Players will occasionally encounter situations that incentivize them to prolong the lives of their characters in BitLife. Those situations frequently manifest as achievements and challenges that instruct fans to live to a certain age or require them to hold jobs for many years. Regardless of the reason that a player has for attempting to live long in BitLife, this guide contains several recommendations that should assist with that endeavor.

BitLife: How to Live Long

While there is some amount of randomness to living a long life in BitLife, players that focus on keeping their stats high have the best chance of reaching old age. In particular, having high Health and Happiness is extremely important, and there are a number of ways that players can maintain those critical stats. One of those ways is to select the Mediterranean Diet through the Mind & Body tab, and it is highly recommended that fans of life sim video games pick that option as soon as their character turns 18 years old.

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Players should also make regular trips to the Gym and the Doctor, and they should Meditate frequently as well. Indeed, these activities, coupled with the Mediterranean Diet, should be enough to keep a character happy, healthy, and on the path toward a long life. If mobile video game fans that engage with these activities consistently find that that their Health and Happiness stats are still slipping, it is recommended that they incorporate family time, walks, and martial arts into their routines.

bitlife live long

While it is true that Health and Happiness are the top priorities when trying to live long, players should not neglect their BitLife characters' Looks and Smarts stats altogether. Typically, the aforementioned trips to the Gym will keep a characters Looks stat sufficiently high, though fans can consider sending them for plastic surgery if things get dire. And with respect to maintaining a high Smarts stat, reading books regularly is all that should really be required.

Players should now have a solid understanding of what they should do to prolong the lives of their characters, though a few words on what they should not do may still be helpful. At the top of that list is likely to be drugs, as even using these illegal substances in BitLife once can have dire consequences. Fans should also avoid conflicts as much as possible, since altercations can certainly have a negative impact on their characters' wellbeing and chance at reaching old age.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.

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