
  • Black Myth: Wukong may not be as true to the Soulslike genre as it claims, potentially falling short on key characteristics.
  • The protagonist's immense power based on Sun Wukong may make traditional Soulslike gameplay challenging to achieve in the game.
  • While Black Myth: Wukong should provide a decent challenge, it should also allow players to feel the power of the legendary warrior Wukong.

Black Myth: Wukong is an upcoming action RPG by Game Science, based on the novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en. Despite being an action RPG, Black Myth: Wukong is also yet another addition to the ever-expanding library of Soulslike titles, which follow, to some extent, FromSoftware's classic Dark Souls formula and mechanics. However, here lately, many games have been released that only have bits and pieces of the Soulslike genre found in them rather than being Soulslike through and through — like Shift Up's recent title Stellar Blade — and it seems like Black Myth: Wukong may be one of them.

While Black Myth: Wukong has been marketed as a Soulslike, and it certainly appears to have elements of Soulslike gameplay, it might not be as true to the genre as it should be to technically be classified as such. Unlike most genres, the Soulslike genre is a very particular one, as it is ultimately defined by its niche characteristics. As such, there are certain traditions a game must observe to be both technically classified and publicly recognized as a proper Soulslike, and although Black Myth: Wukong may observe some of those traditions, there is one key characteristic that may set it too far apart from the genre for it to find its home there.

Black Myth: Wukong Might Give FromSoftware Competition in One Big Area

Black Myth: Wukong, the upcoming Soulslike set in Ancient China, could give FromSoftware a run for its money in one crucial area.

Black Myth: Wukong May Be Less of a Soulslike Than It Lets On

A Key Characteristic of the Soulslike Genre Is Its Challenging Gameplay

Hardcore Soulslike fans are very protective of the genre, to the point that they refuse to label any game that might be too easy or accessible a Soulslike. Even Elden Ring, 2022's Game of the Year, threw some fans of the genre for a loop, as many thought it was far too accessible to be considered a true Soulslike experience. That is because difficulty is one of the most defining characteristics of the Soulslike genre.

A proper Soulslike needs to be punishing, making the player feel as insignificant as possible. Every single enemy in a Soulslike game, not just boss encounters, needs to pose a threat to the player. This is ultimately where Black Myth: Wukong may fall short, based on one major fact about the figure its protagonist is based on.

Black Myth: Wukong's Protagonist May Be Too Powerful for a True Soulslike Experience

Where the Soulslike elements of Black Myth: Wukong may fall flat is in the game's protagonist, who is based on Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. Best known as one of the players in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is a monkey who acquires supernatural abilities through dedication to Taoist practices. He is incredibly strong, he can run "with the speed of a meteor," and he can even transform into various animals, weapons, and other objects. He is also a very skilled warrior who can freeze people in place, and he can even cloak himself and become invisible.

With how immensely powerful Sun Wukong is — at least, with how powerful he is according to Journey to the West — it might be difficult for Black Myth: Wukong to be a traditional Soulslike. Based on what has been revealed so far, Wukong will be facing some massive foes, so it's likely he could meet his match. However, considering what has been written about him, it might be a challenge to make him insignificant in any world. That's actually a good thing, as it would be a shame to play as a legendary warrior such as Wukong and for his supernatural abilities to feel underwhelming against enemies. Instead, Black Myth: Wukong should lean as heavily into Wukong's overpowered nature as possible, still providing a decent challenge, but simultaneously allowing players to feel more powerful than anything else in the world.

Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong is an upcoming action role-playing game featuring an inspired Chinese setting, mythology, and narrative. The game is being developed by Game Science and features challenging Soulslike gameplay, character transformations, and a narrative based on the novel, Journey to the West.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
August 20, 2024
Game Science
Game Science
Action RPG