With the fan-wielding Woosa and knife-wielding Maegu making the rounds as the newest of Black Desert Online classes at the beginning of 2023, fans of the acclaimed MMO may be interested in using their penchant for mobile gameplay to create ideal builds to dominate the likes of PVE and PVP. Considering the game’s 26 classes, it would be easy for players to tinker with a build enough to force them to adapt to the gameplay styles of 25 other class contenders.

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However, with the game also featuring new gameplay styles with Awakening modes and more powerful upgrades via Succession modes, fans might find it challenging to create a Black Desert Online character for their needs. Interestingly enough, eagle-eyed players with a knack for experimenting may realize it’s possible to transform an otherwise quirky class into a juggernaut, especially when transforming them with overpowered builds.

10 Maegu Charm Master

Maegu Charm Master

Introduced as one of the newer Black Desert Online Classes in January 2023, the Maegu taps into the Fox Spirit and unleashes its fury through charm explosions and mobile gameplay. Her mid-range specialization makes her quite a deadly spellcaster, with Maegu Charm Master focusing on hit-and-run burst damage to secure the kill. This PVEVP build relies on skillful usage of secondary mobility spells (Spirit Step, Path of Petals) to ensure mobile safety, whereas passives ensure the Maegu packs as much firepower as possible (Charm Mastery, Petal Play, Foxpsirit: Atonement, Foxspirit: Phantom).

The Maegu Charm Master emphasizes mobility and speedy burst rotations to avoid damage while dishing out the pain against mobs. The Maegu’s double (Foxpirit: Deceiver) acts as a decent emergency teleport or faster access to new targets, which is perfect for her repertoire of large-scale attacks. This Maegu build can be particularly devastating for its quick-burst attacks (Foxspirit: Tag), a timed burst (Ghost Bomb), damage-over-time (Soulflame, Bristling Sparks), charged attacks (Foxflare), and even movement-tied attacks (Petalblast, Alternate attacks also include a short-ranged clawing (Bared Claws, Lurking Claws, Soul Tear), stuns (Soulsnare, Flower Shroud), and a devastating finisher (Heavenward Dance).

9 Drakania Dragon Slasher

Drakania Dragon Slasher

Considered descendants of the dragon Markthanan, the mobile dragoneers Drakania serve as one of the few short-to-mid-ranged specialists in Black Desert Online, with gameplay similar to the Ninja, emphasizing in using her two-handed Slayer sword to cleave through opponents. Their unique mechanic involves collection Ions around her, which is a resource she can use to instantly activate abilities that often need charging. This ability to circumvent cooldowns makes the Drakania Dragon Slasher quite an interesting build choice, as the kit emphasizes more precise movement and attacks compared to the speedier Drakania builds.

This Drakania Dragon Slasher can make quick work of opponents provided she has her full slate of passives (Slayer Training, Burning Resolve, Scale Bastion, Marthanan’s Heart, and Ceaseless Vengeance) as well as access to her mobility specialties (Evasion, Dragonwalk, Refraction, Dragon’s Advance) that lead into her flying attacks (Soarign Assault, Flow: Markthanan’s Wings, Flow: Markthanan’s Claws). Key to her combat kit is her slate of determined slashes that work well with single targets and PVP, such as slashes that work with leaps (Azure Onslaught, Brimbolt Strike), spins (Brimbolt Raze), forward leaps (Blazing Strike, Eviscerate, Markthanan’s Scale), an AOE burst (Markthanan’s Breath), and even pushbacks (Markthanan’s Dominion).

8 Sage Crowd Buster

Sage Crowd Buster

Being the Last Ancient from the Ancient Kingdom, the Sage took it upon himself to travel across the world to find remnants of his lost home. He can do this thanks to his Kyve, a weapon he crafted with his magical prowess that allows him to move across various points of space. It’s evident in the kit of the Sage that he’s built precisely to eliminate mobs of enemies at once, but the Sage Crowd Buster transforms him into a spellcasting juggernaut not unlike the Dark Knight.

Key to the Sage Crowd Buster achieving its full potential is its access to passives that boost his overall stats and damage (Kyve Mastery, Ancients’ Wisdom, Augmentation) and even skills that give him significant boosts (Reset, Electrify). These allow him to make use of his control-oriented skillset, primarily through pulling spells (Gravity Rift, Illusion Compression) and following through with devastating area attacks (Ator’s Fist, Spatial Fissure, Void Gateways, Ator’s Mark, Form Shift, Ator’s Thorn, Realm of Anguish). This particular build excels in being a pseudo-support tank for their pulling mechanic, as it can become a partial damage mitigation strategy in teams.

