
  • Bloodborne was a hit on PS4, but risks being forgotten without a remake for future PlayStation consoles.
  • Bluepoint's successful Demon's Souls remake for PS5 laid the groundwork for a PS6 Bloodborne remake, possibly also made by Bluepoint.
  • FromSoftware is open to a remake, but due to IP rights, the decision is ultimately in Sony's hands.

FromSoftware's games are bigger than ever. Elden Ring's massive success in 2022 created a legion of fans for the inimitable developer, and the game's upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is set to create even more. With a new generation of gamers interested in FromSoftware's games, and Bloodborne currently left behind on the PlayStation 4, now is the perfect time for Sony to start planning a Bloodborne remake.

First released in 2015, Bloodborne was an instant classic. Combining Dark Souls’ intricate world design with a new fast-paced combat system—all wrapped up in a stunning Victorian-inspired cosmic-horror package—the game managed to appeal to established fans of From Software’s titles, while also giving gamers intimidated by the reputations of FromSoft’s previous games a chance to get in on the ground floor with a brand new franchise. While a new IP is always a risk, the gamble paid off and Bloodborne was a system-seller for the PS4, going on to be one of the console’s highest selling and best reviewed games.

In 2015, Sony Denmark and GivBlod teamed up for a Bloodborne- themed blood-drive , in order to encourage gamers to donate blood. After donating their precious ichor, fans were given the chance to roll dice for a prize, one of which was a copy of the game.

Bloodborne Is About to Make a Big Comeback

FromSoftware's critically acclaimed action-RPG Bloodborne is set to make a big comeback for anyone interested in playing co-op.

Bloodborne Risks Being Lost to Time

Bloodborne is a prisoner. Trapped on the PS4, with no PC port or current generation remake in sight, the game risks being lost to time. Fans, of course, can still currently play the game—the PS5’s backwards compatibility means Bloodborne’s PS4 disks are still playable—but there is no guarantee that the next PlayStation console will be backwards compatible with PS4 games. While talk of a remake may seem premature, Sony is already making plans for the PlayStation 6, and making sure some of PlayStation's most important games remain accessible should be part of that planning.

A PlayStation 6 Bloodborne Remake Just Makes Sense

Bloodborne was a system seller for the PlayStation 4, and Bluepoint’s Demon’s Souls remake received rave reviews—giving early adopters of the PlayStation 5 the chance to revisit a classic that they may have missed two generations prior. With FromSoftware talking about moving in new directions, fans may be left craving a slice of classic Soulsborne gameplay, and a Bloodborne remake could be a way to fill that gap with a high-quality Soulslike experience. Beyond this, with recent rumors that the PlayStation 6 may be aiming for a 2029 release date, and Bloodborne reaching its 15th birthday in early 2030, the next Sony console seems like the perfect opportunity to refresh the game and present it to a new audience.

From Software Is Leaving Remakes Up To Other Developers

In a recent IGN interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki, the inimitable director of Bloodborne, stated that he would welcome the game being brought to current or future hardware—going on to state that there were elements FromSoftware originally wanted in the game that simply were not possible on the PS4. Despite his enthusiasm for a remake or remaster, he also stated bluntly that ‘‘We simply don't own the IP at FromSoftware,’’ explaining that the decision to remake the game rests entirely in Sony’s hands.

With FromSoftware moving forward, creating new games and exploring new experiences, it’s reasonable to speculate that they wouldn’t be interested in working on a Bloodborne remake themselves, even if Sony did greenlight one. Thankfully, Sony’s relationship with Bluepoint Games means that it has the perfect studio waiting in the wings if they do choose to move forward with a Bloodborne remake. Bluepoint’s Demon’s Souls remake was filled to the brim with gorgeous particle effects, textures and lighting; a Bloodborne remake taking advantage of the developer's technical prowess could bring the macabre, fleshy world of Yharnam to life like never before.

Video Game Remakes Are Here To Stay

While the merits of remaking versus rereleasing a game are up for debate, it’s undeniable that a carefully constructed remake is a great (and lucrative) way to honor a classic game. With the recent video game remakes of Demon’s Souls, Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and Final Fantasy 7 being runaway commercial and critical successes, only time will tell if Sony will let Bloodborne get similar remake treatment.