
  • The Sarmiento and Centella sword/dagger combo in Blasphemous 2 is the fastest weapon, but initially has low damage.
  • Prioritizing certain Weapon Memories, such as Piercing Retribution and Verdadera Destreza, can increase the power and effectiveness of the Sarmiento and Centella.
  • Quicksilver Coating and Silver Nail are recommended Weapon Memories for improving the speed and damage output of the Sarmiento and Centella.

Out of the three possible weapons the Penitent One has access to in Blasphemous 2, the Sarmiento and Centella sword/dagger combo is by far the fastest. To put it in simpler terms, the Veredicto is the slow but powerful weapon, the Ruego Al Alba is the middle-ground option (also the most similar to the Mea Culpa), and the Sarmiento and Centella are the lightning-fast but low-damage weapons.

RELATED: Survival Anime Set In Harsh And Unforgiving WorldsThat said, once players get enough Marks of Martyrdom and find the other copies of the Sarmiento and Centella throughout the map (to unlock more of the Weapon Memories tree), these things can't really be called 'low damage' weapons anymore. So, let's go over exactly which Weapon Memories Blasphemous 2 players should prioritize first to make this thrusting pair of blades truly powerful.

7 Piercing Retribution

Blasphemous 2 - Penitent One Using Piercing Retribution

Weapon Memory



Piercing Retribution


Successfully Cross Guarding at the last moment allows the Penitent One to counterattack with a lightning-fast thrust, piercing through all enemies in front of him

First up is Piercing Retribution. The name sounds all fancy, but basically, it's a stinger attack cross-up that comes after a successful Cross Guard. In general, it's a fantastic way to punish enemies when they're staggered by Cross Guard, and it can also be very useful when multiple enemies are clumped up.

However, it can be a bit risky to use against some of the bosses that are large in size, as the move seems to always travel the same amount of distance, meaning players can end the animation technically 'inside' the boss' contact damage hurt box. So, while powerful, this move needs some proper execution or players are going to find themselves short on heals and constantly respawning at save points.

6 Verdadera Destreza I, II, & III

Blasphemous 2 - Player Slashing Basic Enemy With Lightning Infused Weapons

Weapon Memory



Verdadera Destreza 1


Increases Verdadera Destreza level, adding additional Lightning damage to attacks, Getting hit depletes the indicator and Lightning infusion

Verdadera Destreza 2


Unlocks the second Verdadera Destreza indicator (diamond-shaped indicator underneath the weapon icon in the top left)

Verdadera Destreza 3


Unlocks the third Verdadera Destreza indicator

While the Veredicto has its Embers of Faith and the Ruego Al Alba has the Blood Pact, the Sarmiento and Centella have their Verdadera Destreza. Basically, as players hit enemies more and more with these two piercing weapons (without being hit in return), they'll eventually fill the little diamond underneath the weapon icons in the top left.

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When this is filled, the Sarmiento and Centella are then infused with Lightning for all their attacks, dealing additional damage per swing. There's no real 'duration' on this buff, as it lasts until the Penitent One takes a hit.

5 Galvanic Striker

Blasphemous 2 - Slashing A Boss With Electricity Infused Weapons

Weapon Memory



Galvanic Striker


Increases Lightning damage inflicted on enemies

A player who finds themselves using the Sarmiento and Centella more than the other two weapons is going to want to learn how to dodge and Cross Guard as quickly as possible if they want to take full advantage of this blade pair.

If they manage to consistently avoid hits, or the hits they do take are always far apart from each other, then Galvanic Striker is a fantastic Weapon Memory, since it just buffs the amount of Lightning Damage this sword and dagger combo inflict while the Verdadera Destreza indicator is active.

4 Blessed & Sacred Silver

Blasphemous 2 - Slashing At A Boss With Sarmiento And Centella

Weapon Memory



Blessed Silver


Increases the base damage of Sarimento & Centella

Sacred Silver


Increases the base damage of Sarimento & Centella

Each of the three weapons in Blasphemous 2 has two Weapon Memories like this in their tree, and each one of these upgrades is worth grabbing as soon as it becomes available. While not as exciting as adding Lightning to the player's attacks, a flat damage buff is always going to have a massive impact over the course of a playthrough. Plus, when players consider these two flat damage buffs, the damage buff from Lightning while Destreza is active, and the sheer attack speed of this weapon, any amount of damage increase is going to have a major ripple effect.

3 Quicksilver Coating

Blasphemous 2 - Penitent One Using Attack That Shows Silhoutte Of Sarmiento And Centella

Weapon Memory



Quicksilver Coating


Increases the amount of Verdadera Destreza indicator gain with each strike

This next Weapon Memory recommendation is very simple...if players find themselves wishing that Verdadera Destreza would activate quicker, would activate in fewer hits, or they find themselves getting hit out of the Lightning buff pretty often, then Quicksilver Coating should be the next Weapon Memory they aim for.

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With this, it simply takes fewer hits to fill those Destreza Counters, and that actually impacts a few other Weapon Memories too such as Silver Lightning or Cross of the Tempest, since players will have their indicators full more often to take full advantage of these late-game moves, as Blasphemous 2 seems to be a much longer game than most people expected.

2 Sacred Lunge

Blasphemous 2 - Player Landing A Successful Cross Guard

Weapon Memory



Sacred Lunge


Boots Sacred Lunge attack by consuming a Verdadera Destreza indicator to do so

Players might be a bit confused reading the name of this next Weapon Memory since the Sarmiento and Centella start with the Sacred Lunge already active alongside the Cross Guard ability. But, while it has the same name, this is actually a separate Weapon Memory in the second tier of the tree.

And, this Weapon Memory gives players the ability to make Sacred Lunge even stronger as long as they have a Destreza indicator active when they use it. Taking this Memory does require players to do a bit more resource management since it uses the Destreza indicator, but the damage tradeoff is more than worth it.

1 Silver Nail

Blasphemous 2 - Player Using Silver Nail Barrage Against Boss

Weapon Memory



Silver Nail


Press the Attack Input repeatedly to finish an attack with a powerful onslaught of thrusts

Finally, let's end things on a method by which the Sarmiento and Centella somehow manage to sneak even more attacks into a small span of time using the Silver Nail Weapon Memory. With this, players can spam the attack button more than they already likely do with this weapon to unleash a flurry of stabs with both blades at the enemy, which does quite a lot when empowered with Lightning through the Verdadera Destreza. That said, this is also one of the easiest ways to get hit out of the Verdadera Destreza state since players are pretty much locked into the flurry of stabs animation. But, it's a relatively quick animation, so it's not nearly as much of a commitment to use as any of the Veredicto abilities.

Blasphemous 2 is available for PC, Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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