One simply can't talk about some of the best PS4 exclusives of all time without mentioning FromSoftware's Lovecraftian masterpiece that became an instant classic upon release. Bloodborne took everything that was done right in Dark Souls and integrated it into a new, haunting setting that is still considered by many to be the best game world ever created by this esteemed studio — a bold statement, given the developer's established pedigree.

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A big part of what gives life to the world of Bloodborne is a varied selection of enemies, each of which is memorable in their own right. Players can definitely pick and choose some memorable foes that gave them quite a tough time in the game... although there are times when these normal enemies can truly become the bane of any hunter's existence. This statement will make a ton of sense once the reader looks at the toughest enemies in Bloodborne, who are so infamous that most players consider them to be tougher than most of the bosses themselves!

Updated on February 12th, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: Bloodborne is one of the greatest action-adventure games of all time. FromSoftware's title takes huge inspiration from gothic and Lovecraftian settings, allowing players to experience a one-of-a-kind game that is considered by many to be Miyazaki's magnum opus. Of course, just like the rest of the Soulsborne titles, Bloodborne is also pretty hard with a litany of enemies that can absolutely decimate the player. The toughest of the bunch are mentioned below.

10 Two Werewolves On The Central Yharnam Bridge

Werewolves Werewolf Bridge Cleric Beast Bloodborne

While the werewolves might turn from a rather daunting one into easy prey as the player progresses through the game, there's no denying that the first encounter hunters have with the two werewolves on the bridge leading up to the Cleric Beast is an absolute pain.

Trying to get past this area without cheesing this encounter is easily one of the hardest parts of the early game, and even the four werewolves that are fought in the dark in the Upper Cathedral Ward don't hold a candle to this particular encounter.

How to Defeat

A great way to tackle these werewolves early on is to run past them and into the doorway to the left of the bridge. The werewolves will follow the player but get stuck behind this doorframe. Now, players can easily cheese these enemies with a few attacks before they're both down for the count.

9 Snatcher

Snatcher Bloodborne

Snatchers are one of the most intriguing enemies in Bloodborne, and it's a shame that they disappear after the Blood Moon rises.

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Encountering one of these enemies for the first time can prove to be rather intimidating, especially when a Snatcher kills the player and hauls them off to the Hypogean Gaol.

How to Defeat

For the most part, players should try and play defensive while attacking these enemies. Only attack when a window appears and back off to avoid the monster's attacks. This strategy changes once the Snatcher's health has been lowered extensively since it starts buffing up to deal major damage. Now, players should either try and stagger the enemy or wail on it as much as possible, since the fight becomes way harder when the Snatcher becomes more aggressive.

8 Abhorrent Beast

Abhorrent Beast Bloodborne

While there's only one Abhorrent Beast that the player can fight in the game — and that too after hitting an NPC — there's no denying just how tough this encounter really is.

Fighting this beast as a boss in the Chalice Dungeons can prove to be rather challenging, but there's no denying just how satisfying it feels to take down this enemy once and for all.

How to Defeat

The Abhorrent Beast can be cheesed through the doorway leading up to the roof. He still has a ranged shockwave that can hit for decent damage, so players should measure their hits and dodge when the need arises.

7 Winter Lantern

Winter Lanterns in Bloodborne

Frenzy is the worst stat in Bloodborne, and players should ideally do everything in their power to avoid this status from afflicting their character.

So, an enemy that inflicts this status affliction onto the player would be a pain to deal with, and the Winter Lanterns definitely fit the bill in this regard. There's a reason why most hunters choose to run from this abomination since getting grabbed by this enemy is akin to a death sentence.

How to Defeat

Winter Lanterns only have the one grab move, so try and parry them during this phase to stagger them and land a visceral attack. If all goes well, then the rally from this visceral should make up for all the damage incurred. Along with this, keeping a healthy dose of Sedatives and Blood Vials is also a must.

6 Nightmare Executioner

Nightmare Executioner Vicar of the Cosmos Bloodborne

The Old Hunters DLC is one of the best expansion packs in gaming history, especially since its ramps up the difficulty to a T and unlocks the quintessential From Software experience.

One of the enemies that this DLC introduces is the Nightmare Executioner, which takes the attacks of the base game's Executioner and ramps it up by a considerable margin. Trying to fight this enemy after it transforms is easily one of the hardest challenges any player can put themselves through.

