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The second installment of the Thousand Year Blood War introduces a whole batch of characters that have immediately captivated new viewers; while die-hard fans are elated to see their favorite faces once again.

The audience is just as shocked as Ichigo as a young Nel falls from the sky, but it is clear that the crying child is far from being a new enemy, although much like Ebern, she does come bearing bad news. The Quincy have taken over Hueco Mundo, and Nel and Dondochakka need Itysgo's help in rescuing their beloved Pesche (oh, and Lady Halibel too!), who has been taken captive and will likely be forced into Yhwach's servitude.

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Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck aka Nel Tu Former No 3 Espada

Don't be fooled by the adorable appearance; contrary to her infantile physique, Nel Tu is actually one of the most hardcore Hollows around! Even in her child form, Nel can deal some damage by swallowing and reflecting an enemy's Cero, and can even heal minor injuries with her magical spit. She can also travel at great speeds when necessary, but this pacifist would rather spend her days playing eternal tag with her "brothers" than anything else.

Nel has the unique ability to transform back into her adult state, although she is not yet entirely in control of these changeovers. It is rare to witness the former No. 3 Espada engaged in battle, as she will only raise her Zanpakuto to protect the weak and innocent and believes most conflict to be completely unnecessary. Poke the bear for too long, however, and her Resureccion will come out to play, whereby Nelliel becomes a sexy centaur, empowered by a formidable (yet stylish) lance. Once she activates her Lanzador Verde technique, her weapon will begin to spin at great speed once it is thrown, subsequently turning into a massive drill-like missile, which nobody would like to be at the receiving end of!

Dondochakka Birstanne

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Dondochakka Birstanne and Abarai Renji

The dimwitted Dondochakka has the perfect character design and personality traits to bring some comic relief to Bleach, which makes it even more surprising to discover he was once the 42nd member of Aizen's Arrancar Army. However, viewers are more likely to find him in a puddle of tears or a compromising position than with a sword in his hand, and this Hollow only uses his Cero when Pesche is right by his side.

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Dondochakka is best known for "helping" Renji battle the notorious Szayelaporro Granz after they unexpectedly team up in Las Noches, which, naturally, all ends in tears, "Don'tcha know!" Even though the accident-prone drama queen tends to get in the way more often than not, he is exceptionally useful nonetheless, or at least, his stomach is. Within the depths of Dondochakka's belly, this excitable "brother" houses numerous insect combat spirits (along with his oversized bludgeon), which he can summon into the world whenever needed.

Pesche Guatiche

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Pesche Guatiche and Uryu Ishida

Pesche also served under Aizen as a member of Nelliel's Fracción and was the 41st Hollow to receive his Arrancar status. He is about as foolish as Dondochakka and would prefer to run and hide than get into any kind of conflict, however, he gets very bent out of shape if someone else dominates the spotlight instead. Pesche finds himself unintentionally teaming up with Uryu Ishida (who he keeps calling Ichigo), which is quite upsetting because he believes the Quincy is the weakest group member, while the muscular Chad (aka Sado) is apparently the alpha.

Somehow, Pesche completely forgot that he can use "Infinite Slick" (which, by the way, is not limitless, but "Finite" doesn't have the same ring to it.) By channeling his inner insect, Pesche can produce a slimy, slippery green-tinged substance that he can squirt in a concentrated stream or across a wide area. Spraying it on the ground will turn the battlefield into a slip-and-slide, while lubricating his foe's weaponry, as in Cirucci Sanderwicci's case, will help to nullify its potency (a blade cannot cut if it slips right off!)

The Beastly Bawabawa

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Bawabawa, Szayelaporro, Nel, Pesche, Dondochakka

The third member of this little makeshift family is not always involved in the group's shenanigans (which makes this Beetlejuice-styled Hollow very sad indeed!) Bawabawa is essentially the trio's pet and is often used as a means of transport (not that he seems to mind), and is large enough to carry a small crowd in his back. Bawabawa just happens to be one of the insect spirits that reside within Dondochakka's belly and coincidentally cries almost as often as his guardian does. He claims to only favor sandy terrain, which is his excuse for not joining Nel and the gang in Las Noches, although his fear of the fortress is more likely to be the culprit here!

A Tragic Past

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Nelliel and Nnoitra Gilga

How could Hollows with enough potency to form part of Aizen's Army be the blubbering messes they are today? Well, fans can blame Nnoitra Gilga and Szayelaporro Granz for their underhanded tactics and chauvinistic egos, as these two simply couldn't stand Nelliel and her superior status back in the day. Nnoitra in particular had a severe grudge against his fellow Espada and relentlessly challenged her to battle to prove his dominance. Deciding to take matters into their own hands, the jealous Arrancar set a trap, using Dondochakka and Pesche as bait to spur Nelliel into action.

Szayelaporro and Nnoitra kidnaped Nel's companions and aggressively removed their masks which compels Nel to finally draw her weapon. Evidently the stronger fighter, the green-haired girl quickly overpowers her foe but unintentionally steps into a trap set by the conniving Szayelaporro, leaving Nnoitra to land a near-fatal blow. With their bodies severely injured and their masks smashed, Nel and her Fracción were expelled from Las Noches and left to die in the wastelands of Hueco Mundo.

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Thankfully, Nelliel's survival instincts took over and she reverted her form into a juvenile state, subsequently losing most of her powers and memories, but at least she is alive! Determined to protect their leader from any further harm, Pesha and Dondochakka altered their appearances and went into hiding; partially grateful to have been removed from the constant conflict surrounding Aizen's Army.

The pair of Hollows adopted the infantile Nel as their baby sister, spending their days entertaining the sweet child, and ensuring to continue training in secret whenever they got the chance, as a precautionary measure. Pesche and Dondochaka have even formulated a special attack whereby they combine their Cero's in a combo move called "Cero Sincrético," but will only ever use it in dire circumstances. They eventually all team up with Itysgo and his friends as they travel through Hueco Mundo in search of their beloved Orihime, whom Aizen has taken captive.

Hueco Mundo Guides

Bleach Nel's Fraccion Nel, Pesche, Dondochakka and Ichigo

While several of Nel, Dondochakka, and Pesche's antics were often an indicator of upcoming filler episodes with menial plotlines, this traveling trio had a significant part to play in assisting Ichigo and his crew as they attempt to navigate their way through the uncharted territory of Hueco Mundo. They also helped to remind the human warriors (and viewers) that not all Hollows are inherently evil, especially if Aizen's influence is involved in any way. For the first time, fans find themselves truly sympathizing with the Arrancar enemy and now have no issues accepting certain Hollows as allies in the Thousand Year Blood War.

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