
  • Blasphemous 2 introduces three different weapons for players to choose from, adding depth and variety to the gameplay.
  • The Veredicto war censer is the slowest but hardest-hitting weapon, and its Weapon Memories provide useful upgrades and buffs, such as interrupting Fervour consumption and halving charge time for Thunder of Mercy.
  • Weapon Memories like Ignition Strike, Aerial Ignition, Blessed Bronze, Sacred Bronze, Immaculate Harvest, Azure Typhoon, and And The Earth Shattered enhance the Veredicto's moveset, increase damage, improve Fervour management, and add new attacking options.

Fans of the first Blasphemous game are likely going to be surprised right off the bat in Blasphemous 2 thanks to the game now having 3 different weapons for the Penitent One to choose from at the start of their holy crusade. Instead of the Mea Culpa blade, the Penitent One now has a choice of the Veredicto war censer, Sarmiento & Centella sword/dagger combo, and the Ruego Al Alba blade.

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While the Sarmiento pair and the Ruego Al Alba weapons have a lot of depth to them and are a lot of fun to use, let's focus on the slowest (and hardest-hitting) weapon first, the Veredicto. After players make a bit of progress in Blasphemous 2, they'll be given an item that gives them access to the Weapon Memories menu. For all intents and purposes, this is a skill tree and one that players can only access more of by collecting 2 more 'copies' of each weapon to upgrade them. With that in mind, let's take a look at the Veredicto's Weapon Memories in particular and see which ones are worth grabbing right away.

7 Tempered Flames

Blasphemous 2 - Penitent One Lighting Vendictos Flames

Weapon Memory



Tempered Flames


Press the same input used to light Veredicto aflame to also turn it off. This interrupts the consumption of Fervour and can even be performed mid-air.

Let's get the most important upgrade out of the way first, Tempered Flames. By default, the Embers of Faith ability the Veredicto has is one that lights the censer aflame, using Fervour as the fuel. And, once it's turned on, players have to wait until their Fervour empties before it turns off.

But, with Tempered Flames, this is no longer an issue, as the Pentinent One can now turn the Embers of Faith off at will, both on the ground and in the air. There is absolutely zero reason to skip this Weapon Memory, as it simply makes it so that the player doesn't have to fully commit their Fervour bar every time they light the Embers of Faith.

6 Crucible Of Faith

Blasphemous 2 - Charging Up Thunder Of Mercy

Weapon Memory



Crucible of Faith


Halves the time needed to charge Veredicto for the Thunder of Mercy attack.

The Thunder of Mercy is the other ability the Veredicto starts with alongside the Embers of Faith. To use it, the Penitent One has to charge up an attack for quite a while before they're able to unleash a massive swing of their war censer. But, the range is incredibly small, it takes forever to charge, and it's very high risk for not a ton of reward.

That said, with the Crucible of Faith Weapon Memory, this charge time is now halved. It may not seem like much of a buff at first, but once players get another Weapon Memory that augments the Thunder of Mercy, they'll find that it's the strongest tool overall.

5 Ignition Strike & Aerial Ignition

Blasphemous 2 - Using Aerial Ignition Against An Enemy

Weapon Memory



Ignition Strike


Pressing the button that turns on the Embers of Faith after a successful attack on the ground converts this animation into a powerful horizontal strike that works to either turn Veredicto on or off.

Aerial Ignition


Pressing the button that turns on the Embers of Faith mid-air triggers an animation where the Penitent One activates the Embers with a quick aerial strike. Can be used to air cancel attacks made in the air.

Ignition Strike and Aerial Ignition are two Weapon Memories that, when paired with Tempered Flames (and another upgrade further in the skill tree), make the Veredicto a whole lot less clunky to use.

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With these two Weapon Memories active, players can now turn a regular ground attack into a two-hit combo or use it in the air to animation cancel the air attack, turn on Veredicto, and get an additional air attack off before hitting the ground. They're just great upgrades for opening the moveset of the Veredicto, as the weapon feels pretty restrictive by default.

4 Blessed & Sacred Bronze

Blasphemous 2 - Swinging The Venedicto

Weapon Memory



Blessed Bronze


Increases Veredicto's base damage

Sacred Bronze


Increases Veredicto's base damage

Moving on to the Weapon Memories in the second and third tiers of the skill tree, let's talk about both Blessed Bronze and Sacred Bronze. Both of these Weapon Memories are incredibly basic, as they just increase the base damage the Veredicto deals.

However, more damage, while not 'new and exciting', has a massive impact overall and is a must-have as soon as players gather the Marks of Martyrdom required to unlock it. Do not ignore damage buffs, especially in a game with this much content where having to hit an enemy one less time is usually the difference between life and death.

3 Immaculate Harvest

Blasphemous 2 - Using The Venedicto And Showing The Empty Fervour Bar

Weapon Memory



Immaculate Harvest


Increases the amount of Fervour the Penitent One gains by hitting enemies with Veredicto

Verses and Chants in Blasphemous 2 are somehow even more overpowered than they were in the first game, and players are constantly going to want to keep their Fervour bar topped off to use these Verses, Chants, and even the Veredicto's Embers of Faith as often as possible.

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So, a Weapon Memory that simply increases the amount of Fervour the Penitent One receives when attacking with the Veredicto is very clearly a useful upgrade to grab. However, don't expect this upgrade to just fix the MP problem of the Veredicto, as it still siphons Fervour quite hungrily. But, it makes it a lot better, and when combined with certain other upgrades, altarpieces, or rosary beads, it becomes a lot easier to manage that Fervour Bar.

2 Azure Typhoon

Blasphemous 2 - Penitent One Using Azure Typhoon Move

Weapon Memory



Azure Typhoon


Use Charged Veredicto mid-air to perform the Azure Typhoon, a spinning aerial attack that hits on both sides.

Regardless of the genre, whenever a new game comes out, the diehard gamers and speedrunners seem to quickly tear it apart to find little tips, tricks, and mechanical workarounds for the game to either skip content or start building a speedrunning route.

And, funnily enough for the slowest weapon in the game, the Veredicto apparently has a lot of tricks already discovered by the community. One of these tricks has to do with the Azure Typhoon Weapon Memory, as unleashing this spinning attack causes the Penitent One to 'hop up' a bit more mid-air. While it seems small, this little hop gives them just enough height to do things like unleash the enhanced Weight of Sin of the Ruego Al Alba when it shouldn't be possible to get that amount of height yet (even with the Double Jump unlocked) or just simply access an area earlier than intended.

1 And The Earth Shattered

Blasphemous 2 - Penitent One Watching Thunder of Mercy Shockwaves

Weapon Memory



And The Earth Shattered


Thunder of Mercy creates shockwaves on the ground.

And for the last Weapon Memory recommendation, let's look at an upgrade called 'And the Earth Shattered'. This upgrade, when unlocked, makes it so that when the Penitent One unleashes the Thunder of Mercy charged attack, it creates these high-damaging shockwaves along the ground in front of them as well.

This not only completely eliminates the largest drawback of the Thunder of Mercy, its minuscule range, but it's also just an absurdly powerful attack overall that gives the Veredicto a much-needed mid-range option.

Blasphemous 2 is available for PC, Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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