From Kurosaki Ichigo's point of view, most of the Gotei 13 leave an antagonistic first impression, as their general code of ethics is not always as sound as it should be in Bleach. However, as the years roll by, some soul reapers have worked their way into viewers' hearts while others happily maintain their fan-favorite status, leaving the remainders to scrape some admiration from the bottom of the barrel.

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Because the topic of likeability will focus on the overall personality traits of each of the Gotei 13 Captains, there is little need to examine many specific events. This article will therefore be free from Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc Manga spoilers; however, it will mention crucial plot points from the anime's first cours.

Updated on January 23, 2023, by Levana Chester-Londt: Assessing all the GoteiCaptains, ranked specifically by their charm, is evidently subjective depending on personal preferences; however, while most fandoms bicker over their favorite characters, there seems to be a distinct geographical divide between Bleach supporters.

Certain character designs are highly celebrated by many Japanese viewers (such as Toshiro Hitsugaya and Jugram Haschwalt) whereas the Visored, for example, are often disregarded (yet greatly admired by the international audience). For a comprehensive evaluation, Shonen Jump's official Bleach 2022 Popularity Poll will be considered, in conjunction with opinions from the reddit/Bleach discussion pages (uThe_Biggest_Wheel and u/[deleted]) and the overall impression made by each of the Bleach Captains over the years.

14 The Macho Man

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains ranked by likeability Tetsuzaemon Iba

Fulfilling more of a comic relief role than anything else, Tetsuzaemon Iba has not made a huge impression on fans over the years. Nevertheless, he has enough nerve to be compassionate towards Rukia during the Soul Society Arc and prioritizes battle tactics over senseless violence, always ensuring his Squad's safety first and foremost.

The 7th Division Captain has a fondness for Rock-Paper-Scissors and sake (in no particular order) and appears to have a slightly chauvinistic side that is well suited to his obnoxious sunglasses and new Johhny-Bavo-Esque hairstyle.

13 The Sadist

Mayuri Kurotsuchi in Bleach
  • Popularity Poll Position: 18

Mayuri Kurotsuchi perfectly fulfills the mad scientist trope by completely disregarding morals and ethics, as his groundbreaking experimentation always takes top priority. While anyone who makes contact with Mayuri has the potential to become his next victim, poor Nemu is regularly the recipient of his harsh, vulgar treatment. However, because Mayuri literally made his artificial daughter, there is little she can do to resist. The 12th Division Captain regards the world as one big experiment, while everyone is a potential lab rat, which he can subsequently torture, maim, or kill for the sake of science.

On a positive note, Myuri is great at trolling, which is always amusing to watch, and his eclectic style adds some much-needed flair to the Gotei 13's somber dress code. He is also one of the few brave enough to lecture the great Yamomoto and question his authoritarian decision-making, and is arguably the predominant reason why the Captain-Commander took the initiative to fight in the Quincy Blood War, instead of simply leading his lambs to the slaughter.

12 The Femme Fatale

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains Ranked by Likeability Soi-Fon Captain 2nd Division Cruncyroll
  • Popularity Poll Position: 21

When it comes to Soi-Fon, there is not much of a gray area, as viewers either adore or despise the 2nd Division Captain. The fact that she constantly butts heads with the beloved Urahara does not help her position, and her bossy, authoritative persona can be annoying at times. That being said, many fans can't get enough of this diverse character (particularly when coupled with the sultry Yoruichi!) This Tsundere type has a sleek sexy style that fits perfectly with her ninja vibes (and Suzumebachi's aesthetic). However, pretty doesn't fix personality problems, and most believe Soi-Fon can't back up her arrogance with the appropriate actions.

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Already fostering a bad reputation for her short temper, Soi Fon makes such a fool of herself after the Quincy's first invasion in the Thousand Year Blood War, that she has to be reprimanded by her fellow Captains. Overwhelmed with grief, frustration, and uncertainty, she lashes out at those around her (who are also mourning their losses) before isolating herself in training, instead of helping her subordinates like the others.

11 The First "Fallacy"

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains ranked by likeability Kensei Muguruma

The reputable Kensei Muguruma is a Visored (and the first Hollofication attempt) with a score to settle with the Quincy, who was the 9th Captain before Aizen's intervention and managed to swoop back in to claim his spot in the aftermath of the Fake Karakura Town Arc.

Muguruma takes his leadership position very seriously and has little patience for incompetence and juvenile delinquency but tends to often get surrounded by "idiots," much to his dismay. Unlike many of the other Captains, this "Airbender" directs his energy towards improving Shūhei Hisagi's skills instead of his own, opting to give his lieutenant a better fighting chance during the next major confrontation.

