Starring Andrea Martin and Margot Kidder, the 1974 horror movie Black Christmas is the definition of campy fun. The story of sorority sisters being tormented by a killer has become iconic, and there have been many films that follow the same idea of characters hiding in a house. Like the 1979 movie When A Stranger Calls, Black Christmas is an entertaining slasher that is perfect for horror fans who want to catch up on the classics. Both movies feature talented, popular actors, a story that is enjoyable to follow along with, and just the right amount of cheesiness.

While it makes sense that a popular horror film would eventually have a remake, Black Christmas has two: one in 2006 and one in 2019. How do these movies compare to each other?

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Remakes aren't usually great, and since there have been two remakes of the '70s classic horror movie Black Christmas, that brings up the question of which remake is better. The 2006 film follows sorority sisters at Delta Alpha Kappa in New Hampshire played by Lacey Chabert, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Katie Cassidy. Billy (Robert Mann) is the killer, and he has a dark and creepy background as he killed his mom and her boyfriend. Now he's back at the sorority house, looking for revenge. The 2019 film stars Imogen Poots as Riley, a sorority girl at Hawthorne College who learns that the person killing students is part of a cult. While the 2019 movie has a message, it's not done very well, making the 2006 movie a lot better.

Aleyse Shannon as Kris with the killer in a black costume in Black Christmas (2019)

The 1974 movie feels groundbreaking, being one of the first movies to take place at a sorority house, showing that there's a lot of horror to be found on a college campus. It's possible to see the 2006 remake as superior to the 2019 film because it leans into the fact that it's a corny horror movie. The characters are relatable and understandable, fun-loving college students who like being part of a community who just want to enjoy the holidays and, as they start being stalked by the killer, get out alive.

Black Christmas (2019) has a feminist message with good intentions, but the movie is badly executed. Riley finds a cult who are brainwashing women to be subservient to them as they want to take back Hawthorne College and only have the men ruling campus. By the time that the movie gets to this point, there haven't been enough terrifying moments for the reveal to pay off. It's not a classic and timeless horror movie plot twist. Instead, it feels like the movie is using the topic of sexism and misogyny for a "plot twist" that should be shocking but just feels off. If a horror film is going to talk about something so important and serious, it really needs to discuss it carefully, and that doesn't happen here. The movie wasn't popular with horror fans and many felt that the slasher didn't bring much to the table. The movie has a 3.4 out of 10 rating on IMDb and a 31% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Melissa (Michelle Tratchenberg) and Kelli (Katie Cassidy) in Black Christmas (2006)

The 2006 remake of Black Christmas stars Andrea Martin as Barbara, the sorority house mother, and she portrayed the role of Phyllis in the 1974 movie. Andrea Martin told The A.V. Club in an interview that she was thrilled to be in the remake. The actor said, "I loved the idea that I was a sorority girl in the ’70s and the house mother in 2006. You know, I was interested in being part of it and seeing where that sequel or remake would take you, but I think there was a real difference between the movies. The first movie didn’t have the benefit—actually, maybe 'benefit' isn’t the right word—but it didn’t have the addition of really graphic images and it was left more to your imagination. I think the first film we did was actually more frightening." While the original movie is definitely scary, the 2006 film is disturbing and creepy, as audiences learn that Billy turned his dead mom into cookies, an image that is tough to forget but that adds to the sometimes silly tone of the movie.

But because the 2006 Black Christmas has some fun, campy moments that balance out the darkness, it emerges as the kind of horror film that fans can just sit back and enjoy watching without having to think too hard. Sometimes that can be a welcome part of the genre. Horror movie remakes range from good to bad, and while horror fans might not find much to like about the 2019 Black Christmas, the 2006 movie is a fun ride.

NEXT: This 2000s Slasher Is Dumb Fun (But Completely Forgotten)