7 Guardian Leap Crusher

Guardian Leap Crusher

Serving as the more temperamental counterpart of the Drakania is the Guardian, descendants of the dragon Labreska. Armed with her battle-axe and shield, the Guardian is a more front-loaded melee Class that can take on most threats with nary a sign of fear. The Guardian Leap Crusher is the premier example of a Guardian build, emphasizing the Class’s straightforward use of leaps and smashes for deadly attack bursts that work well with both PVE and PVP setups. Outside utilities such as movement skills (Sturdy Step, Evasion), a protective buff (Guard), and a general boost (Omua’s Glare), much of the skills of the Guardian Leap Crusher is built for a combination of determined movement and strikes that emphasizes heavy damage.

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For instance, the key to the Guardian Leap Crusher’s kit is its heavy focus on striking down targets. Combos that work well with the Guardian involve directional attacks (Frost Strike, Omua’s Objurgation, Black Blood’s Descent), an evade-counter (Fierce Disdain), a mid-ranged attack (Axe Throw), charge strikes (Avalanche Strike, Black Blood Circle), standing heavy-hitters (Strike Down, Boulder Crush, Mountain Slam, Torso Ripper, Mutilation), and even multi-combo skills (Claw Reveal, Beast Demolisher, Black Blood’s Descent).

6 Nova Scythe Shielder

Nova Scythe Shielder

Compared to other Classes, the Nova has a direct role in the story of Black Desert Online, being the last member of the royal lineage of a forgotten past. Now commanding the Thornwood Guards, she has to embrace the power of darkness to reclaim her kingdom. This is reflected visually and mechanically in the Nova Scythe Shielder build, where she emphasizes more in the usage of her Awakening’s Sting rapier-scythe compared to her original morningstar. As expected, the build focuses heavily on making attacks using her tower shield or slicing through opponents in her Awakening form - opposite more nimble Classes like the Lahn. In turn, much of the build needs the Nova to access defensive boosts (En Garde, Quoratum’s Protection, Quoartm’s Aura, Cold + Dark Star, Combuust Life) and mobility-based attacks (Break Orbit, Twisted Orbit, Royal Fencing: Riposte).

Interestingly enough, the Nova Scythe Shielder is one of the more flexible kits in the game due to the Nova’s access to multiple approaches in battle. For instance, summoning skills (Command: Passed Pawn, Command: Opening, Command: Fianchetto, Command: Stamma’s Mate) let the Nova get temporary reinforcements to supplement her combos. Her base mace with shield stance can also unleash devastating combos (Bitter Reign, Vengeful Star, Command: Frozen Earth, Command: Frozen Darkness, Command: Blooming Icy Thorns), while her Awakening form is a more mobile melee toolkit with spinning attacks (Swooping Ring, Comet, Frozen Ring, Royal Fencing: Remise, Royal Fencing: Fleche, Starfall).

5 Striker Tanking Devastation

Striker Tanking Devastation

While originally a foreigner who stumbled into the Far East, the Striker has earned a name for themselves as one of the most prominent martial artists in the land. With Striker Tanking Devastation, players can enjoy a fast-paced tanking spec in their Black Desert Online gameplay. Compared to other Classes in the game, the Striker enjoys a more combo-heavy toolkit, with damage boosted significantly with the right buffs (Crouching Wolf, Flow: Prey Hunt, Massive Suppression, Wolf’s Hunger, Howling Wolf, Martial Spirit, Bloody Fang). Meanwhile, their lack of straightforward mobility skills (Flash Step, Silent Step) are easily compensated with their access to movement-heavy attacks.

For instance, the Striker Tanking Devastation always have lead-ins via starters (Twisted Collision, Somersault), movement starters (Triple Flying Kick, Adamantine, Hidden Claw) and stuns (Crimson Fang, Flow: Explosive Blow, Knee Hammer). They also have no shortage of straightforward attacks (Heavy Fist, Fist of True Strength, Taebaek Kick, Fist Fury, Roaring Tiger).

4 Lahn Ranged Cleaver

Lahn Ranged Cleaver

Martial arts prodigy Lahn is said to have been a gift from the gods themselves, with her specialization of the Crescent Pendulum, Noble Sword, and Crimson Glaives giving her access to various combat styles and ranges. This is emphasized in Lahn Ranged Cleaver, where the Lahn showcases her short-to-mid-ranged prowess, Key to her build are damage-boosting buffs (Stately Dignity, Zephyr, Blooming Affinity, Annihilator, Crimson Glaives Training), mobility skills (Primrose Sprint, Nimbus Stride, Nimbus Dismount, Bloody Stride, Phantom Stride), and even air-to-ground finishers (Nimbus Dismout, Fragrant Stigma, Morning Dew, Ethereal Dance).

