2007 was a big year for videos games, as the titles released forever changed the future of the gaming industry. Gamers took to controlling Commander Shepard in their journey to protect the galaxy, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare marked the explosive rise of the FPS genre, and Ubisoft rewrote history in Assassin's Creed. However, 2K Games created a sci-fi title that took gamers underwater, and it quickly became one of gaming's most influential titles. That game is BioShock, and today, the legendary title is celebrating its 15th anniversary.BioShock took the gaming scene by storm when it released on August 21, 2007. Set in a dystopian, underwater city, players experienced visual and narrative storytelling like no other as they fought for their lives in the aptly named city of Rapture. BioShock changed gaming, and it did not go unnoticed, as the game is still heavily revered and celebrated all these years later for what developer 2K managed to accomplish. Social media took note of the day and has been celebrating the special occasion.RELATED: BioShock Fan Uses Camera Trick to Make Rapture Look Like a Tiny ModelThe official 2K Twitter account kicked off the celebration with a very early morning tweet. Lightly quoting one of the most iconic lines in all of gaming, 2K Games kindly asked gamers to celebrate the 15th anniversary of BioShock. It can't go unnoticed that 2K's Twitter account changed its profile picture to Andrew Ryan, one of gaming's most notorious villains and deliverer of the iconic line that 2K includes in said tweet.

The love hasn't stopped there as 2K has taken to sharing plenty of BioShock inspired content such as a variety of cosplay and support from big media outlets such as Twitch. Legendary gaming industry member and upcoming Gamescom host, Geoff Keighley, simply showed his love for the game with a heart to the 2K tweet.


It's also important to note that with the celebrations, today also marks the day that Andrew Ryan announced his plans to construct Rapture. Despite Ryan becoming the eventual destroyer of the city he helped create, it's only fair that he receives a share of praise for creating something so unique as the city of Rapture.

As the BioShock series looks toward the future, it'll only be a matter of time before gamers are whisked away to the next iconic locale. For the time being, though, fans should be sure to kindly partake in the celebrations like the many avid enjoyers of Rapture.

BioShock is currently available on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 while a new game is in development.

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