While it has not been confirmed as to whether The Book of Boba Fett will be getting a season 2, discussion about a possible season 2 is mounting among fans. Much of the discourse around this hypothetical season is coming from Star Wars Fans who genuinely liked the show, but a decent percentage of it is also coming from fans who were dissatisfied with it upon its conclusion but want to give the show a chance to reach their expectations.

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Either way, everybody is making their voices heard on what they think would make for a potentially exciting season of Boba Fett-centric television in a second season.

8 A More Dynamic Setting

title image mysterious Star Wars Planets

It's been a pretty widespread criticism that the show was just too Tatooine-centric. Not only had the planet been seen in both seasons of The Mandalorian, but every episode of The Book of Boba Fett featured it. Many fans have just gotten burned out on the planet over the years. After all, it is a desolate, boring wasteland that Luke Skywalker himself could wait to leave.

The second season of Boba could address this criticism by introducing new planets as part of the story, or by showing existing planets in ways fans haven't seen before. There's a long list of cool planets like Nal-Hutta or Nar-Shaddaa that would be perfect for a show about legendary bounty hunter turned crime boss, Boba Fett.

7 Greater Diversity Of Directors

Bryce Dallas Howard looking wonderful as always

While the series did utilize multiple directors for its seven-episode run, the showrunner, Robert Rodriguez directed almost half of them, which is not something that happened with The Mandalorian. This, unfortunately, led to much of the show having a repetitive and even stale feel at times, with one visual style becoming especially dominant.

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This is even more disappointing when it was returning Star Wars director, Bryce Dallas Howard's work on episode 5 that garnered the most acclaim from Star Wars fans (along with episode 2 director Steph Green). It would certainly be nice to see Disney expand its repertoire of directorial voices for shows like The Book of Boba Fett in the future.

6 Make Boba Fett Mean Again

Boba Fett killing a storm trooper

Boba Fett was criticized by many hardcore fans as being too much of a pushover in his show. After his exciting return in The Mandalorian season 2, it's hard to disagree with this criticism either. Boba spends an unusual amount of time walking around with his helmet off, talking about "ruling with respect," making bizarrely favorable deals to people who go out of their way to disrespect him. Even the actor who plays Boba, Temuera Morrison admitted that he himself thought the character was lacking in the badassery department at times.

Season 2 of Boba could easily bring the character closer to his cold-hearted roots as the new crime boss of Mos Espa. The character doesn't necessarily have to go back to working as a bounty hunter for the Empire, but he should probably wear his famous Beskar helmet more often at the very least.

5 More Black Krrsantan

Star Wars Black Krrsantan looking menacing

Including Black Krrsantan or Santo as Boba calls him, was a really cool idea that unfortunately never met its potential, unfortunately. Santo gets in a few fights, but they are poorly framed and written most of the time. In addition, the character doesn't have much significance to the story beyond acting as a short-lived antagonist for Boba before joining his crew later on as a glorified background character.

RELATED:The Book Of Boba Fett: The History Of Black Krrsantan

In season 2, Krrsantan could definitely be elevated to more of a supporting character role, almost like an alternate version of Chewbacca. This would give the show more time to build on his character and make him more interesting, beyond merely giving him more opportunities to shine in action sequences, which would be nice in and of itself. Boba and Santo have teamed up in the past so bringing that dynamic to live-action would certainly be interesting.

4 Follow Up On The Hutt Twins


The appearance of the Hutt twins in the second episode was one of the show's best moments. The problem is that after episode 3, that element of the show is completely dropped in the wake of the Pikes landing on the planet. It was established that they wanted to take over Jabba's empire but changed their mind after they found out the Pikes were involved on Tatooine.

With the Pikes now gone, season 2 has the perfect opportunity to bring the twins back as primary antagonists. This would allow for tons of story potential, such as pitting Boba and his allies against the Hutt Cartel and expanding on its inner workings in live-action.

3 The fate Of The Female Tusken Warrior

Tusken Warrior emerging from her tent

The Book of Boba Fett earned heaps of praise for its commitment to developing the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. The Mandalorian played with this idea, but it wasn't until Boba that viewers got a real sense of their tribe's dynamic and culture. One example of this was the unnamed female warrior Tusken who trains Boba on how to use the Gaffi Stick. She quickly became a highlight of the show, which makes it all the sadder when she, along with her tribe is massacred; or was she?

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While she is never seen again in the rest of the series, she was never confirmed to be dead. It may very well be that she either escaped or was the last survivor but was captured by the Pikes, which means that she could appear in a second season outside of flashbacks. Seeing her together again with Boba could prove to be an emotional high point for both the show and the fans if handled with enough care.

2 Other Bounty Hunters From Boba's Past

Cad Bane lookin like a villain

Though a surprise to be sure, the inclusion of Cad Bane in Boba was more than a welcome one. Not only was it the first time he'd been seen in live-action, but he also stole nearly every scene he was in and proved to be one of the show's most memorable elements. This, however, opens the door for other old bounty hunters to make an appearance in the show.

In fact, Boba used to lead a bounty hunter syndicate named Krayt's Claw, which included the likes of Aurra Sing, Bossk, C-21 Highsinger, and more. All of whom would make excellent additions to the show in one form or another.

1 More Jango Fett Scenes

Boba and Jango on Geonosis

The Book of Boba Fett merely teased the audience with shots of Jango Fett. There are various shots of him flying away on Kamino or shots of Boba holding his helmet, but he is never fully shown on screen. As one of the major themes of the show is Familial loss, this does in fact make sense. In a second season, however, Jango could be included for entirely new reasons.

For example, there could be flashbacks dedicated to his time with Boba when he was growing up on Kamino as a child, teaching him about Mandalorian culture and training him in their martial arts. This would give more context to their relationship and afford the audience a better understanding of both characters simultaneously.

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