Black Desert is a vast MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that is highly praised for its character customization, gameplay, and intricately crafted classes. Black Desert is one of the best-looking MMOs on the market and has curated a broad player base across both PC and consoles. Black Desert features several enormous maps where players must grind PVE enemies for experience to increase their level.

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However, there are certain areas among higher-level content that incorporate open PVP aspects, which makes players contest for farming areas against other players. The combat in Black Desert is among some of the best in MMOs today and takes a lot of skill to master. To avoid being overwhelmed and swarmed before getting a chance to react, there are a few things players should know when engaging enemy players. Here are some mistakes to avoid in Black Desert PVP.

8 Don't Forget To Stay Mobile

Black Desert Online Ninja Strike

One of the most vital skills in Black Desert in PVE and PVP is mobility. Each class has a number of specialty movement skills among their kits that help them move around the combat area with ease. Some of these abilities can be cast while dealing damage, while others only ensure that the user can not be harmed during the casting of the ability. This is where it becomes essential for players to know their class inside and out. Many times while playing, getting caught up in the animations of a character can cause a player to stand in one spot for too long, which will make them prime for targeting; this can spell disaster in the blink of an eye.

7 Don't Depend On AOE Skills

black desert

The skills in Black Desert for each class have their strengths and weaknesses, just like any other MMO. However, the skills in Black Desert have varying effects that make a big difference in PVP combat. Some skills excel at controlling space, and others succeed at hindering single targets.

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While the glamor of hitting a wide area and not having to aim at a fast-moving opponent is enticing, players should take caution before casting a wide-area skill that takes too long to cast or leaves them vulnerable to crowd control.

6 Never Lose Sight Of Opponents

black desert online combat

With the vast amount of maneuverability in the game, it can become increasingly difficult for players to keep up with opponents, especially if there are numerous players at the same time. Unfortunately, it is paramount that players keep attackers in their crosshairs to avoid becoming surrounded or put at a disadvantage where they are unable to protect themselves or retreat effectively. A change to camera sensitivity and field of view can go a long way in giving players an edge in combat.

5 Aggression Can Lead To A Quick Defeat

Black Desert Online Lahn Attack

The fast-paced combat of Black Desert can create a tunnel vision of advancement when engaging in PVP, but this is a very dangerous avenue that can spell disaster for any player, veteran, or newcomer.

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Charging a target can lead to extensive stun lock and heavy crowd control penalties that will drain a life bar from full to zero in the blink of an eye. It's important to gauge an encounter carefully before making any type of attack and take advantage of the neutral between opposing players.

4 There Is No One Class Beats All

A Guild Standing Together In Black Desert

Black Desert is a game that has exceptionally detailed classes and progression that feel unique and powerful in their own way. Each class comes with a laundry list of abilities that make them powerful in their own way. Each class has its own advantages and disadvantages, whether they are a long-distance caster or a frontline assault class.

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It is important to note that any class can be used effectively and, if underestimated, can overwhelm even the strongest players. Players should become familiar with most classes in the game to know what to expect and how to behave on the battlefield accordingly.

3 Distance Is Just As Dangerous As Close Combat

A Black Desert Online player

Because of Black Desert's combat systems, players can weave in and out of close-range combat and engage in melee combat effortlessly. While the average range of a character's abilities varies, players can be versatile with a bit of practice. It's important to note that there is no safe distance when engaging in PVP, and players should always stay on guard unless completely disengaging from combat. Classes like the Berserker and Sage can have deceptive ranges that can catch players off guard.

2 Don't Get Drawn Into Crowd Control Effects

Black Desert Online Lahn Circle

One of the most valuable tools in each class's kit when engaging in PVP situations is the ability to lock down an opponent's movement, leaving them wide open for an assault of powerful skills that would generally be too slow to hit. Many AOE skills in the game have an aspect of Crowd Control capabilities, and players should be sure to stay alert and avoid these skills to the best of their abilities.

1 Don't Be Afraid To Run Away

Tunnel vision is a dangerous thing when facing other players; putting on blinders and fighting until the bitter end is not always the best course of action. Players should not overcommit to combat until it is tipped in their favor. Overstaying their welcome can put players in die situations when a simple retreat and reposition can reset the neutral and grant more opportunities to land a solid blow to opponents.

Black Desert is available on PC and PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

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