Now that The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 is in the books it's time to discuss the throwbacks, callbacks, and easter episodes that popped up in the latest installment. One of the things that the Star Wars movies and shows have done very well is to keep fans engaged by having little nods to things both in and out of the universe that the eagle-eyed audience would notice. Some of those easter eggs point back to the way in the past and are very obvious. Others are quite a bit more subtle and make a small nod to something that happened in a previous film or episode. Some of those Star Wars easter eggs even point outside the universe to try and draw in science fiction fans from all over.

The setting of The Book of Boba Fett offers up plenty of opportunities for plenty of Star Wars easter eggs. However, the show finds a way to throw in winks and nods towards other movies and shows without leaning on the history of Tatooine and Mos Espa entirely. That's not to say it's not a very fertile ground.

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The Rancor

the rancor the book of boba fett

While The Book of Boba Fett doesn't actually show its audience the monstrous beast, it at least gives a bit of a wink and a nod to the monster that Luke had to fight in Return of the Jedi. This time around, Boba's would-be assassin is dropped into the Rancor pit in order to try and give up who hired him. Once he does yell that it's the mayor, they let it be known that the Rancor isn't actually there anymore.

Robert Rodriguez Makes A Return

mayor robert rodriguez

There was quite a bit of buildup as to who the mayor of Mos Espa was and that particular buildup didn't really have the same kind of payoff fans might have hoped. However, there was an easter egg buried in there in the form of who played the voice of the big boss man. The mayor Mok Shaiz was voiced by none other than Robert Rodriguez. He's certainly got plenty of shows and movies under his belt but what makes this a particular easter egg is that Rodriguez was the director of The Book of Boba Fett Episode 1.

The Black Wookiee

black wookie

One of the biggest appearances in this episode of The Book of Boba Fett was actually rather understated. When the other Hutts showed up and faced off with Boba, they had in their employ a Wookiee with black fur. But this wasn't just a Wookiee who looks different than Chewbacca. It appears this is one that has quite a bit of history in the larger Star Wars universe. This particular figure is actually Black Krrsantan, who made his official debut in the canon Star Wars comics. In the comics, he's a Wookiee bounty hunter who operated during the Galactic Civil War. Originally captured from his homeworld Kashyyyk and trained as a gladiator, he later escaped and took on a role as muscle for hire. This is the first time he's surfaced in the movies or in any of the Disney Plus shows, but it's a safe bet it won't be the only time.

The Pyke Syndicate

pyke syndicate

In The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2, the former bounty hunter and his Tusken Raiders captured a train that they found out was run by an organization that was known only as "the syndicate" in the show. It turns out that those on the train actually work for what's known as the Pyke Syndicate. This is an organization that's made plenty of appearances in the Star Wars universe, including in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Criminal enterprises are a big part of the lore in this partular world and that's especially the case when it comes to an entire show about a former bounty hunter taking over one particular criminal empire on Tatooine. Much like Black Krrsantan, it's almost a certainty that the organization, if not the actual people who represented them in the latest episode, will resurface.

Tosche Station

book of boba fett tosche station

This one is a deep dive even to some of the more seasoned Star Wars fans. Back in the movie that started it all Luke Skywalker was arguing with his uncle over how he was going to spend his free time. Instead of going and buying the droids that would turn out to be C3PO and R2D2 he wanted to go hang out with his friends. In order to make his case about what he wanted to do, Luke said, "But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!" Things took a turn and he never got to Tosche Station. In fact, viewers never got to see just what it looked like, until the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett. The place Boba goes when he beats up a bunch of bikers and takes their land speeders happened to be, Tosche Station.

Camie Marstrap and Laze "Fixer" Loneozner

Camie Marstrap and Laze Loneozner

Speaking of Tosche Station, The Book of Boba Fett viewers might have wondered why the couple that was being bullied by the bikers were there at all. It turns out Camie Marstrap and Laze "Fixer" Loneozner were the couple being bullied. They also happen to be characters that were originally created by George Lucas for 1977's original Star Wars movie. The reason that fans of the film franchise might not recognize them is that the two characters were edited from the final cut of the original film. It even happens that there's a deleted scene in the original Star Wars that shows Camie and Fixer alongside Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter. The couple is not named on screen in The Book of Boba Fett but the credits for the second episode show that that is indeed who the two characters are. It turns out that these characters were orignially deleted from the universe's lore, but now, 40 years after the characters were first cut out of the lore, they've been inserted back into it.

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