In mid-May, a rumor surfaced claiming that Bloodborne was headed to the PC, but while it seemed possible there were a lot of questions about the rumor’s veracity. Now a new rumor claims that the Bloodborne PC port isn’t just real but its scope is larger than most would expect.

The latest on Bloodborne’s PC port comes from CaseyExplosion on Twitter, who claims to have gained the info from an inside source. According to CaseyExplosion, she donated to a worthy cause in return for an inside scoop and that turned out to be more information about Bloodborne.

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First and foremost, she confirms that Bloodborne is releasing for PC as was previously rumored. That rumor claimed that the game was unlikely to be announced anytime soon, but CaseyExplosion’s source says otherwise. She claims that FromSoftware fans would have seen the game featured as part of Thursday’s PS5 event that was postponed earlier this week.

It might seem odd that a Bloodborne PC port would be announced at a Sony event, but there is a good reason for that. According to the source, the upcoming game is actually more in line with a Bloodborne Remaster than a straight PC port, and it is planned for both a PC and PS5 release.

The only key detail that is unclear from the source is the scope of the remaster work. CaseyExplosion bills it as a Remastered/HD Edition but Bloodborne is already an HD title and looks plenty impressive on the platform. More than likely, if this rumor is true, the Bloodborne PS5 version would feature HDR and 4K resolution support, higher frame rates, and faster loading times. Loading times were an issue for Bloodborne at launch, so it would be nice to see the PS5’s SSD make traversing through the game’s various areas snappier.

bloodborne pc port

While this news is sure to delight FromSoftware fans, there is a detail that might give them pause. Apparently this Bloodborne “remaster” is not developed by the Soulsborne studio. CaseyExplosion suggests that the project is at a studio that she has faith in but who exactly is handling the game is unclear. An easy guess would be Bluepoint, but that developer is apparently working on a Demon’s Souls remake. Not to mention, Bluepoint typically works on full remakes of older games not remasters.

Either way, gamers shouldn’t have to wait long to find out whether the Bloodborne PC rumor is true now. At first, it seemed like something that would be rumored and then fade away, but if it is part of Sony’s PS5 event there should be confirmation one way or the other soon.

Source: CaseyExplosion

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