It would be impossible to talk about some of the PS4's greatest hits without mentioning the masterpiece that is Bloodborne. After his masterful work on Dark Souls, Miyazaki decided to shift his focus into creating a game that was inspired by gothic and Lovecraftian themes. In doing so, he created an absolute masterpiece that is considered by many to be From Software's magnum opus.

The myth of Bloodborne is interesting enough as is... and yet, that's not even the main focus of the game! Anyone would be well aware of the trademark From Software difficulty, and Bloodborne certainly doesn't disappoint in this regard. It creates an experience that is both daunting yet incredibly satisfying, with the slightest modicum of progress feeling incredibly satisfying.

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So, it should be no surprise that fans who obsess over the genius of Miyazaki would delve into the game and unearth everything there is to know about this title. There are still ten elusive things about Bloodborne that most members of the fanbase know nothing about.

10 The Doors At The Ends Of The Great Bridge And Cathedral Ward Are Connected

Cleric Beast

For the longest time, people had no idea what the doors at the end of the Cleric Beast arena and the very end of the Cathedral Ward led to.

After some research, a player decided to place Shining Coins at the Great Bridge door and ran all the way back to the Cathedral Ward entrance. This experiment had a successful conclusion — the shine of these coins could be seen, meaning that these two doors were connected.

9 There's A Rune Pattern In The Astral Clocktower That Isn't In The Game

Rakuyo Lady Maria Bloodborne The Old Hunters

After defeating Lady Maria, players can use the Celestial Dial to interact with the Astral Clocktower, causing a bunch of runes to appear as the path to the Fishing Hamlet is unlocked.

However, in this sequence, there's a rune pattern that appears in the moving clock face... but doesn't exist in the game. Fans believe that this is the Level 3 Guidance Rune, which is yet to be found.

8 Kos Has A Human Face

Kos Face Woman Bloodborne

The Orphan of Kos is probably the hardest boss ever designed by From Software, and the joy that players experience after defeating this boss and ending The Old Hunters DLC might overshadow their eye for detail.

RELATED: 10 Best Bloodborne Bosses Ranked By Most Satisfying To Beat

However, players who keep a cool head and inspect the body of Kos in detail will notice that she has a distinctly human face, which is quite interesting indeed.

7 One Of The Hunters The Player Can Fight In The Hunter's Dream Is Amelia

The Hunter's Dream is one of the best areas in Bloodborne, and a testament to the sheer quality of The Old Hunters DLC. Players will notice several callbacks to the events of Bloodborne... including the appearance of a hunter whom the player is all too familiar with in battle.

Upon reaching the lift that leads to the Research Hall, the player will be accosted by two hunters... one of whom is Amelia herself. It's quite a blast to fight Amelia in her human form, and the second hunter certainly adds a ton of complexity to the fight as well.

6 The Body In Ludwig's Area Can Survive The Boss Fight

Upon entering Ludwig's boss room, the player will be greeted by a living corpse whose sole task is to hype up this admittedly amazing encounter... before getting obliterated by Ludwig's insane attacks.

That being said, a skillful player can actually prevent Ludwig from going bananas and killing this poor individual if they place themselves correctly throughout the entire fight.

Not that it matters, since he just laughs like a maniac and doesn't utter a single word if the player interacts with him.

5 Messengers Can Be Seen Pulling The Lever Down If The Player Buys The Hunter Chief Emblem

Buying the Hunter Chief Emblem is an easier way to unlock the gate that leads to the Grand Cathedral. However, one might ask how spending a few souls can magically open up a gate in this area.

RELATED: Bloodborne: 10 Hidden Areas You Didn’t Know Existed

Well, this question is answered if the player has high enough Insight — the lever right next to the open gate will be crowded by a bunch of Messengers who were clearly assigned this task.

4 No Old Ones Will Spawn In The Witch Of Hemwick Fight If The Player Has Zero Insight

The Witch of Hemwick is one of the worst boss fights in the entire game, to the point where even calling it a boss is giving this encounter too much credit. These Witches barely have any attacks of their own, and the Old Ones that spawn into this battle are the most docile enemies in the entire game.

That being said, the player can make this battle even easier by dying or leaving the boss battle early, spending all their Insight, and coming back to the fight. Upon doing so, they'll notice that not a single Old One will spawn throughout the fight, turning the entire experience into a ridiculous game of hide-and-seek.

3 Gascoigne Has A Different Reaction To The Music Box When He's Summoned

Bloodborne Gascoigne

Everyone is already well aware of Gascoigne's pained reaction when the player plays the music box during the battle.

However, Father Gascoigne can also be summoned for the fight with the Cleric Beast. Playing the music box while he's around as an ally will cause him to chuckle, which is a pretty neat detail indeed.

2 Adella Always Looks Over At The Player When They Converse With Arianna

Arianna in Bloodborne

One might assume that a nun would have more sense than a harlot, but Bloodborne has a habit of turning common tropes over their head.

So, in this game, it's Adella the Nun who turns out to be a complete psycho, and Arianna turns out to be the more sensible person... and also unlocks the path to the secret ending.

Most people know that Adella will kill Arianna if the latter's blood is taken more than three times, but what they might not be aware of is that Adella always jealously looks over at the player every single time they talk with Arianna, which is quite obsessive indeed.

1 There's A Very Rare Event With Gerhman In The Hunter's Dream

Gerhman is one of the most tragic characters in the entire game, and players can catch a glimpse into his pain if they're lucky enough.

At one point in the Hunter's Dream, players can walk over to Gerhman's cabin and hear him muttering in his sleep. The pain in his voice and the things he talks about is truly indicative of what a horrible life he's led.

NEXT: 5 Things We Want From Bloodborne 2 (& 5 We Don’t)