After almost a decade worth of development work and plenty of twists and turns along the way, the BioShock franchise, more specifically the BioShock Infinite leg, comes to a close with the release of Burial at Sea: Episode 2. And it's only fitting that the franchise ends right where it started, in the murky depths of Rapture.

Of course, there's still a full downloadable episode to get through before Rapture and Columbia seemingly close their doors forever, and in celebration of that 2K Games and Irrational have released a new launch trailer. However, since the DLC is available today, we'd recommend jumping straight into Episode 2 if you want to remain as spoiler-free as possible, but those who are curious should hit play on the video above.

While the trailer offers plenty in the way of tantalizing teases and juicy story set-ups, it's also fairly obtuse — a trademark of the BioShock franchise. We know that Burial at Sea: Episode 2 finally puts players in control of Elizabeth and tasks them with helping Atlas (aka Frank Fontaine) get back into Rapture. And, although it's not highlighted in this particular trailer, previous details from Irrational have revealed that Elizabeth will offer unique gameplay opportunities unlike anything seen in Infinite thus far.

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That being said, the subtle teases of the Lutece twins and Booker DeWitt suggest that Episode 2 will have larger implications than that seemingly self-contained story. In fact, Irrational has even teased that Episode 2 might not just provide closure for Infinite's story, but for the larger BioShock universe as well.

It seems only fitting that, as Irrational Games (at least as we know it) closes its doors, the developer try its best to tie up all the necessary loose ends. Sure, 2K Games has the rights to the franchise and they will likely continue to make BioShock games, but this is Irrational's chance to say all that want to say. We can't wait.

What are your hopes for Burial at Sea: Episode 2? How would you like to Irrational conclude this final chapter in the BioShock series? Also, please avoid posting spoilers if you have already completed the DLC.

BioShock Infinite — Burial at Sea: Episode 2 is out now for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. Stay tuned for Game ZXC's review.