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After being left for dead by the traitorous Aizen, many fans mourned Tier Harribel and her troops, who were technically the enemy, but loved all the same. Viewers are overjoyed at discovering that the Tres Bestias are back in action for the Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War, as they take on the Quincy to rescue their beloved leader, Lady Halibel.

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The Tres Bestias appear to have lost no faith in their fallen leader and will clearly stop at nothing to annihilate Harribel's captors, as they know full well that she would do the same for them! Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun are the proud Arrancar of the great Harribel's Fracción, who currently rule over Hueco Mundo.

This article will not contain spoilers from Bleach : Thousand Year Blood War, currently streaming on Hulu .

9 They Weren't Always Humanoid

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Hollow forms Apacci, Sung-Sun, Milla Rose

Before this Fracción of fearless female warriors was formed, Apacci, Sung-Sun, and Mila Rose were far from being hot humanoid Hollows. When they were still in their Menos states, these luscious ladies were more beast than (wo)man, but luckily for them, Harribel took pity on them nonetheless.

Remnants of their animalistic counterparts can still be seen today, particularly in their Resureccion forms. Apacci's Adjuchas-class Menos build resembled that of a deer, Sung-Sun previously embodied a snake form, while Mila Rose channeled her inner Lioness.

8 Aizen Saved Their Lives (Only To Try and Kill Them Later)

Aizen using Kido in Bleach

Who would have thought that the man that led to the great Tier Harribel's downfall was the one to save her and the Tres Bestias in the first place? Back in the days when her Fracción were nothing more than Menos, Baraggan Louisenbairn's minions constantly threatened their lives and even the Vasto Lorde, Harribel, was incapable of incapacitating them.

Fortunately for these lucky ladies, Aizen showed up just in time to save them from one of his own creations, killing the ferocious Hollow without a second thought. In exchange for their lives, the Tres Bestias and their leader were turned into Arrancar by Aizen and formed the only all-girl group in his army.

7 Apacci Is the "Oldest"

Emilou Apacci in Bleach

The almighty Aizen loved to stroke his own ego by giving himself the authority to rank the Arrancar, although, contrary to popular belief, he does not classify them purely according to strength. The top-performing Espada are arranged according to their Reiryoku level, while the remaining Números were assigned digits according to their birth (transitioning from Hollows to Arrancar.)

RELATED: Bleach: Strongest Hollow, Ranked

Aizen would then individually assess his Números and chose prospective Espada from there; although, in Harribel's case, she had a lot of say in the matter of her Fracción. Apacci was the first to make the transition and sits at the 54th position, with Mila Rose in the middle, and Sung-Sun rounding things off with the 56th spot.

6 They Created Ayon (Out of Their Bodyparts)

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Ayon Apacci, Sung-Sun, Milla Rose

This horrific Hollow causes such a ruckus in Fake Karakura Town that the Shinigami are forced to bring out the big guns and step aside as their Captain Commander, Yamamoto unleashes his fury upon the beast. Ayon is not just another ordinary Hollow after all, as he quite literally has the essence of all the Tres Bestias flowing through his system.

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During their battle against the Gotei 13 members (Momo Hinamori and Rangiku Matsumoto), things began to weigh too heavily in the Shinigami's favor, so the Tres Bestias did what anyone would; they each ripped off their own left arm. Using Quimera Parca, Ayon was born as an independent entity (however, one that clearly cannot follow commands.)

5 Sung-Sun Can Shed Her Skin

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Sung Sun Arrancar Arc

This sultry snake enthusiast holds on to several serpentine symbolism in her Arrancar form and can even summon a set of these slithering creatures right from her sleeves. One could also say that her relatively hands-free fighting style is also in hommage to the beloved snake, whereby her pronged weapon resembles the iconic forked tongue.

Sung-Sun doesn't stop there; she can also molt like her spirit animal with a move called Muda by shedding the outer husk of her skin. Muda has the bonus ability to create a zone of invisibility around Sung-Sun, which can conceal anyone within direct reach of the affected area.

4 Their Mask Transformations

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Mask Transfomations Apacci, Sung-Sun, Milla Rose Arrancar Arc Thousand Year Blood War

Attentive fans may have noticed that the Tres Bestias have received upgraded appearances for the Thousand Year Blood War and each display a subtle yet formidable alteration to their Hollow mask elements. It seems their time away from Aizen has certainly done them good!

Mila Rose reverts from her iconic Amazonian roots with a new Loki-inspired horned helm, whereas before her mask was shaped more like a delicate crown. Sung-Sun's Hollow fragments previously resembled little hairclips, but now flow boldly across her locks as an elaborate headpiece. Apacci is apparently channeling the Romans with her Galea-styled headgear, which was once a long, point spike protruding from the tip of her bone-white mohawk.

3 Apacci's Zanpakuto Isn't A Sword

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Apacci's Zanpakuto Arrancar Arc

While Bleach often plays fast-and-loose with the term "blade," technically speaking, anything with a sharp enough surface can be considered a Zanpakuto. Apacci possesses one of the most peculiar weapons in the series, with her bizarre boomerang-bracelet contraptions.

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Cierva is essentially made up of two collars that Apacci has opted to wear around her wrists, which conveniently flick out during battle into sinister semi-circled shapes. These blades can subsequently be detached and thrown at the enemy, slicing them to shreds before loyally returning to Apacci's side.

2 Big Sis, Sung-Sun

Bleach Things You Might Not Know About Tres Bestias Big Sis Sung-Sun, Apacci and Mila Rose

While it is no secret that all three members of Harribel's Fracción bicker among each other like siblings, Sung-Sun seems to be the only one to ever try and alleviate the arguing. She is quick to reprimand her fellow teammates when they begin to get rowdy, particularly when she can tell their actions will have negative consequences.

Sung-Sun's calm demeanor is not swayed often, allowing her to logically assess a situation without the misguidance of overwhelming emotions. If Apacci and Mila Rose would just listen to her warnings more often, they wouldn't get themselves into half as much trouble as they do!

1 Orihime To The Rescue

Orihime Inoue

Most viewers were under the assumption that the fabulous Arrancar girl group had seen the last of their days in Fake Karakura Town, but thankfully, they were shown mercy by the very people they were trying to defeat. After the devastating effects of the Arrancar Invasion, the empathetic Orihime did not hesitate to heal the near-fatal injuries inflicted upon her enemies, knowing full well that Aizen's influence is to blame for all the conflict.

With the tense friction dissipated, the (former) No. 3 Espada and the Tres Bestias gratefully return home to Hueco Mundo. Officially the strongest survivors left, Harribel and her team subsequently claim authority over the realm, although they are more concerned with keeping order than elevating their personal statuses.

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