Lately, it seems Sony's first party exclusives have become more and more open to the idea of PC ports. First it was the rumors and confirmation of Horizon Zero Dawn, now more recently with Detroit: Become Human and other Quantic Dream games that were all PlayStation exclusives before. Now a more recent leak states that Bloodborne will be making its way to PC as well, adding yet another awesome PlayStation exclusive to the collection of ports coming to PC.

Assuming this is true, it'd be yet another show of good faith from Sony as well as another awesome PS4 game coming to PC for the first time. Not only that, but Bloodborne coming to PC tangentially benefits Bloodborne 2 as well, in a number of ways. There's no reason why bringing PS4 exclusives like Bloodborne to PC is a bad thing, and could only benefit both the Bloodborne series and PS5 moving forward.

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Making Bloodborne More Accessible


Usually the main benefit of porting a formerly exclusive game is that it provides greater accessibility for a title and/or franchise to a wider audience. Sales-wise, a larger audience typically means greater success especially if the game is largely successful or praised. But even more importantly, there is the potential to expand the fanbase out beyond just PlayStation users. Bringing Bloodborne to PC could only be beneficial for the game's fanbase, as it allows a much wider reach for the audience. Not to mention things like modders and speedrunners, content creators, and other key aspects of the PC platform who champion games like these on Twitch and YouTube.

A recent example of this success would be to look at how Halo: The Master Chief Collection is succeeding on PC at the moment. A lot of iconic Halo games will be hitting the PC platform for the first time ever, years after their initial release dates on Xbox and Xbox 360. Tons of fans have shown up for the beta flights/testing as well as the full releases for Master Chief Collection. Fans of Bloodborne have a similar love for the game, so adding the game to a completely new platform that's shown a particular love for other "Soulsborne" games should be excited to have the series get some more exposure.

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More Fans Means More PS5

bloodborne 2 ps5 release sequel

Along those same lines, assuming Bloodborne 2 is in active development for PS5, what better way to encourage more fans to jump into PS5 than with a promised sequel to Bloodborne. More than likely the game's sequel would retain Sony's exclusivity, which in this case would be kind of a double-edged sword. PC fans of Bloodborne may be more inclined to get a PS5 if fans knew they couldn't wait to play the game's highly requested sequel. In a way, it's a very intelligent, inadvertent marketing tactic that can show beneficial for console sales.

That being said, it's also possible there is a downside as well, albeit a very minimal one. There is the chance that PC players, knowing how long it theoretically took for Bloodborne to come to PC, would be willing to wait for Bloodborne 2 on PC. Sony has proven that it's willing to let the timed-exclusivity lapse over time, at least with the few examples seen thus far. Many PC players who aren't as desperate to play the sequel would likely wait to see if Bloodborne 2 would theoretically come to PC after the PS5 exclusivity deal is up. Even then, despite fans having to wait just a bit longer, there's still no downside to more players getting access to a highly anticipated and greatly praised game.

For now, Bloodborne coming to PC remains a rumor, but it'd be awesome to see the well-respected Soulsborne game make its way to PC. Plenty of other PlayStation exclusives seem to be making their way to PC as of late, so naturally fans' minds have gravitated towards Bloodborne as another potential option for a port.

Bloodborne 2 is reportedly in development.

MORE: Why There Needs to Be a Bloodborne 2