Bloodborne is a From Software RPG that takes place in the Lovecraftian-inspired world of Yharnam. While it is considered one of From’s greatest titles, there are many players who have yet to sink their beast’s claws into this Souls-like game. With From Software's newest title Elden Ring (Set to release February 25th) right around the corner and rumors of a Bloodborne remaster echoing throughout the internet. Now might be a great time for players to begin their adventures in Yharnam.

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Bloodborne contains many cool and mysterious items throughout its world. Players can collect consumables, guns, and some of the most unique weapons in video games. One of the items that players can collect is Caryll Runes (one of the many ways to strengthen your hunter in Bloodborne). These runes provide the player with special attributes. Some will increase attack while others will bolster the player's defense. Others make it easier for rarer items to drop and some give you more of the in-game currency.

There is a boatload of these different and mysterious runes, but none compare to the oddness of the Milkweed Rune. The Milkweed Rune is an item that is achievable in The Old Hunters DLC released in 2015. Players must progress Adeline's story quest in order to achieve this rune. In order to progress the story of Adeline, players must collect three brain fluids to give to her.

5 Brain Fluid #1

Bloodborne First Brain Fluid Acquisition on the rafters in the Research Hall

The first brain fluid is located at the top of the rafters in the Research Hall (available to you after the Ludwig the Accursed boss fight). Climb the spiral stairs up through the different variety of patients to a room where there will be a bunch of them. Dispatch the enemies or run past them to get to a ladder that can be taken to the next level. After climbing the ladder it will lead the hunter out onto the spiral staircase again but this time, on a different part of it. Take the stairs up, and the hunter will come across a bigger variant of the patients.

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Behind this patient is a ladder that can be taken up to the rafters. In the middle of the rafters is a lever to push and raise the staircase even higher up. This will bring the hunter to the level where a curious pile of flesh resides. These disgusting creatures are known as Enlarged Heads. These are the enemies that need to be killed to retrieve the brain fluid (don't worry they regenerate). Attack the creature and retrieve the first brain fluid.

4 Brain Fluid #2

Bloodborne Second Brain Fluid Acquisition on the middle platform in the Research Hall

The second brain fluid is located on the spiral staircase after it has risen. From the rafters, you have two options to descend. The first option is to walk down each flight of stairs to safely get to the level that the Enlarged Head is on. The second option and arguably the more fun is to dust off those platforming skills and drop down the various levels of the Research Hall.

This is the fastest way to get to the second creature, but it is certainly the most dangerous. The second creature is lying on the ground of the middle platform. Kill it, and retrieve the second brain fluid.

3 Giving Brain Fluid to Adeline

Bloodborne Giving the Brain Fluid to Adeline on the first floor of the Research Hall

Before being able to retrieve the third brain fluid, the hunter must first give two brain fluids to Adeline. Once the hunter returns to her, she will ask for the brain fluid. Once one is given to her, she will thank the hunter. After refreshing the area, the hunter must return to her (it might take a couple of refreshes to get the story to progress). Eventually, she will ask the hunter for the second brain fluid. After the second brain fluid is given to her, she will give the hunter the key to the balcony (one of the many keys that are able to be collected in Bloodborne).

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While there are no brain fluids on the balcony it is a necessity that the balcony door is opened to progress the story. The door is on the backside of the first floor in the Research Hall. This will further progress Adeline's story. Refresh the area until something changes in Adeline's room.

2 Brain Fluid #3

Bloodborne Third Brain Fluid Acquisition on the first floor of the Research Hall

Once the hunter returns to Adeline's room, she is no longer in the chair that she was restrained in. Turn around to discover that Adeline has turned into one of the Enlarged Heads. Adeline is able to speak more coherently than the others, possibly due to her recent transformation. She asks the hunter for one familiar task, to bring her brain fluid.

As acquiring the first two brain fluids has taught the hunter, there is only one way to retrieve brain fluid. After attacking Adeline's monstrous new form, the third brain fluid can be acquired. After Adeline regenerates, the hunter can hand over the brain fluid to her, completing her final request. This will prompt her to award the hunter with the Milkweed Rune.

1 Milkweed Rune

Bloodborne Milkweed Rune item description

Once all three brain fluids have been collected, players will receive the Milkweed Rune. Once equipped at the rune workshop, players will receive a slight increase to item discovery, access to one of the most unique weapons in the game (among the plethora of unique weapons in Bloodborne), and they will don a cauliflower-shaped head.

Bloodborne is currently available on PlayStation 4.

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