The release of Morbius and the potential addition of Blade in the Marvel universe has left only one question. Who is stronger? Ultimately, such a question cannot be taken lightly. If these two were to fight it would truly be an impressive battle, mainly due to the different powers, strengths, and weaknesses surrounding each vampire.

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Nevertheless, finding out which one is stronger forces a deeper dive than the movies suggest. It must explore their motives, powers, weaknesses, and their past, something that Blade has a lot of. While Morbius isn't exactly a legendary vampire hunter, he's had his fair share of vampire fights and carries with him a considerable amount of control, power, and bloodlust. But who would win in a battle? The answer is not as easy as many may think.

7 Blade: Taken Down Gods And Dracula

Blade vs Dracula and La Magra

Blade is a legend among vampire hunters. He's been in the comics for decades and has appeared in countless films, fighting his way to avenging his mother and wiping out as many vampires as he can. Therefore, when assessing who is stronger, Blade's history has to be taken into consideration. After all, experience is key in a battle and knowing how to defeat a vampire is something he can certainly do.

After all, in the 1998 film, Blade, he ends up killing the embodiment of the blood god, La Magra, ultimately proving this man is capable of doing some impressive damage to vampires. He's also taken down the likes of Count Dracula and multiple other powerful vampires in his time. His experience cannot be matched, and that is key when fighting vampires. The only issue, Morbius is technically not a vampire.

6 Morbius: Healing Powers


Since Morbius is technically not a vampire, since his powers came from science, not by mystical means, Morbius has some powers unseen by the likes of Blade. This makes him a bit of a wildcard during a vampire-on-vampire attack. Mainly due to his ability to heal.

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It's well known that vampires are immune to a lot of things and are mostly immortal, however, Morbius has a little more than that, making him pretty tough to kill or damage at all. His healing powers make him a formidable opponent who just never stops healing. Any damage Blade does will be healed quicker than he can potentially deal in one go. Now, it's not quick in the sense that he'll heal instantly, but a longer fight could be problematic for this vampire hunter.

5 Blade: Immune To Hypnosis

Blade ready for attack

When it comes to fighting a vampire, the one thing the victim doesn't want to have is a weak will. Instantly vampires can send them into a deadly hypnosis, potentially serving as a major problem for the likes of a powerful vampire hunter. However, due to the fact Blade is a Daywalker, meaning he is basically a vampire without any of the negatives, he cannot be hypnotized.

Morbius isn't exactly the most physically strong character in the Marvel universe, preferring to use his brain when he can, so when it comes to physical combat between these two, hypnosis would be a very useful element of attack. So being immune to it puts Blade to another edge that Morbius just can't quite live up to.

4 Morbius: He Can Control Bats

Morbius controlling Bats

While Morbius may not be able to control Blade, he can control bats to do his bidding, something that can prove to be both very annoying and particularly challenging to deal with when Blade's fighting both a powerful vampire and a relentless swarm of bats.

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Now, this may not be the most powerful skill in the world but combined with Morbius' intelligence, this power can prove to be incredibly useful in certain battles. Especially one with Blade because they can be used to distract, damage, or get away.

3 Blade: Trained In Martial Arts

Blade using Martial Arts

When it comes to pure strength, these two are surprisingly well-matched. The vampiric nature of Morbius' cure has granted him super strength meaning Blade would have a bit of trouble simply pinning him down or doing huge damage with just a single attack. However, sometimes it's not just the strength that matters, for the most part, it's the experience.

It's seen in boxing, movies, and tv shows, the bigger guy picks on the smaller one yet through skill, speed, and good training, the smaller guy can defeat the enemy. Ultimately, training and experience are what sets Blade and Morbius apart. Blade has been killing vampires his whole life and is an expert in pretty much all available martial arts, making him a powerful opponent to anyone willing to pick a fight.

2 Morbius: Extremely Intelligent

Morbius winning the Nobel Prize

Morbius may not be very skilled in martial arts, but he has his brain and that will get him far in a battle with Blade. Ultimately, Morbius is a Nobel-prize-winning scientist who has one of the best brains in the Marvel universe. He's smart, quick, and will use everything he can to his advantage.

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While he may not be physically stronger than Blade in a one-on-one battle, his intelligence may just get him the upper hand. It all depends on where the battle is, how it happens, and if it will happen in the upcoming movies.

1 Verdict: Blade

Blade ready for battle

While it's up for debate, Blade is the strongest out of the two. He has the experience, the physical skill, and has seen too many creatures like Morbius to back down at all. He's fought with Morbius before and, while neither really won, it was the heroes who still saved the day.

Morbius has some great advantages but none of them live up to the skills, determination, and lack of weaknesses Blade possesses.

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