It would be hard to talk about the best PlayStation exclusives of all time without mentioning the masterpiece that is Bloodborne. The game features Miyazaki at his very peak, with the game pulling no punches in terms of delivering a stellar experience full to the brim with excellent world-building and a combat system that might be hard to master but is infinitely satisfying to do so.

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A big part of what makes Bloodborne such an incredible experience is its vast array of unique weapons, each of which has amazing movesets of its own. Of course, when it comes to a PvP situation, some weapons are just better than others. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the best PvP weapons players can use in Bloodborne.

10 Burial Blade

Burial Blade in Bloodborne

The Burial Blade is a fan-favorite of many hunters in the game. The fact that Gerhman uses this blade definitely adds to the legendary allure of this blade.

The insane range of the Burial Blade is one of the major reasons why it's a part of this list. However, players need to complete the entire game to get a chance of wielding this weapon, which can be quite a major task indeed.

9 Ludwig's Holy Blade

Ludwig's Holy Blade in Bloodborne

There's a reason why so many people love using Ludwig's Holy Blade in Bloodborne. The weapon is fairly easy to use and can benefit quite a bit from a Quality build.

The only reason why it's so low on this list is that almost everyone uses this weapon, making the strategies to counter it pretty easy. A single bullet is all that's required to parry a strike from this telegraphed weapon.

8 Blades Of Mercy

Blade Of Mercy in Bloodborne

Out of all the weapons on this list, the Blade of Mercy is easily the coolest weapon players can use in the game. This weapon features the longest unique combo chain of any weapon, with a total of eight different attacks in the chain!

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Players need a fair bit of stamina to use this weapon, but the end result will be more than worth it. It might not have the highest damage, but the flashy nature of this weapon more than makes up for this drawback.

7 Logarius' Wheel

Logarius' Wheel in Bloodborne

The Logarius' Wheel might seem like a weapon that only looks cool with not a lot of utility. After all, the weapon is pretty slow and can be quite a pain to use at times.

However, players going for a purely Arcane build can absolutely destroy players with this weapon. However, this does take a fair bit of investment, and most players are better off opting for other weapons with lesser barriers to entry.

6 Kos Parasite

Kos Parasite in Bloodborne

The Kos Parasite is one of the few weapons in the game that scales solely with Arcane. This can be a source of great news for players who opt for such a build, with the Milkweed Rune further enhancing the power and moveset of this weapon.

It's easily one of the most unique weapons on this list, with an AoE magic attack in its transformed state that can hit for immense damage at the cost of two Quicksilver Bullets. Players who have the build to utilize this weapon will find themselves enjoying the Kos Parasite quite a bit... even though the idea of an Arcane build can be somewhat complex for many to carry out.

5 Chikage

The Chikage in Bloodborne

The Chikage is a legendary weapon that players can obtain during their trek through Cainhurst Castle. This weapon scales with both Skill and Bloodtinge, with the latter being activated in its transformed state.

The Chikage might chip away at the lifeforce of the player, but its increased damage more than makes up for this drawback. Players should try not spamming this weapon and only unleash strikers when it's completely necessary.

4 Rakuyo

Rakuyo Lady Maria Bloodborne The Old Hunters

The Rakuyo is the weapon of choice for Lady Maria, turning from a single sword into two blades at a moment's notice. It's got a great moveset and high damage, making it great in a PvP situation.

Of course, the act of getting this weapon can be too much for some players to bear. Dealing with one Shark Giant is hard enough as is, but having to deal with two at the same time is akin to a death sentence that only the most skilled or crafty players can overcome.

3 Church Pick

extended mode of the church pick that looks like a sharpened hoe.

The Church Pick is another weapon that players can obtain in the Hunter's Nightmare DLC. It's a great weapon of choice for players who want a simple yet effective weapon to beat other players with.

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The Church Pick doesn't have any major weaknesses, which is why it's the perfect weapon in a PvP scenario where such openings are generally punished. It might not be the most exciting weapon around, but it's quite a blast to use regardless.

2 Beasthunter Saif

Beasthunter Saif in Bloodborne

The Beasthunter Saif might seem like nothing more than a unique version of the Saw Cleaver and Spear. However, there's more to this weapon than what meets the eye.

A big positive of the Beasthunter Saif is the sheer range of its attacks, which can decimate even the strongest of foes. This is precisely why so many people adore this weapon in a PvP scenario.

1 Saw Cleaver/Spear

The Saw Cleaver in Bloodborne

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about amazing PvP weapons without talking about two of the greatest weapons in Bloodborne... one of which can be obtained as a starter weapon! The Saw Cleaver and Spear are two of the fastest weapons in the game, making them amazing in a PvP scenario.

It helps that both weapons have excellent transformation attacks with great reach as well. Most people won't go wrong with bringing these weapons into battle against another player, since their chances of victory will be quite high indeed.

Bloodborne is available on PlayStation 4.

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