10 The "Meager Worm"

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains Ranked by Likeability Sajin Komamura Captain 7th Division Cruncyroll

Sajin Komamura is one of the most underrated characters in Bleach and arguably receives the least amount of screentime amongst the Gotei 13 Captains (and even some subordinates). Despite appearances, Komamura is a big ol' softy at heart who is loyal (to a fault) and is gravely sorrowed by Tōsen's betrayal.

Komamura's wolf-like physique matches his personality, as he can be both gentle and forgiving, but protective and vicious when he needs to be. The 7th Division Captain undergoes significant character development throughout the storyline, leaving a favorable impression on most viewers. Sajin Komamura has become a lot more interesting now that his lineage has been revealed, potentially accompanied by a never-before-seen set of magical capabilities from the Wolfman Clan.

9 The Radiant Rose

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains ranked by likeability Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi

This music-loving maestro is another Visored with a seat at the big table, however, Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi's presence is often overlooked as he falls to the sidelines. His unique character design is arguably the best thing about Rose, from the luscious blonde locks to the dapper tuxedo preference to his epic plague-mask-inspired Hollow ensemble.

Related: Bleach: Characters With The Coolest Designs

While the 3rd Division Captain's melodic, golden, floral Shikai could easily assimilate into a Magic Girl narrative, his Bankai holds a much more formidable aura, which involves some spine-chilling dance numbers (due to go on full display sometime soon).Suave, sophisticated, and highly underrated; according to his rather substantial fanbase, this rose deserves more time in the spotlight.

8 The Underdog

Bleach The Visored Hirako Shinji Thousand Year Blood War

Shinji Hirako arguably gains much of his fanbase because he is technically the official Visored representative who arguably holds the most authority (and screentime) out of his sub-species. Deemed a "mistake" due to Aizen's unnatural intervention, the 5th Division Captain now sits at the top of most die-hard fans' favorite Visored list!

Shinji is a bit of a troublemaker with an extremely dry sense of humor, but hidden beneath all the tomfoolery is a perceptive mind capable of intimidating the "invincible" Aizen (his former lieutenant.) As usual, Shinji has been underutilized in the Thousand Year Blood War's first cours, as he seems to spend more time running around and thinking than anything else.

7 The Elitist

Byakuya Kuchiki in Bleach
  • Popularity Poll Position: 9

Kuchiki Byakuya is about as arrogant as they come (which is a significant statement to make, considering his competition!) His overwhelming ego is accentuated by his Captain status which is emphasized even further by his royal bloodline, resulting in a prideful elitist jerk with minimal empathy for anyone (apart from his dearly departed Hisana). Even his own sister, Rukia, is no stranger to his abrasive personality, and Byakuya is willing to lead her like a lamb to the slaughter after she broke Shinigami protocol. The 6th Division Captain has a short temper and a long list of haters, but thankfully still manages to come to Ichigo's aid after all is said and done.

He did, however, redeem himself somewhat in the Thousand Year Blood War by putting his own life (and Bankai) on the line to save Renji and Rukia. Furthermore, it was surely a hard pill to swallow for Byakuya to ask a human to save Seireitei, particularly considering his checkered history with Ichigo. It appears maintaining his pride and status is not the ultimate goal for this once smug Shinigami, after all.

6 The Prodigy

Toshiro Hitsugaya in Bleach
  • Popularity Poll Position: 8

While Toshirou Hitsugaya is a fan-favorite character from many Bleach fans, others find him to be arrogant, inflexible, and predictable, believing that he is allocated a disproportionate amount of screen time compared to his relevance in the storyline. The 10th Division Captain is certainly an interesting character, being a child prodigy with a genius-level intellect and an overpowered zanpakuto, but he clearly knows it and acts accordingly.

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When Hitsugaya is not being melodramatic and grumpy, he is getting into silly arguments, usually with Matsumoto as the recipient (or rather, instigator). Nevertheless, when pushing personality traits aside, Hyōrinmaru's epic ice powers are just so cool that even the haters can't help but swing some admiration Whitey's way.

However, without his potent Bankai to rely on, Hitsugaya put his pride in his back pocket and humbly asks for help in re-learning the basics of swordsmanship. His bruised ego might not be a good look, however, it is truly admirable to watch a Gotei 13 Captain admit his faults and join the grind with the rest of the "unqualified" Shinigami.

5 The Former Captain-Commander

yamamoto's surrounded by flame reiatsu leaking off his shikai

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's biggest fault is his uncompromising, closeminded mentality that would rather follow the rules that allocate some well-deserved leeway. The Captain Commander has a great deal of responsibility on his shoulders, but that does not excuse his cold, clinical approach to everything, no matter the circumstances. Even though Yamamoto has one of the strongest zanpakuto in creation, he rarely uses it, allowing his subordinates to struggle without him instead, collecting severe injuries as they go. He is, however, arguably the most important figure in Seireitei's history, as the founder of the Gotei 13, who has protected countless lives for over a thousand years.

