Though plenty of shooters use the format, Borderlands is perhaps best known for its loot-based progression system. The series began in 2009 and its most recent release, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, hit shelves in spring 2022. Tina is just one of many memorable characters in the franchise, with Pandora being inhabited by strange, lovable, and profoundly dangerous figures. Though many of its entries have been critically acclaimed, Borderlands 2 is perhaps the most revered.

The 2012 game arrived at a perfect time, offering a satisfying first-person shooter that didn't feel overly competitive like Call of Duty or story-focused like Far Cry 3. That's not to say it didn't have the makings of something great, as Borderlands remains the go-to series for co-op minded players who find fun in frantic, split-screen multiplayer. However, Borderlands 3 was a relative disappointment in comparison to its predecessor, largely because of the agonizing wait between releases that made it more difficult to reach the heights of Borderlands 2.

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Borderlands 2 Has a Villain to Remember

Handsome Jack Cropped

While a vast array of weapons is the most significant draw to the original Borderlands, its sequel found a definitive poster child with the sinister and devilishly evil Handsome Jack. Borderlands 2 isn't known for its storytelling, but most are in agreement that Jack is one of gaming's finest villains. He's insufferable, but never in a way that makes him an eyesore. In fact, Handsome Jack is easily the most compelling character in the game, so the Calypso Twins in Borderlands 3 didn't stand a chance.

Handsome Jack is given more backstory in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a game set before the events of Borderlands 2. However, while this is a welcome addition, it's not needed to make him great. Without the knowledge of his past, Handsome Jack is still a character that easily carries the game's narrative. No other experience in the series has come close to presenting an antagonist as iconic as Jack.

Pandora's Finest

The Small Town of Oasis from Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty in Borderlands 2

The much-loved planet of Pandora was far from pristine when players entered its orbit in Borderlands, but its sequel made Pandora feel like somewhere worth exploring. The Mad Max-inspired visuals aren't anything new, yet additions to the land in Borderlands 2 give this undesirable planet some much-needed scenery. From the sturdy walls of Sanctuary to the lawless nature of Lynchwood, Pandora feels like a product of its people.

This is critical to its success, as players will spend dozens of hours trekking from one place to the next on their quest to prevent Jack from acquiring the power hidden within a new Vault. Borderlands has always been more concerned with action than a core narrative, so there will be long stretches of gameplay. It's crucial to prevent the setting from feeling stale, boring, or repetitive, and Borderlands 2 succeeds with flying colors here, developing and improving upon the potential that Pandora showed in 2009's Borderlands.

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Borderlands 2 Proves Sequels Can Be a Good Starting Point

Borderlands 2 pandora welcome vault hunters handsome jack

Because of the advancements that Borderlands 2 made when it released, there's little reason to return to the original. Its story isn't as charming, there's no villain that outshines the protagoinst, and the setting is far less engaging that what comes after. In many ways, Borderlands 2 is the best starting point for not only the series, but also potentially the first-person shooter genre overall. Its gameplay prioritizes fun over all else, and its side content as well as kooky characters do well to break up the in-depth mechanics.

Tales from the Borderlands may offer a more refined and traditionally paced story, and Borderlands 3 may boast more impressive graphics, but Borderlands 2 is still the best even after so many years. It came at a time when the genre needed something new, and it's still played to this day by people who want to experience all that Pandora can offer. With a mix of compelling characters and a landscape that presents danger around every corner, Borderlands 2 remains one of the finest games of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation.

Borderlands 2 is available on PC, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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