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However, where the Lahn Ranged Cleaver truly shines is her arsenal of reaching attacks capable of tearing through enemy ranks before they reach her. Examples of efficient ways of combo-ing with her toolkit involve multi-directional attacks (Moondance, Flow: Sacred Dance), vertical slices (Cymbidium), and mobile reaches (Three Point Stipple, Spring Breeze, Blooming Nether Flower, Bridled Despair).

3 Corsair Fluid Slicer

Corsair Fluid Slicer

The pirate-themed Corsair spices up Black Desert Online gameplay with an arsenal of fluid movement, fast-paced attacks, and accessible combos to boast one of the more quick-footed among the MMO’s cast of characters. Aside from the Corsair Fluid Slicer giving her the meansto transform into a mermaid for more devastating attacks (and longer underwater time), this Awakening form also gives her access to more powerful wave attacks (Jet Stream, Dreamswirl, Mereca: Whale Song, Mereca: Sea Stroll, Mereca: Spiral Soak).

What perhaps makes the Corsair Fluid Slicer shine would be her access to nifty attack variants, which can come in the form of movement attacks (Tidal Slash, Flow: Raging Torrent, Whirlpool, Ocean Melancholy, Wave Pout), ranged reachers (Sea Prowler, Storming Gale, Wave Lash, Ocean’s Pearl, Wipe Out), and stuns (Tide’s Kiss). These special approaches are on top of more straightforward attacks (Splashin’ Arond, Storm Surge, Flow: After the Storm, Crashing Wave), all of which she can use in tandem with the former abilities for combos that almost always reach enemies.

2 Woosa Targeted Devastation

Woosa Targeted Devastation

Considered masters of the butterfly in Black Desert Online gameplay, the Woosa uses her Swallowtail Fan and the Do Stave in order to bring order to a chaotic world, serving as the more targeted twin of the Maegu Class. With the Woosa Targeted Devastation build, players can tap into the single-target specialization of the Woosa to eliminate most targets with ease. Much of her kit has her rely on buffs (Sagoonja: Bamboo, Butterfly Dream, Meditation, Peace of Mind, Mystery of Mysteries) and channeling her energies to buff allies while punishing enemies (Sagoonja: Crysanth). Likewise, her access to blockers and mobility skills (Fan Wall, Flourish, Butterfly Step, Tigerfly, Silent Strike, Yangban Step, Flitting Step) can help ensure she’s able to hit back at the closest opening.

When the Woosa starts to strike back, Woosa Targeted Devstation intends to leave no survivors. While her access to straightforward attacks (Fan Training, Stave Strike, Pummel, Fandown, Fan Kick) gives her easy combo opportunities, she can be more methodical in securing knockdowns (Flutter Kick, Wingbeat, Cloudcarve) to facilitate more devastating burst attacks (Sagoonja: Plum, Stormfall, Cloudrise, Inkwrath) and even long-ranged reachers (Kaleidoscope Swirl, Thunderstroke, Flurry, Cloud Flower).

1 Hashashin Mobile Stealth

Hashashin Mobile Stealth

One of the stealthiest characters in Black Desert Online gameplay, the Hashashin devastates the battlefield by ensuring enemies don’t even see him coming. With the Hashashin Mobile Stealth, players can access his blade-dagger combo for extremely swift and targeted gameplay. Key to his Hashashin Mobile Stealth are buffs that boost his speed (Aal's Protection, Ruler of the Sands) and mobility options that help him move around the battlefield (Hourglass of Defiance, Sand Warp). Much of his kit begins with movement attacks (Piercing Tornado, Haladie Assault, Hourglass of Death, Aal's Dominion), which means they also take priority in player builds.

When the Hashashin does attack, he has accessible attacks (Shamshir Training, Rupture, Tail Cutter, Sand Divider) that mesh into combos quickly, especially when used with follow-throughs (Shadow Splitter, Sand Slicer, Haladie Throw). He also has powerful bursts (Purge, Ridge Reaver, Chosen Blade, Aal's Breath, Quicksand, Descent) when dealing with multiple foes, making this perfect for a PVE Black Desert Online Class.

Black Desert Online is currently available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, PS4

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