Of the two hidden types of damage found in the game, the other being Serration, Righteous damage is very situational and considered by most to only be helpful in very niche situations against only a few enemies. However, it gets much higher percentage bonuses on some of the weapons that possess it.

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The 6 weapons in Bloodborne that have this damage type vary in how much extra health they can cleave from foes, ranging from 20% (the same percentage boost Serration weapons gain versus beast enemies) to a staggering 50%. The four kinds of enemies weak to Righteous damage are bloodlickers, bound widows, evil labyrinth spirits, and lost children of antiquity. Though this does not mean that Righteous weapons are only useful against these foes, they are just the ones that get absolutely wrecked. There are plenty of situations where these 6 weapons can be deadly arms for any hunter.

6 Threaded Cane

As one of the starting weapons that new hunters can begin with, the Threaded Cane can be a tricky one to get used to. It only gets its Righteous damage bonus while in its regular form: that of an ordinary-looking cane. In combat, it acts very much like a sword and should be used as such. Its range in this mode is quite short, though the attack speed allows its wielder to evade quickly as well as gives it high Rally potential for some nice health recovery.

This is a prime weapon for those seeking to pursue a Skill build, as it achieves a huge A-tier scaling in this stat alongside a notable B-tier in Arcane when fully upgraded. For amusingly poking and smacking enemies upside their heads, there is no better weapon, despite paling in comparison to others in terms of damage.

5 Church Pick

extended mode of the church pick that looks like a sharpened hoe.

The Church Pick is one of the most versatile weapons that a hunter can pick up, as it deals Righteous, Serration, and Thrust type damage in both its base form and its trick mode. As such, it can be useful against a huge amount of enemies, particularly foes of the Cainhurst Church who take a bonus of 20% Righteous-based damage. Its basic mode allows for quick attacks and versatile combos that let players control the flow of battle as long as they keep an eye on their stamina.

However, in its trick mode, it acts much more like a polearm, appearing like a scythe that does Thrust damage as opposed to Blunt damage akin to many other similar weapons. This is the form players should use if they need some more space from foes as it has a much better reach than its base form. It is another weapon that favors Skill more than other stats, gaining B-tier when fully upgraded.

4 Logarius' Wheel

Logarius' Wheel in Bloodborne

Among one of the oddest-looking weapons in the game, hunters should not dismiss Logarius' Wheel, as it has many boons in addition to having a 30% Righteous damage boost in both of its similar-looking forms. This wheel of pain is one of the only weapons in the entire game that gain an S-tier scaling in Strength at the maximum upgrade level, making it one of the best weapons for power-hungry builds.

RELATED: Bloodborne: 15 Best Strength Weapons, Ranked

However, in its trick mode, despite looking almost the same, its scaling with Strength swaps with its scaling in Arcane, making it one of the only weapons to also gain S-tier in that stat, albeit only in this alternate form. It can be buffed as well in this other mode to further increase its already huge damage potential. The best method for wielding it is quite simple: slam it down upon the skulls of foes at close range and laugh at their pancaked bodies.

3 Kirkhammer

kirkhammer in in its faster form.

With polarizing offensive strategies, the Kirkhammer can be used in a variety of ways, though it only gets its Righteous damage boost in its regular mode: its sword form. This bladed weapon functions much like other sword weapons in Bloodborne and one should follow their instincts to slash and evade accordingly while wielding this silver sword.

The percentage boost it gains against foes weak to Righteous damage is a massive 50%, allowing players to completely obliterate them in a very short timespan. As it gains A-tier scaling in Strength when fully upgraded, it is one of the only sword weapons to be able to take advantage of this stat instead of Skill, allowing it to be a faster option for beefy builds.

2 Ludwig's Holy Blade

player holding the blade in hunter's dream's workshop.

With some of the most even scaling in the game, Ludwig's Holy Blade can be an excellent choice for almost any build since it gains B-tier scaling in Strength, Skill, and Arcane respectively when fully upgraded. As such, it is probably one of the most used weapons among all hunters.

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In both its regular longsword and trick mode greatsword forms, it possesses a hefty 50% bonus from its Righteous damage. Though it is much more useful than simply cutting down enemies of the Cainhurst Church, for its moveset possesses a huge variance of smoothly-transitioning attacks that make great use of every bit of stamina. Its range is also very satisfying and helps hunters out-space many foes with ease in almost every scenario.

1 Holy Moonlight Sword

Holy Moonlight Sword in Bloodborne

As this FromSoftware game's version of the Moonlight Greatsword from the Dark Souls games (and even older titles by this legendary game developer), this massive glowing blade is accordingly powerful. The Old Moonlight Sword is a primarily Arcane weapon that gains a sizable A-tier scaling in this stat when upgraded to the max for satisfying damage birthed from the abyssal cosmos.

In its base form, it acts similarly to the greatsword form of Ludwig's Holy Blade with wide slashes that cover a large area, though it is much more famous, and fun to use, in its trick mode, as this is when it can launch waves of celestial energy with its strong attack for the cost of only a single Quicksilver Bullet per magic missile. In both of its impressive forms, it possesses a huge 50% Righetous damage bonus, which combined with its innate ranged attacks in trick mode allow it to be arguably the best out of all the Righteous weapons.

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