The flashbacks in the Thousand Year Blood War simply prove that he has been a grouchy killjoy for many, many years and that his precious Gotei 13 were not always as admirable as they are today. His last stand was made a little late in the game, however, Seireitei lives to see another day thanks to Yamomoto stepping up to face Yhwach head-on (even if he is deceived by Royd Lloyd.) Watching the old man wield Zanka no Tachi in all its glory and seeing the other forms for the first time is a memorable experience indeed, even if it is short-lived.

4 The Egotist

Kenpachi Zaraki in Bleach
  • Popularity Poll Position: 4

Zaraki Kenpachi is a tough one to rank because most fans absolutely love this powerhouse, but would unlikely attempt to befriend him in real life. His abrasive, arrogant, and slightly psychotic attitude is offputting, emphasized greatly by his blase, unempathetic approach to life. Kenpachi is, however, the very definition of awesome, making it extremely difficult to hold him in discontent.

The 11th Division Captain is hardcore and unyielding, never showing a moment of fear or hesitation. Kenpachi is the ultimate fighter, even without his Zanpakuto Spirit's enhancements, and always has a witty comeback to add to his incredible entertainment factor.

Now that he has unlocked a new level of potential by opening up communications with his Zanpakuto Spirit, most fans are beside themselves with anticipation regarding what comes next! Witnessing Zaraki fight at full capacity for once is eye-opening, while his blood-curdling scream during Unohana's death scene shows that he does indeed have a heart, even if it is prone to violence.

3 The Cold-Blooded Healer

Captain Unohana Having A Chat With Captain Kyoraku and Ukitake
  • Popularity Poll Position: 20

Retsu Unohana gained most of her significant following in the Thousand Year Blood War Arc, when her authentic nature is revealed, with truly shocking results! The powerful Unohana represents the maternal role in the Goitei 13 as a nurturer and caregiver and has even been known to extend her healing touch to the enemy. The leader of the 4th Division is consistently well mannered, even using honorifics for her subordinates, and exudes a soft and peaceful aura (for the most part). Unohana has been kind-hearted and tender to her core since joining the healers of Seireitei, after overcoming a troubled and traumatic past.

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Surprisingly, being a supportive medic was not Unohana's first choice, as her bloodlust always took president when she first joined the Gotei 13. This elite swordmaster possesses an intense sadistic nature that would be fitting of a fearsome villain, however, she squashed her aggressive desires to give Zaraki a chance to grow, and then willingly sacrifices her life to allow him to assume the role of the next official Kenpachi.

2 The Virtuous

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains Ranked by Likeability Jūshirō Ukitake Captain 13th Division Cruncyroll

Jūshirō Ukitake is the personification of the term "good guy," as he follows a sound moral code with an understanding manner that has earned him much respect from his fellow Shinigami (and viewers, too). Unfortunately, the 13th Division Captain does not get a significant amount of screen time, as many viewers would love to get to know him better, and finally meet his Bankai!

Unlike many other Gotei 13 members, Ukitake does not come across as hostile in the Soul Society Arc and shows sensitivity and compassion instead and perseveres through his illness just to continue making substantial sacrifices for the sake of others. Ukitake is a well-rounded admirable role model who definitely deserved more time to shine.

1 The Charming Captain-Commander

Bleach Gotei 13 Captains Ranked by Likeability Shunsui Kyōraku Captain Commander Cruncyroll
  • Popularity Poll Position: 12

Shunsui Kyōraku is the complete package, adorned with style, charisma, and a firm grip on his moral compass, with more-than-adequate skills to solidify a stellar impression. His chiseled features get hearts pounding, laid-back personality is a refreshing relief from the rigidity of many other Shinigami. Generally considered to be "The Greatest Of All Time," not many can say a bad word about Kyōraku, but often ensure to emphasize how much sex appeal he (and his zanpakuto Spirit, Katen Kyōkotsu) has. He rarely gets flustered, is slow to anger, and has a certain way with words. Everyone wants to be Shunsui Kyōraku's bestie, and who can really blame them?

Calm and coolheaded as always, Shunsui whisks in and takes control of the borderline panicking Captains after Yamamomoto's death, making him the clear choice to transition into the Captain-Commander position. True to form, this slacker is not exactly pleased by the additional responsibility and workload, however, out of all the Gotei 13 candidates, Shunsui's peaceful demeanor is best suited for the job. A refreshing change from the harsh, uncompromising leadership of the rather unlikeable Yamamoto.

More: Bleach: Best Fights In Thousand Year Blood War Anime, Ranked