
  • FromSoftware creates captivating games like Bloodborne and Elden Ring known for rich lore and storytelling.
  • Themes of fatherhood and motherhood are depicted in Yharnam and the Lands Between, adding depth to characters and game worlds.
  • Characters like Father Gascoigne, Queen Yharnam, and others in Bloodborne and Elden Ring showcase complex relationships and tragic backstories.

FromSoftware is no stranger to developing games with rich and compelling lore, proven by its masterpieces, the highly acclaimed Bloodborne and 2022 Game of the Year Winner, Elden Ring. With numerous stories to tell and even more that will be provided in the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, players can touch upon or theorize certain topics that the two games haven't fully emphasized or established. Although some subjects are blatantly expressed via gameplay or cutscenes, a few require players to be more meticulous to notice the subtle details that express underlying themes. As for the case of fatherhood and motherhood, there are multiple instances where they're gracefully depicted in both Yharnam and the Lands Between.

While known for their difficult yet captivating gameplay, Elden Ring and Bloodborne are also popular for their fascinating lore and storytelling. Despite the size of their worlds and the complexity of their in-game narratives, the two games manage to capture and hold a player's attention through well-crafted dialogue, combat sequences, and item descriptions. Another amazing way that the two titles are able to express intricate plotlines and in-game history is through their world's inhabitants. Both Elden Ring and Bloodborne have fascinating characters with unique tales, and among the most memorable are the ones that tackle parenthood.

FromSoftware Has Bad News for Elden Ring Fans

FromSoftware's Hidetaka Miyazaki shares some news that may upset fans of the developer's open world action-RPG Elden Ring.

The Sorrowful Tales of Yharnam’s Parental Figures

Bloodborne is full of intelligent characters whose actions are fueled by humanity's greed and arrogance, specifically that of Laurence and the Healing Church, which is why the world is in the depressing and dangerous state it is in. The eldritch beings known as the Great Ones also play an integral role, as it was through their blood that caused the plague of the beasts, transforming humans into nightmarish creatures. Regardless of the state of Bloodborne's world, both humans and Great Ones yearn to leave offspring, with some being successful at a cost. Tragically, those who manage to do so meet gruesome ends more often than not.

The Tragedy of Father Gascoigne

Players who beat Father Gascoigne might disregard him as another crazy hunter who has succumbed to being blood-drunk. However, those who have taken the time to uncover Gascoigne's story will realize that he was a father and husband who, even with a slowly degrading mind, wished for nothing but to slay abominations to protect those he cared for.

Players who visit a specific house in Central Yharnam can interact with the hunter's daughter, who lovingly mentions him. The little girl states that she and her mother often play a music box to ensure that Gascoigne doesn't lose his sense of self. This shows that, despite his mind being slowly corrupted by the beastly scourge, he can overcome hardships by remembering his love for his wife and child. Although Gascoigne eventually falls into a blood-crazed state and is slain by the player, there is at least some comfort in knowing that he was once a man who would gladly put his life on the line for his family.

Why a Bloodborne PS6 Remake Could Be More Than Wishful Thinking

With Bloodborne currently left behind on the PlayStation 4, now is the perfect time for Sony to start planning a remake for a future console.

Queen Yharnam and Kos, Mothers of Two Different Circumstances

Although Pthumerian Queen Yharnam and Kos the Great One differ in species, both share the similarity of having to birth offspring of eldritch origins. While Kos, also referred to as Kosm, was always meant to have children to fulfill the goal of the Great Ones replacing the ones they lost, Yharnam was forced into becoming a surrogate mother by Bloodborne's monstrous deities. Despite the horrific circumstances of her pregnancy, the queen seems to have a bond with her eldritch offspring, Mergo. This is further impounded in her boss fight as one of her attacks involves Mergo's cry, stunning the player temporarily. Hers is a very complicated form of motherhood.

In contrast, Kosm shows motherly instincts by feeding and protecting the villagers of the Fishing Hamlet to ensure her offspring, the Orphan of Kos, continues to survive. Even after death, Kosm punishes the hunters who tried to defile her child for the sake of transcendence by placing them in a world of unending torment that's fittingly called the Hunter's Nightmare. The Great One and the Pthumerian queen symbolize what a mother is willing to do and endure to protect her offspring.

The Fractured Relationships Between the Rulers of the Lands Between

Given what players know of Queen Marika and her role in Elden Ring, the numerous connections between her and other important figures can be described as complex and bewildering. Although there is much to learn about the broad history of the Lands Between, it is clear that the demi-gods who rule over it have been granted unfathomable power by their parental figures, but at the cost of numerous strained relationships. Even so, there are instances of certain characters depicting some semblance of fatherly and motherly behavior.

The Elden Lords and Their Sons

Radagon of the Golden Order and the first Elden Lord Godfrey, once known as Hoarah Loux, are exceptionally powerful champions capable of besting any who oppose their wife and queen, Marika. Despite their achievements, they are not known for being upstanding fatherly figures. For Godfrey, there was no time to develop bonds with any of his sons, as he was tasked with winning numerous military campaigns for the queen and the Golden Order. Despite never actually forming connections, he shows a semblance of sadness upon holding the lifeless body of his son Morgott, showing that he did have some form of love for his children.

On the other hand, while Radagon mostly ignored his other children, he did show paternal qualities during his interactions with his son, Miquella. The two developed a quiet bond due to their similar interests in Fundamentalism, even gifting each other with powerful incantations. Although Miquella eventually abandoned Radagon and Fundamentalism without a hint of resistance from his father, there was at least a small showing of a positive connection.

The Queens of the Lands Between

The ruler of the Lands Between, Queen Marika, is not known for showing any kind of motherly care. Imprisoning her Omen-born sons, Morgott and Mohg, underground to appease public perception of her Golden Order, shows that she places her own needs above her children. Although her cruel actions are to prepare her offspring and the world's inhabitants for the hardships they will eventually face, what she does leaves the impression of a heartless and calculating mother and ruler. In contrast, Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, at least has a relationship with her only daughter, Ranni. This is proven by the following interactions between the two:

  • Rennala guiding her daughter to a meeting with a moon of her own, allowing Ranni to gain power equivalent to that of her mother
  • Ranni casting a protective spell on her mother after she's left heartbroken due to the betrayal of Radagon, the Queen of the Full Moon's former husband

This shows that Rennala had given enough maternal love to her daughter that she was willing to reciprocate it. Given the complicated relationships between the demi-god children and their parental figures, this is one of the few that is somewhat positive.

Although Bloodborne and Elden Ring have numerous characters with tragic backstories, there is enough information showing that, despite their circumstances, some are willing to show care and devotion to those who matter to them. There are still many points in both games' lore regarding in-game relationships that are shrouded in obscurity, but ultimately, it's not all dark.