Boardgames are resurging in popularity, and it's easy to see why. There are hundreds of games that cater to different tastes from interactive party games to intense dungeon crawlers. One particular draw is the production values that go into making these tabletop experiences. Since people are drawn to pretty things, having massive or detailed miniatures can leave jaw-dropping impressions.

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Miniatures or 'dudes on a map' can convey a sense of epicness and immersion, but bigger isn't necessarily better. It's important to see past the fluff and appearances; as with all games, it always boils down to gameplay and the experience. Therefore, it’s good to know which games are gorgeous to look at and can be great fun as well.

Updated March 1, 2023, by Via Erhard: Thanks to innovative board game artists gamers can play with some of the most beautiful and artistic board games with beautiful miniatures and boards. Players can find all kinds of entertaining board games with miniatures that transport them into magical and adventure-filled lands. While gamers can easily find fantasy board games with miniatures they can also explore thrilling sci-fi worlds or test their skills while playing with beautifully designed strategy board games with real historical settings. These gorgeously designed miniatures make the games feel more absorbing while also making players of all levels feel more connected to these games as well as helping them enjoy these games in a whole new way.

14 Aeolis

cover of Aeolis

Aeolis is a great choice for board game lovers who are looking for fully cooperative board games with beautiful and highly detailed miniatures. Players will be transported to a lore-rich fantasy realm inspired by Ancient Greece where they'll have to build and manage their own kingdom.

Thanks to Aeolis players can become Queens, philosophers, captains, priestesses, Magis, or merchants and use their influence and power to build a mighty kingdom. Depending on their role each player will play an important part in the kingdom's future and have to make smart strategic decisions to make sure that their kingdom is protected and will succeed.

13 Avertigos: South China Sky

cover of Avertigos South China Sky

Avertigos: South China Sky players will get to use beautifully designed flying sail-ship miniatures as they fight epic wars in the South China Sky. This sci-fi board game's story is set in an alternate history of our world and lets players lead their own naval armada.

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Players will have to make smart choices if they want to gain control over the most important trade routes and strategic islands. During their adventures, players will also have to trade bribes with their merchant clan and of course, use their armies to capture settlements and make more money to be able to grow their armies and buy more powerful sail-ships.

12 Descent: Legends of the Dark

miniatures and board of Descent Legends of the Dark

Players who love getting lost in the spooky worlds of the best horror games will surely appreciate Descent: Legends of the Dark's hauntingly beautiful miniatures. This dark fantasy board game has some of the most artistically designed miniatures, and since it's an app-driven dungeon crawler it provides its players with a fully immersive experience.

Players will get to explore a beautiful fantasy land called Terrinoth, a once-peaceful realm that was suddenly attacked by the forces of darkness. Gamers will step into the shoes of a warrior who has to explore this magical realm and all its locations including its dark forests and ancient crypts. Together with their friends, players will get to become heroes as they save Terrinoth from certain peril.

11 Ankh: Gods of Egypt

cover of Ankh Gods of Egypt

Ankh: Gods of Egypt board game has some of the most breathtaking miniatures as well as a fascinating story. Players will get to become one of the powerful gods of Ancient Egypt and compete against each other for survival.

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During their adventures, players will have to summon monsters, build caravans, and try to convert as many followers as possible to make sure they're the only gods that are remembered. Thanks to this fun board game players can learn more about the mythology of Egypt as well as about its fascinating deities and monsters.

10 Star Wars Rebellion

Star Wars Rebellion Board Game

What more can be said? It's the original Star Wars trilogy in a box that recreates the classic showdown between Empire and Rebel Alliance. Players either become the Empire or Rebels in an asymmetrical strategy game of cat and mouse. The Empire player must comb through the galaxy and locate the hidden rebel base whilst the rebel player must protect the location of their hideout through acts of misdirection and sabotage.

Both sides have their own beautiful and detailed miniatures for both space and on the ground that feature infamous Death Stars, AT-ATs, Corellian Corvettes, and Rebel Snowspeeders. Players will use legendary heroes to create their own unique stories: from Han Solo turning to the dark side to Luke Skywalker destroying Emperor Palpatine on the sands of Tatooine.

9 Nemesis

Nemesis Board Game Characters

Another game set in space, Nemesis is a coop/semi-coop game that thrusts players onto a derelict ship after coming out of hyperspace cryosleep. As it’s been so long, players have forgotten the ship layout. That’s not all though, for something is on board with them.

Players must race to complete missions as intruders emerge from the shadows but may discover that their crewmates may not share the same team spirit. The various intruder miniatures are gorgeous and pay a respectful homage to the Alien franchise. From the gargantuan queen to the lecherous larvae, the game will reveal these monstrosities at the worst of times.

8 Scythe

Scythe Board Game Overview

For those who like the idea of steampunk mechs duking it out in a war-torn alternative version of Europe, then this one’s for you. Players must conquer territory, claim resources, enlist soldiers, and activate stranded mechs to claim victory points. As much as it may sound like a gun barrage of an evening, this game penalizes you for fighting too much, so players must adopt various strategies to secure victory.

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The production value and artwork of the board are a sight to behold. Coupled with the miniatures from the various factions, the visual sight alone will be able to draw anyone into the world and conflict.

7 Kingdom Death: Monster

kingdom Death Character Selection Miniatures

Imagine Dark Souls with an element of The Sims. Yes, you heard that right. Kingdom Death: Monster introduces players to a brutal and barren world where they must work together and manage a settlement. The only way to acquire resources is to hunt down powerful, eldritch monsters and strip them of all they have to offer. Once a confrontation begins, players engage in a Souls-esque boss battle where only one side gets out alive.

The game showcases incredible monsters of all sizes and varieties that seem to come out of a FromSoftware game and would even make the great Lovecraft himself blush. A brutal game ideal for any masochist and extremely pretty, in a grotesque sort of way.

6 A Song Of Ice And Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game

A Song Of Ice And Fire Tabletop Game With Baratheon Soldiers

Ever wished that Robb Stark and Tywin Lannister had met on the field of battle? A Song of Ice and FireTabletop Miniatures Game allows players to recreate iconic and what-if battle scenarios similar to Warhammer with detailed and intricately designed miniatures.

Although the starter set only includes basic Stark and Lannister core pieces, individual expansions can flesh out the core armies and truly kick off that Game Of Thrones battle immersion. Die-hard fans can acquire Targaryen, Greyjoy, Baratheon, and Free Folk armies to create their showdowns. Be it on fields, on mixed terrain, or at sieges.

5 Rising Sun

Rising Sun Miniatures At War

A wargame that revolves around area control, scheming, and negotiation. Rising Sun takes place in a mythical version of feudal Japan where gods, monsters, and men fight alongside and against each other to control the land. Players assume command of a clan and must use cunning and diplomacy to further their cause to achieve victory.

Each clan possesses its unique miniatures and special units, making each faction different aesthetically and in how they play. Collectors may even acquire more clans to further diversify the assortment of miniatures inspired by Japanese folklore.

4 Cthulu: Death May Die

Cthulu Death May Die All Miniatures

When it comes to the big league miniatures, look no further. In this game, players are investigators who must work together to stop the arrival of the Elder Gods. The game plays out in episodes where players must shoot an Elder God in the face or die a horrible death.

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The miniatures are extremely detailed and great to behold. With a large roster of characters, players can pick out a unique avatar to fight against the eldritch hordes. The real deal is the Elder Gods themselves. Cthulu himself is as large as a human torso which says something. Imagine having to go up against that during play, and you’re the only one left alive? Good luck.

3 Star Wars Armada

Star Wars Armada Ships In Battle

Smaller in size compared to Rebellion, Star Wars Armada is no less epic in scope. Players will assume the role of an admiral for the Empire or the Rebels and will have to carefully maneuver their capital ships, destroyers, and fighter squadrons to achieve superiority.

For gamers who love the iconic ships of the Star Wars saga and enjoy wargames, this game’s a must-have. The game features fan favorites including scores of TIE fighters, Y-Wings, as well as the larger cruisers on recognizable locations such as the space over Endor and Starkiller Base.

2 Twilight Imperium 4th Edition

Twilight Imperium Board Game Factions At War

Yet another space entry, this game is considered the epitome of ultimate strategy. Players will take control of a race with unique attributes, technology, and a fleet of ships. An interplanetary epic that demands players to explore, fight and engage in political intrigue, this game isn’t for the faint of heart. Game sessions are long, and it is not uncommon for a session to take up a weekend.

There is an abundance of plastic minis in this game, ranging from the smaller carrier ships to the larger and imposing War Suns. Combined with its miniatures and epic scope, nothing can beat Twilight Imperium.

1 Tainted Grail: The Fall Of Avalon

Tainted Grail Board Game Miniatures

Tainted Grail is a grimdark choose-your-own-adventure experience inspired by Arthurian legend and Celtic mythology. The game thrusts players into a land that is slowly being gnawed away by the Wyrdness: a sinister fog that deforms anything it touches. Players must journey into the dangerous unknown and undo the rot that is tearing the world apart.

The game introduces a variety of incredible miniatures that are both savage and haunting. The world of Avalon is an unforgivable one, and its miniatures are a constant (and nice) reminder of that fact.

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