Ever since the game's debut back in February last year, Anthem has been unanimously branded something of a major disappointment. With players calling out the title for having a dull gameplay loop, repetitive missions, a severe lack of originality, and a number of crippling technical issues, it didn't take long for Bioware's big new multiplayer epic to become the source of a lot of backlash online. However, it appears Bioware has always been open to making some huge changes to game, and a new post from the company confirms a fresh start for Anthem is indeed on its way.

Posted to Bioware's blog, the company has officially stated that Anthem will be getting a major overhaul, with the studio's general manager Casey Hudson confirming "there's still more fundamental work to be done to bring out the full potential of the experience, and it will require a more substantial reinvention than an update or expansion." Hudson goes on to admit that "there's so much more that we - and you - would have wanted from it," with the Bioware head detailing a handful of specific areas that will change in Anthem to make it a more player-friendly experience.

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He begins by claiming that "Anthem needs a more satisfying loot experience, better long-term progression, and a more fulfilling endgame," before eventually citing the bigger goal of reinventing "the core gameplay loop with clear goals, motivating challenges, and progression with meaningful rewards." To do this, he claims that that the team will be "focusing on gameplay first", which will no doubt make a lot of players happy seen as Anthem has been severely criticized for its lack of meaningful gameplay since launch.

Although it remains to be seen whether these promises are kept by Hudson and his team, it's evident that BioWare is avidly listening to feedback and looking to bring fans the experience they were promised back when the game was first announced. As Hudson says in the closing paragraph of his update, "creating new worlds is central to our studio mission, but it's not easy. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we miss." Hopefully, while BioWare has made some mistakes in its launch of Anthem, it will use the passion of the team and the game's fans to rework the entire experience into something truly special.

In the meantime, Casey Hudson confirms that BioWare will "continue to run the current version of Anthem, but move away from full seasons as the team works towards the future." Whether or not fans particularly enjoy the game, it must be said that BioWare's continued focus towards making Anthem into the experience fans want is deeply commendable. Hopefully, it develops into an incredible experience in the months to come.

Anthem is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Could Anthem's Potential Overhaul Still Save It?