The Mandalorian's Season 2 finale had its fair share of surprises for its viewers. One reveal in particular which has the internet talking is the announcement that Boba Fett will be getting his own show; The Book of Boba Fett. Little has been revealed about the upcoming series so far, but what has been said is enough to fuel speculation about what it might look like, and what fans can expect from Boba Fett's first solo outing.

Boba Fett has always been a fairly popular character since his introduction in The Empire Strikes Back, but the movies themselves failed to take advantage of the character. He is intimidating enough in his debut appearance, but his only contribution to the plot is to kidnap Han Solo, and even that is only managed after Darth Vader hands the smuggler to him on a silver platter. His performance in The Return of the Jedi is not much better. However, in The Mandalorian, Boba Fett got to show what he can do for the first time. He proved himself in battle against a group of Stormtroopers in his first major appearance, and his support has proven vital for Mando since.

Related: The Book of Boba Fett Proves Star Wars 1313 Should Be Revived

The Book of Boba Fett is a chance for writers to continue making the character the force to be reckoned with that he could have been all along. The Mandalorian has already proven that Star Wars can deliver engaging action sequences in a live-action format, and there is no reason to expect that The Book of Boba Fett will fail to do the same. Maybe when all is said and done, Boba will have some impressive fights under his belt to match the reputation he has gained from his decades as a fan favorite.


Audiences may have glimpsed a young Boba Fett in Attack of The Clones, but his past is still something of a mystery, and little was revealed to audiences during The Mandalorian. The Book of Boba Fett might be where the infamous Bounty Hunter's life story is fleshed out. The biggest question which fans might expect to be answered is what Boba was doing in the aftermath of his father's death on Geonosha, but there is also the question of what the Bounty Hunter was doing after he climbed out of the Sarlacc pit and why he was unable to secure his armor sooner and leave Tatooine.

This is the perfect chance for the writers to flesh Boba Fett out and make him more engaging as a character. Of course, it's not all about Boba Fett. The return of Ming-Na Wen's character, Fennec Shand, after her apparent death proved to be one of the highlights of The Mandalorian Season 2, and there is great potential in exploring the character further. In addition to having her own thrilling action scenes, she could also receive her own meaningful arc and be an integral part of the bounty hunter's journey.

The prospect of seeing more of Tatooine promises to be another reason for fans to tune into the show when it is eventually released. The only plot details revealed so far have come from the brief post-credits sequence which was used to announce the show, and that showed Boba Fett taking over the remains of Jabba the Hutt's criminal empire.

This suggests that fans will learn what happened to that empire after Jabba's death, and in turn get a much greater insight into the state of the Tatooine underworld following the Empire's collapse. Have the gangs managed to exploit the brief power vacuum before the New Republic was able to assert control, or has the New Republic been successful in cracking down on them since it came to power? Depending on the answer to that question, Boba Fett might have to deal with rival criminals, eager to seize control from him, emboldened officers who don't appreciate a Bounty Hunter running things on Tatooine, or both.

The Book of Boba Fett takes a fan-favorite character and takes him back to a fan-favorite location. The show is a chance for its writers to take a break from the sprawling sagas of its franchise, or the galaxy-wide adventuring of its parent series and flesh out a smaller section of the Star Wars galaxy. A show putting that much focus on a singular location is not something Star Wars fans get to experience often, and it should serve to help The Book of Boba Fett stand out. While its titular character may have a lot in common with Mando, it would be a mistake for viewers to assume that this is just another Mandalorian show. Whatever route the creative team chooses to go with the show, they will be putting a new spin on an old classic. What could be more Star Wars than that?

More: Disney Confirms 'Book of Boba Fett' Will Be Standalone SeriesÂ