How to Defeat

For the most part, judicious dodging and parrying should be the bread-and-butter of most players against this enemy. To tackle the two Nightmare Executioners that come before the Ludwig boss fight, players should prioritize the ranged cannoneer and take him out quickly before focusing on the other melee-focused one.

5 Giant Fishman

Shark Giant Fishman Bloodborne

However, when one talks about hard enemies from the DLC, nothing comes close to the horror show that is the Giant Fishman. There are only four of these enemies in the Fishing Hamlet, and yet these guys are so intimidating in battle that pretty much every player fears the idea of having to deal with such an abomination.

The fact that the Rakuyo is hidden behind a fight with two Giant Fishmen — one of whom ambushes the player — is easily the worst thing From Software has ever done.

How to Defeat

The Giant Fishmen are extremely unpredictable and can absolutely decimate the player. The ones to really worry about are the two defending the Rakuyo. Players should deal with the first Giant Fishman as needed, but it's when he brings the other monster down that things get really tricky. Here, players should use the Shaman Bone Blade to turn one enemy against the other, making things slightly easier.

4 The Gatling Gun Hunter

The Gatling Gun in Bloodborne

It would be impossible to talk about hard enemies without mentioning the slew of hunters that the player has to deal with throughout the game. While these enemies don't regenerate, they're still quite a pain to deal with regardless.

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The first hunter in question is one of Djura's youngest partners, who wields the Gatling Gun with prime finesse. Players need to dodge and weave around this gunfire to quickly deal with this enemy, otherwise they'll definitely be stunlocked to death.

How to Defeat

Players need to maintain a safe distance whenever the Hunter readies his gun, and then rush him after the barrage is over to land some quick hits. Having a powerful ranged weapon here helps quite a bit.

3 Yurie, The Last Scholar

Yurie The Last Scholar Bloodborne

The trek to Byrgenwerth can prove to be quite a challenge indeed, even though the end result may be somewhat underwhelming. However, people who decide to lower their guard after entering the main building will be in for a rude awakening.

This is because of the hunter that sets upon them — Yurie, the Last Scholar. His attacks are quite damaging, and he continuously spams Arcane spells like the Augur of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond. A player who doesn't bring their A-game to this battle will surely find themselves unable to reach Rom's boss fight, no matter what.

How to Defeat

Cheesing the AI by rushing down the stairs works quite well since Yurie will de-aggro at the base of the stairs and head up with their back turned to the player. This opens them up for a visceral attack that should significantly reduce the overall difficulty of this battle.

2 The Three Hunters Of Yahar'gul

Three Hunters Yahargul Bloodborne

Yahar'gul is already an annoying enough area to explore as is, but what makes this fight even worse are the three hunters that ambush the player in the area that used to house the Hypogean Gaol lamp.

Dealing with this ambush is quite a pain...but even the might of these three hunters combined doesn't come close to the danger one exposes themselves to when they engage in a duel with the hardest hunter battle in the game... which will be mentioned in the next and final entry.

How to Defeat

A great way to cheese the three Hunters is to bait them near the base of the staircase before wailing them with hits. The AI goes completely bonkers and does not realize whether it should attack the player or head back to the top, making this fight significantly more manageable.

1 The Bloody Crow Of Cainhurst

Bloody Crow Of Cainhurst Bloodborne

Eileen the Crow's questline is easily one of the more epic storylines in Bloodborne, but the final step that one needs to accomplish to complete it can prove to be a bit too much for some hunters.

Near the end of the questline, players need to engage in a one-on-one battle with the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, who is easily the hardest hunter fight in the entirety of Bloodborne. His firearm hits for massive damage, his Chikage can combo players into oblivion... and he can heal himself in battle as well! It's easily one of the hardest fights in Bloodborne, but the reward for beating this seemingly insurmountable obstacle definitely makes up for the horrors that the player has to endure.

How to Defeat

Players who don't want to deal with the hassle of tacking this hunter head-on can cheese him through the doorway of the Great Cathedral. It might not be the most epic way to win this fight, but it's still better than nothing.

Bloodborne was released on March 24th, 2015, and the game is available for PS4.

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