Blade and Sorcery is a medieval fantasy sandbox fighting game that is entirely built for VR allowing players to take on the role of a valiant knight in arena combat. There is a variety of weapons on hand for players to try out ranging from a simple dagger to the righteous power of a two-handed claymore.

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With so many weapons readily available for players to try out, finding the one that cuts or pierces the best can make the arena combat even more satisfying. These weapons are by far the most fun to use as well as the most powerful against any foe.

10 War Sword

War Sword in Blade and Sorcery

A slower option of weapon, the War Sword is commonly used with two hands though it can also be wielded with only one, however, it's a lot harder to control this way. It is a sturdier blade that some players may not enjoy due to the weight it somehow feels that it has in VR, but that doesn't stop it from being an interesting option on the battlefield.

The blade does have the possibility of dismembering the limbs of an enemy though it's commonly seen as a more defensive sword due to its length that will keep a player's opponents at a distance.

9 Common Dagger

A player about to attack an opponent with a Common Dagger in Blade and Sorcery

Daggers may appear as a poor choice for intense combat within Blade and Sorcery, however, the Common Dagger opens up an avenue for plenty of exciting moments once the player has understood the best way to avoid their foes.

Combining the dagger with the sorcerers' abilities of telekinesis to knock an opponent down before going in for the kill makes the dagger a brilliant accomplice. Not to mention how easily it can be thrown at enemies, where good aim can lead to a quick kill.

8 Wrist Blade

A player blocking with two Wrist Blades against an opponent in Blade and Sorcery

A common favorite of those that like to look cool while battling their opponents, one Wrist Blade on its own can't cause much damage but wielding one on each wrist can turn a player into a horrifying weapon. These blades can be made even cooler by imbuing them with sorcery such as fire making them even more powerful.

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However, they are terrible at defense. This is also made worse if only using one as players will commonly need to block with both if they hope to avoid an opponent's attack.

7 Long Sword

A player holding up a Long Sword with one hand in Blade and Sorcery

It's impossible to go wrong with this classic sword as many who have ever had an interest in the medieval first thought when it comes to swords would be the Long Sword. It has many great features about it from the long defensive blade to the blunt end of the hilt being used to knock down enemies before striking them once more.

Not only this, but the Long Sword feels a lot lighter than that of the War Sword. Therefore, making it a lot easier to wield with either one or two hands though it may take a couple more slashes to defeat a foe.

6 Flanged Warmace

A player holding the Flanged Warmace in Blade and Sorcery

This blunt force weapon has a similar length to the Long Sword allowing players to take a defensive stance while also being a great weapon to use to disarm their opponent. It may not seem as exciting as the typical sword due to no slashing damage but the blunt force nature of this Warmace can still be powerful.

To make it even better, the Flanged Warmace does also have a sharpness to it allowing for some versatile attacks. The very tip of the mace can be used to knock down opponents and then finish them off while they are on the ground.

5 Rapier

A player attacking an opponent with the Rapier in Blade and Sorcery

Some players may argue that this weapon isn't as good as many others on the list, however, the Rapier is a great sword to have in hand when facing armored enemies. Firstly, the design of this blade is beautiful, especially its hilt. Looks aside, the piercing damage caused by this blade is extraordinary.

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Players will face issues if trying to slash with the Rapier as this is not its intended use but being nimble on their feet, parrying, and approaching fast will allow this blade to shine.

4 Round Shield

A player blocking with the Round Shield in Blade and Sorcery

Many may argue that a shield isn't a weapon, however, the Round Shield can easily knock out an enemy as well as double up as a great way to stay protected against an opponent. On its own, there isn't much to be impressed by but using it effectively with a sword can make for an interesting battle.

Using combos to their advantage a player can block the hit of an oncoming enemy, bash them with the shield, and then go in for a hit with their sword, killing them quickly.

3 Bardiche

A player holding up the Bardiche with one hand in Blade and Sorcery

Moving away from the swords briefly, the Bardiche is a polearm that many players can enjoy. It not only has a lot of length to it making it a great weapon to hold firmly with two hands and block oncoming hits but also allows the player to attack from a distance.

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It's an incredibly powerful weapon not only for its sharp axe-like blade but also for its versatility in how a player can use it during combat, allowing them to experiment with different play styles.

2 Riding Sword

The player is holding a Riding Sword from Blade and Sorcery

Although a short-bladed sword, the Riding Sword is by far one of the best weapons available to players. Starting off with one of its issues is due to how small it is, players cannot hold this weapon in two hands for more power in their hits, though this does give players room for a shield.

The Riding Sword isn't praised for how it slashes enemies but for how brutal it is through its piercing damage. As long as the wielder is quick on their feet, getting in close and stabbing will deal with a threat quickly.

1 Claymore

A player holding the Claymore sideways with two hands in Blade and Sorcery

The Claymore is by far one of the most powerful weapons available to players in Blade and Sorcery, outside of magic. It is a large sword to carry meaning players will only be able to wield this weapon efficiently with two hands with less control in one hand, though carrying this into battle means the enemy doesn't stand a chance.

As another long blade, it keeps the opponent at a distance, not allowing them to get close enough to get a hit in. However, the player is still open to arrows though these can be blocked with the blade if skilled enough.

Blade & Sorcery is available for PC.

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