Star Wars is a franchise that has a deep and wide-ranging mythos. As a result, it features an eclectic cast of characters. From Sith lords who wield the dark side of the force, to Jedi knights who lean on the light side of the force, to raiders and droids and everything in between.

The Book of Boba Fett introduced a character who is not necessarily new to die-hard Star Wars fans, but is new to the general public. That character is Black Krrsantan, a Wookiee assassin-for-hire. Black Krrsantan is a creature of immense strength, as Wookiees are known to be. He also has been known to be armed with a bowcaster, a firearm of significant power. He made a name for himself as a gladiator in pit fights.

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Since being introduced in The Book of Boba Fett's second episode, Black Krrsantan has not had much screen time. However, the Wookiee has made his menacing presence known as the Huttese Twins’ favored killer. In episode three, the assassin makes an attempt on the life of Boba Fett. It takes Boba Fett’s entire crew and a stroke of luck to subdue him. However, Black Krrsantan is still a character largely shrouded in mystery. Where did he come from? What is his backstory, and why is he such a ferocious creature?

Black Krrsantan’s Early Years

Black Krrsantan Comic

Little is known of Black Krrsantan’s early life. What is documented in Star Wars and Darth Vader comics is that the Wookiee had to abandon his homeworld of Kashyyk during a time of turmoil and subsequently disgraced his people. Black Krrsantan would go on to seek out the Xonti brothers, who were essentially pit fight bosses or gladiator trainers. He would wipe out several slaver groups before finding the brothers and beginning his fight training.

What made Black Krrsantan such a feared fighter from the start is that he volunteered for the fighting pits. The other gladiators were first enslaved and then forced to fight for their freedom. However, Black Krrsantan’s ambition and brute force were not enough to satisfy the Xonti brothers. In their quest to make him the most fearsome fighter possible, the crime bosses injected Black Krrsantan’s knuckles with a metallic substance. This gave the Wookiee “permanent knuckle dusters.” The Wookiee’s physical attributes and mental fortitude would allow him to become a prized fighter.

Hired by Jabba the Hutt

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Later on, Black Krrsantan would become a hired gun for the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. The Wookiee resided at Jabba’s palace, becoming a lethal enforcer. Black Krrsantan would perform duties like enforcing Jabba’s water tax, for example. Additionally, he would come face to face with one Obi-Wan Kenobi, ensuing in a ferocious fight. The occasion would leave the Wookiee scarred by Kenobi’s lightsaber. After being bested by Kenobi, Black Krrsantan would flee Jabba’s planet of Tatooine, knowing full well that his boss would not tolerate failure lightly.

However, Black Krrsantan would eventually find himself in the crime lord’s good graces once more. This would eventually lead to a short stint of working for Darth Vader and the Intergalactic Empire.

Hired by Dr. Aphra

Dr. Aphra Cropped

After another stint of voluntary pit-fighting, an archeologist named Dr. Aphra came to approach Black Krrsantan. Dr. Aphra has become a star in Star Wars comic books, and can be likened to a sort of inverted Han Solo: one who looks mostly after themselves, but Dr. Aphra does business for the Intergalactic Empire and not the Rebel Alliance.

Under Dr. Aphra’s employment, Black Krrsantan would perform heists, pilot ships, and engage in several battles, including the legendary Battle of Hoth. This battle on the snow-capped planet was made famous in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back.

Hired by The Twins

Black Krrsantan and Boba Fett Face Off Cropped

After Jabba the Hutt was killed off by Princess Leia, it left a tremendous, gaping power void in Tattoine’s criminal underworld. Five years later, Black Krrsantan would find himself in the employ of not one Hutt, but two: a brother and sister tandem known simply as “the Twins.” As chronicled in The Book of Boba Fett, at this time Boba Fett had a nascent criminal empire on Tattoine. This put Boba Fett squarely at odds with the Twins, and thus, Black Krrsantan.

The Wookiee was assigned to assassinate Boba Fett, and was very nearly successful. Black Krrsantan attacked the bounty hunter and crime lord while he was in a self-induced sleep. It took Boba Fett’s entire crew to subdue the powerful Wookiee, who eventually was trapped in the depths of the palace’s holding cells. The Twins would successfully negotiate for Black Krrsantan’s release.

Who knows what is in store for the Wookiee assassin-for-hire? What is known is that Black Krrsantan is a physical force to be reckoned with. His exploits are well-documented across various Star Wars comics. It could only be a matter of time before his legend grows on The Book of Boba Fett.

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