Bloodborne featured a number of monstrosities that players had to fight, many of which were the stuff of nightmares, vicious and twisted beings that helped establish the dark atmosphere of the game. Bloodborne's enemies embrace the grotesque, creating an atmosphere that not many other games capture as well.

One of those foes is Bloodborne's Vicar Amelia, who starts as a human woman but transforms into a hulking beast when players face her. Her transformation is shocking, with blood spraying out when she becomes the monster that gamers must challenge. Amelia goes from an ash blonde woman in tattered white robes to a massive lupine-type creature with a wild mane of hair, antlers, and a smile comprised of sharp fangs. One fan has taken inspiration from the game and created an art piece featuring the character.

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A Redditor user known as ExImryll created a 3D painting of Amelia featuring both her human form and the monster she becomes in Bloodborne. A platform extrudes from the bottom of the painting on which Amelia in her human guise kneels. Coming out the top of the painting is her head when in beast form, along with her massive claws. The rest of the painting is made up of red splattered on a black background which is reminiscent of blood sprayed on the wall.

ExImryll explains that the platform and Amelia in both forms were 3D printed. The artist stated this is a work in progress and that they will be adding candles at the bottom around Amelia with LEDs in them. ExImryll says that once the candles are set they will play around with the piece a little more.

The painting of Amelia has received a lot of love. Fans are calling the piece awesome and incredible, and cannot wait to see the piece when it is finished. A few admirers state that they want one, even asking where they could get such a painting from. Though the painting is not done, it is still an incredible piece that helps capture the macabre nature of Amelia and her transformation. The enemies faced in Bloodborne are terrifying, and the painting captures that perfectly.

ExImryll is not the only one creating Bloodborne fan art. A Redditor going by the name shimhaq98 created a digital painting featuring Bloodborne's Hunter and Melania from Elden Ring. In the drawing, Malenia is in her second form and waits on her knees as the good hunter readies their sword for the final blow. The piece features the use of a lot of dark colors, with the only bright spots being Melania's fiery red hair and the butterflies coming off of it. The painting shows that shimhaq98 feels that the good hunter would win should they battle Melania, bringing the character to her knees before she dies.

Bloodborne is available now on PS4.

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