed with the Rakk Attack skill tree. If Fade Away is the active action skill, the capstone from both trees give a massive critical hit bonus. All players need is a high damage sniper rifle and they can watch heads roll. The Fade Away skill already gives players a critical hit buff and with the Rakk Attack skill tree in place players with full health and full shield are able to now do incredible amounts of damage when using fade away. If players like calculated head shots, this new Fl4k build could not be any better.

These builds are only the start of what players are beginning to imagine with the new level cap increase. In the next few weeks new and even more exciting builds will come out of this and they will carry drastic changes for Borderlands 3 gameplay. Even now the community has seen an eruption of new builds other than the ones mentioned here. Players should now feel encouraged to go out and try new skills in Borderlands 3. This new level cap could turn old, seemingly useless legendary weapons into gold mines with two capstone abilities. Time will tell what is possible with this new level cap increase, but Borderlands 3 has never been this interesting before.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One

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