
  • Black Myth: Wukong's enemy design draws from ancient Chinese mythology, giving the game a strong chance to rival FromSoftware's titles.
  • The success of FromSoftware's games like Bloodborne is attributed to their immersive world design and attention to detail in enemy designs.
  • Game Science has the opportunity to make Black Myth: Wukong stand out in the genre with its varied monster design and a dynamic protagonist capable of facing tough challenges.

Of the many upcoming games featured at this year's Gamescom, fans of the Soulslike genre likely have been watching Black Myth: Wukong more closely than the rest. Since its initial reveal back in 2020, the action RPG, set in Ancient China and based on the famous novel Journey to the West, has piqued the interest of many gamers due to its unique style and aesthetic. While Soulslikes have become much more common in a post-Elden Ring world, many of them struggle to capture the essence of what makes FromSoftware's Soulsborne collection so special. It's early to say whether Black Myth: Wukong is able to achieve what so many others have failed to do, but one area in which the game has a strong chance to rival any of FromSoftware's titles is its enemy design.

Ancient Chinese mythology features many fascinating and unique monsters. This puts Black Myth: Wukong in a position of considerable strength in this department, as developer Game Science is able to draw from a deep well of imaginative designs when creating the game's enemies. Judging by what has been shown so far, the developer has really tried to take advantage of the source material, which bodes well for the game's chances of success and could result in some of Black Myth: Wukong's bosses being among the genre's finest.

RELATED: Black Myth: Wukong Wish List

Black Myth: Wukong's Enemy Design Could Rival FromSoftware's Finest

Orphan of Kos battling a Hunter

The fact that the term 'Soulslike' even exists is proof that FromSoftware is considered the king of the genre. The continued evolution of the blueprint that the Japanese developer created with 2009's Demon's Souls, and perfected with 2022's Game of the Year winner Elden Ring, has seen FromSoftware's stock rise considerably over the last decade. Hidetaka Miyazaki and his team are devoted to creating some of the most immersive and memorable areas and enemies that have ever been seen in video games.

No title encapsulates this devotion better than the PS4-exclusive Bloodborne. The grim, Lovecraftian world of Yharnam in which the game is set is cited by many as the pinnacle of world design, and the game's enemy designs are held in equally high regard. The design of bosses such as the gruesome mutation known as the Orphan of Kos and the human/horse hybrid Ludwig has helped Bloodborne gain its reputation, but it's in the care and attention given to standard enemies, not just bosses, that the game really excels. Each one is unique, posing the player a different challenge, and almost all of them are visually striking in their appearance.

Game Science has a chance to ensure Black Myth: Wukong makes its own mark on the genre, and it looks to be taking this opportunity with both hands. Footage of various boss fights shown so far has revealed some unique and exciting-looking battles, including one against the fearsome tiger vanguard, and another against an ivory-colored dragon that takes place against a backdrop of snowy mountains. It's likely that there will be more shown off over the coming months as Black Myth: Wukong's Summer 2024 release draws nearer.

Black Myth: Wukong's monster design looks to be impressively varied, and players can expect to face off against many different types of difficult opponents. Thankfully then, the Monkey King seems like a highly dynamic and athletic protagonist who is capable of taking on whatever challenges come his way, however tough they may be. If Game Science can stick the landing with its enemy and boss design, Black Myth: Wukong could well become the sleeper hit of 2024.

Black Myth: Wukong is scheduled to release in summer 2024 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Black Myth: Wukong Can't Find Itself in the Same Boat as Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty