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Tier Harrilbel, also known as Lady Halibel, made her first appearance in episode 138 of Bleach and claimed the title of Espada Tres in Aizen's Army. However, her leader gravely underestimated this Vasto Lordes' capabilities and removed Harribel from the battlefield by unexpectantly striking her down with his blade. Like a phoenix from the ashes, this blonde beauty rose again and became the ruler of Hueco Mundo, only to be kidnapped by the Quincy in the Thousand Year Blood War.

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Although she has not received a significant amount of screentime thus far, Harribel's most memorable fights have been against Hitsugaya and Aizen (although that particular altercation could hardly be termed a battle.) In a rather short timeframe, this highly skilled Espada has demonstrated her perceptiveness, keen observation, and strategic mind, which only accentuate her extensive combative abilities.

This article will not divulge any spoilers from Bleach : Thousand Year Blood War , currently streaming on Hulu .

8 Hirviendo: Defensive Manoeuvers

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Hirviendo against Hitsugaya Bleach

Unlike many of the frosty water techniques that are quite common in many anime, Harribel can also turn up the heat if needs be (and it has nothing to do with her risque dress code!) With her Hirviendo technique, this blonde bombshell can raise the temperature of any surrounding water to boiling point by simply touching her sword to its surface.

This unique skill is just as effective against ice (as Hitsugaya quickly discovers), and the former Espada Tres can therefore nullify or deflect many glacial attacks that would otherwise render most others useless. She tends to use this as a defensive technique, suggesting that she cannot produce her own piping hot water (only alter what is currently available.)

7 Cero: Enhanced Range

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Cero Bleach

While many Menos possess some form of Cero attack, the Espada, in particular, have each added a unique flare to their energy-based assaults, creating a sense of individuality on the battlefield. Some prioritize potency while others seek to increase the scale, and a few lucky Espada, like Harribel, have the best of both worlds.

The average Cero consists of a thin beam of concentrated spiritual energy, however, Harribel's forms a much wider, ominous arc granting her extended range. This particular mighty blast matches her hair in color and follows the swish of her sword, in a similar fashion to Ichigo's Kuroi Getsuga crescent-shaped move.

6 Sonído: Fancy Footwork

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel and Hitsugaya Fake Karakura Town Bleach

As many fans are aware, the Espada and Shinigami are "same same, but different;" from their swords to their abilities and even their attire! So where the Soul Reapers have the superspeed of flash step, also known as Shunpo, Aizen's Army had to retaliate with their own nimble mechanics, which they have dubbed Sonído.

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Essentially compared to the speed of sound, Sonído can increase its users' agility, reflexes, and speed for an extended period, and, as with anything in life, some Arrancar are simply better at it than others. This technique has become second nature to Harribel, earning her a top spot in the Sonído Masters category.

5 Ola Azul: Mind the Gap

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Ola Azul Bleach

This versatile attack has several different applications, so Harribel's opponents are never quite sure what is coming next. The Vasto Lordes' first step is to begin gathering Reiryoku into the vacant slot within her sword, and once enough energy has been collected, it's time for action!

While in close combat, Harribel can basically redirect the flow of Reiryoku into her blade to enrich her already-refined swordsmanship, adding power, range, and a ribbon of bright light, to her technique. Alternatively, if she is looking to fight from a distance, Harribel can opt to shoot a short full-bodied burst of energy at the enemy, with enough power to send even the great Hitsugaya flying.

4 La Gota: Pearly Whites

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel La Gota Bleach

Sharks are best known for their many rows of teeth, and Harribel wouldn't be a proper Shark Espada without somehow including these oceanic fangs in her skillset. After assembling a mini-pool around her word, Harribel can shoot shark-tooth-shaped water bullets at the enemy in quick succession, which leave a much more foreboding impression than a torrential thunderstorm.

The size of these projectiles should not be underestimated, as Harribel's H2O now has about as much power as a missile and can even demolish entire buildings. There seems to be little limiting her supply of arsenal, as this Espada can convert regular spirit energy into Water Reishi to replenish her supply.

3 Trident: Potent Projectile

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Trident against Hitsugaya Bleach Fake Karakura Town

Once Harribel has compiled enough Reiryoku around her weapon, she can choose to sheath her sword in a layer of golden, glowing energy that can then be shot off at intense speeds. Unless her opponent has god-like reflexes and manages to evade the attack, they will suddenly find themselves sliced into smithereens before they even know what hit them.

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Hitsugaya famously finds himself at the backend of this distinctive energy blast in the Fake Karakura Town and is subsequently cut clean in two in the blink of an eye. True, the victim is actually a body double, but that does not negate the sheer epic force behind Harribel's Trident attack.

2 Cascada: The Mini Tsunami

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Cascada Bleach

Harribel channels her inner Waterbender with this move and packs enough power behind her punch to possibly put the Avatar to shame. As opposed to most other aqueous manipulators, this lucky Lady is essentially her own source of water and does not have to rely on external elements to be effective.

By drawing on the Water Reishi from her body or the surrounding particles, Harribel can summon a gargantuan wave from the tip of her blade that is potent enough to flood a small city. The mighty warrior needs no time to recover after unleashing such an extensive attack and can jump straight back into battle.

1 Resurrección: Tiburón

Tier Harribel aka Lady Halibel Resurrección Bleach

The Espada may each possess blades that are very similar to the Shinigami's Zanpakuto (even including a similar release command), but their version of a Bankai is significantly different. Along with a boost in speed and strength comes a physical transformation that is usually animalistic in nature and includes a new-and-improved weapon to play with, too.

When the phrase "Destroy" flows from Harribel's lips, best get ready for the big guns to come out (and maybe have a blow-drier on standby!) Along with the shark-inspired make-over, Harribel also adopts potent water manipulation abilities that come with their own set of (aforementioned) attacks, which would not be achievable in her "normal" state. Resurrección releases all of Harribel's potential in one fell swoop, increasing her sheer awesomeness (and already-incredible waifu factor.)

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