Blood Bowl 3 is a fantasy football game played by humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, and other fantasy creatures. Each player has a team of miniature players on a hexagonal grid. Players must move the ball toward the opponent's end zone to score points while facing enemy players, environmental hazards, and unpredictable dice rolls.

Blood Bowl 3 also features a leveling system in which players gain experience and acquire new abilities over time. In the game, Mutation Skills are abilities possessed after the player's exposure to magic. Each mutation skill provides unique characteristics to the player, and teams that rely heavily on these skills can be unpredictable and difficult to counter. However, Mutation Skills are expensive and may only be available to some groups. Here are a few Skills that are ideal for developing early on.

10 The Big Hand

The big hand in Blood bowl

The Big Hand mutation causes one of the player's hands to grow in size, allowing them to pick up balls quickly, even in heavy traffic situations. This makes it a handy skill for players in ball retrieval roles, such as Gutter Runners or Chaos Beastmen.

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The skill also allows the player to force other teams to attempt the same pick-up before them, giving a tactical advantage. This is particularly useful for teams in the Underworld, who may struggle in rainy conditions when the ball is in tackle zones. Players can ignore the rainy modifier or tackle zones with the Big Hand Mutation.

9 Claws Skill

Claw skill

In Blood Bowl, the Claw mutation skill renders enemy armor useless. It is particularly effective against players with an armor value of 7 or higher; however, it is useless against players with an armor value of 6 or less.

In addition to the armor negation, Zombies with the Claw mutation can shred armor and cause injuries. This makes it an excellent mutation skill for these undead players.

8 Extra Limb

Extra limb

The mutation of having an extra limb is a great advantage for players, as it allows them to attack twice per turn with a weapon. This is particularly useful for picking up the ball, passing, and intercepting.

For players with AG3, this mutation makes it easier to pick up the ball, especially when combined with the Sure Hands skill. However, this mutation does not allow for additional cipher or esoteric attacks.

7 Disturbing Presence

blood-bowl-3- disturbing presence

Disturbing Presence is a Mutation skill that creates a disturbing aura around the player who possesses it. This aura instills fear and panic in opposing players.

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When passing, intercepting, or catching the ball, opposing players who have someone with Disturbing Presence within three squares must subtract one from their D6 roll. This penalty applies even if the player using the Disturbing Presence skill is Stunned or Prone. This skill only affects opponents, and not those on the equipping players team.

6 Foul Appearance

foul appearance

This mutation skill allows a player to move and then make a block action, even if they have already moved that turn. If the player fails the skill roll, they lose their action and can't take any other Blitz actions.

If an opponent blocks or uses a specific action against the Blitzer, a six-sided die roll of 1 loses the action.

5 Prehensile Tail

Blood Bowl 3 tail skill
source: Reddit

A player with the Prehensile Tail mutation has a thick tail that trips up opponents. The opposing team's ability to avoid getting tackled by these players is compromised by this mutation, as they must subtract one from their D6 dodging roll. Also, if player is marking an opponent, and that opponent tries to escape by jumping out of the square, their agility check will be penalized by a further -1 in that case.

However, if multiple players with this mutation mark the same opponent, only one of them can use it. Overall, this mutation gives the player an advantage in disrupting the opposing team's movements and making it harder for them to escape their tackle zones.

4 Horns


Horns is a mutation skill that allows players to use their horns to butt opponents during a Blitz action. This skill adds +1 to the player's Strength when making a block, reducing the need for blocking assists and making blitzes more reliable.

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Before blocking, the player must move one square. Skaven, Chaos Pact, and Underworld, which have mutation skills, can all use Horns to their advantage.

3 Very Long Legs

Very long leg mutation skill

When using the skill to leap over a prone or stunned opponent, an empty square, or a standing opponent, Very Long Legs reduces the amount by which the Agility test's negative modifier is increased by 1.

Additionally, the player has the ability to improve their deterrence and pass disruption attempts by +2.

2 Two Heads

Two Heads

The "Two Head Mutation" skill lets the player see both their own and their opponent's movements at once, giving them greater awareness of everything that's happening on the field. In a game where there's a lot happening at once, this can be a big advantage.

This ability boosts Dodge defense by one and improves situational awareness and reflexes, helping players avoid attacks and maneuver around opponents. It's a great skill that helps keep players from getting hit with attacks.

1 Tentacles

Tentacles skill

Acting as extra limbs, Tentacles can help a player tackle an opponent. When a player from the opposing team leaves the tackle zone of a player that has Tentacles, the opposing coach rolls two dice, adds their player's ST to the score, and subtracts the Tentacles player's ST from the score.

The player is stopped if the numbers add up to five or less, as one Tentacle's player can grab a moving player. The tentacle can then knock that player to the ground.

Blood Bowl 3 is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Windows, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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