BitLife is a popular life simulator game that lets players experience the joys and challenges of life – from birth to death. Players can manage their education, careers, relationships, and even hobbies. While they have complete control over their actions, players should also keep in mind that their choices ultimately shape their life paths.

When the character eventually dies, they are awarded with a Ribbon. In BitLife, ribbons act as decorations for the character’s gravestone. There are currently 40 different ribbons that players can earn. Each ribbon is represented with a unique emoji, and represents the most notable aspects of that character's life. Some are more difficult to unlock than others, and several are hard to obtain without a guide. Keep reading to learn how to collect all the ribbons in BitLife.

How to Rob a Train in Bitlife

Executing a successful train robbery in BitLife is among the most challenging tasks. Here's a guide on accomplishing it with precision.

How to Get All Ribbons in BitLife

ribbons list bitlife

The table below showcases all the Ribbons introduced to Bitlife so far. While some of them are easy to get, others demand significant effort from the players. Following this guide, it shouldn't be hard for players to get their hands on these achievements.

RibbonHow to Get
  • Study hard, read a lot of books, and spend most of your time in the library.
  • Attend university.
  • Enroll in Graduate or Medical School.
  • Pick a school-related job, such as a teacher or professor.
  • Gamble everything you have at the horse racetrack or casino.
  • Make sure your winnings are less than $1M.
  • Never go to rehab
  • Die with at least two addictions, such as alcohol, gambling, or illicit substances.
Barbie Girl
  • Be a low-profile female with a decent-paying job to afford a lot of plastic surgery.
  • Get every plastic surgery except Gender Reassignment.
Big Boss
  • Major in Finance, Mathematics, English, or Information Systems at university/
  • Attend Business School and get a corporate-related job for 15 years.
  • After 15 years, become an Assistant Vice President, then work hard until you are promoted to CEO.
  • Have a net worth of over $20M at the time of your death.
Cat Lady
  • Be a female and adopt as many cats as possible from the animal shelter.
  • Own at least 30 cats and only spend time with them throughout your life.
  • Commit a crime, get arrested, and escape from jail.
  • Next, get gender reassignment surgery.
  • After getting the Gender Reassignment Surgery, move to another country to as a fugitive.
  • Murder a minimum of five people, or hire a hitman to do so.
Family Guy
  • Be a male and get married to a woman.
  • Spend your entire life with one spouse.
  • Have at least two children and spend time with them for 30 years.
  • Never go to prison or abandon your children or pets.
  • Focus on keeping your looks above 80%, even if you need to get plastic surgery.
  • Get fame-worthy jobs. Some of these include Actor, Model, and Fashion Designer.
  • Maintain high fame levels until death.
  • Have a lot of children through pregnancy or sperm donations.
  • The number of children multiplied by two plus the number of grandchildren should be 15.
  • Having 10 biological children gets you the “Fabulously Fertile” achievement.
  • Give 30 gifts to family, friends and other relationships every year.
  • Make sure your character lives to the age of 120 or higher by curing their illnesses and keeping them happy.
  • Visit at least 20 countries or more over the course of your character's lifetime.
Gold Digger
  • Be born in a wealthy country, such as Germany or Australia.
  • Focus on having good looks and stats.
  • Never get a job. However, you can take advantage of freelance gigs or steal to make quick money.
  • Lastly, find aged people with high incomes to marry.
  • Attempt to save someone’s life by intervention, such as performing the Heimlich maneuver on a person who’s choking.
  • Alternatively, join the military. Fail the deployment minefield puzzle and die while defusing the mines.
  • Get sent to prison and escape at least ten times.
  • Escaping prison may seem like a tedious task, but it is relatively simple and straightforward. Check out our guide here.
  • Have a high net worth and go gambling at the casino or the racetrack.
  • Always bet the highest amount, and have winnings of at least $1M or higher by the time of your death.
  • Become a social media influencer at age 13. Post as much as you can and try to go viral.
  • Get verified on all social media accounts and have at least a million followers.
  • Alternatively, players can choose a fame-related career and build a social media presence once they become famous.
  • Get sent to jail, escape once, and then get arrested again.
  • The Jailbird Ribbon requires players to serve at least two sentences.
  • Be lazy and never do a thing in your life. Simply Keep clicking the Age button till you reach 50 years old.
  • Have a character with over $20M of net worth at the time of their death.
  • To get some quick money, players can commit a crime like Robbing a Train.
  • Hook up often and have at least 20 partners. Make sure to avoid STDs.
  • Live a completely ordinary life, without trying to get your stats up.
  • Don’t get a high-paying job.
Model Bitizen
  • Be the perfect citizen who never gets into trouble and positively influences others.
  • Do each of the following ten times:
    • Compliment people
    • Spend time with children
    • Give money to relatives
  • Have a net worth of $50,000 minimum and at least 50% karma by the time of your death.
  • Buy at least 10 houses, renovate them, and sell them. Repeat this until you make at least $2M flipping houses.
  • Alternatively, become an exorcist and vanquish ghosts from haunted houses and re-sell them.
  • Repeatedly ask for money (at least 10 times) from your family and friends, even if they refuse or ask you to stop.
  • Never give money to anyone else.
Movie Buff
  • Watch at least 20 movies at the theater every year with friends, family, loved ones, or by yourself.
  • Get a net worth between $2.5 million and $20 million by the time of your death.
  • Go clubbing at least 10 times, and never say no to alcohol or drugs.
  • Throw house parties and argue with the neighbors if they complain about the noise.
  • Be aggressive and go to prison for at least five years.
  • Commit a few crimes, such as theft and murder.
  • Drop out of school and make poor life decisions.
  • Alternatively, die by overdosing on drugs.
  • Have a net worth of $250,000 minimum.
  • Avoid going to prison and getting any addictions.
  • Stay healthy and live until 65 or older.
  • Spend time with family and do not abandon pets or children.
  • Be a male and have under $1M of net worth without any debts.
  • Buy exotic pets (at least 20) and spend time with them every year.
  • Commit a total of 10 or more thefts in your lifetime.
  • Pickpocket at least two people, rob at least two houses, and steal at least two cars.
  • Be born in Tucson, USA or Miami, USA.
  • Major in Computer Science or Information Systems.
  • Maintain the role of an App Developer or App Tester for BitLife.
  • Contract a fatal disease, such as cancer, at a young age.
  • Die before the age of thirty through natural causes (i.e., not a drug overdose).
  • Enroll at a university and join the military.
  • Successfully defuse mines at least three times.
  • Become a high-ranked officer and retire at 62.
  • Start the game and go to the Activities screen.
  • Click the “Surrender” button to give up your life.
  • Spread STDs to other people. You can do this by getting an STD, not getting it cured, and then having multiple hook-ups
  • Alternatively, abandon a child and/or a pet at least five times.

Obtaining all these Ribbons in BitLife can be time-consuming. Yet, by diligently following these steps, players can attain every ribbon and become a pro at Bitlife. Best of luck!


Android , iOS
September 30, 2018
Groom Lake Development, LLC
Groom Lake Development, LLC