Debuting in 2007, the BioShock franchise may not be the longest-running series in gaming, but it's certainly one of the most beloved. The first BioShock game is still widely considered to be a masterpiece, with some incredibly atmospheric visuals and sound design, an engaging narrative, and simple but fun combat. While the second BioShock isn't quite as fondly remembered, it still has its fair share of extremely vocal fans. And though BioShock Infinite has been more and more criticized over the years, most still view it as a great video game experience, and it's about time this world-class franchise got a current-gen upgrade.

Back in 2016, all three BioShock games and their respective DLCs were bundled together in the BioShock Collection. This collection, released for PC, PS4, Xbox One and later the Switch, boasted some updated textures, better framerates, and support for higher-resolution monitors. On the whole, the BioShock Collection was a solid deal, though a PS5 and Xbox Series X upgrade could make that deal even sweeter.

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The BioShock Series Should Get a Current-Gen Upgrade

Comstock statue.

If there's one thing the BioShock series has going for it, it's the games' impeccable atmosphere. From the second players are lowered into the depths and the Bathysphere's blinds are drawn back to reveal Rapture, they know what they're in for. BioShock's opening sequence is truly one of the greatest in all of gaming, subtly teasing the game's tone and content while evoking a sense of wonder that wasn't often felt in the 2007 gaming landscape. Rapture itself is breathtaking, with its neon lights attracting the player's eyes just as its citizens were lured there themselves. The darkness surrounding Rapture and the gigantic sea creatures that swim through its chasms also gives the city a sense of foreboding.

That scene is echoed again, and maybe even surpassed, in BioShock Infinite. As players make their ascension towards the clouds, a storm brews around them, foreshadowing that something bad lies ahead. But rather than some gigantic monster or some dark, chaotic land, players are presented with Columbia, a beautifully bright and pristine city among the clouds. But despite its glorious visuals, Columbia isn't as idyllic as it seems, and the eerie quiet and infrequent organ notes foreshadow this.

While these two opening moments are some of the most memorable in the entire series, BioShock is full of these breathtaking sequences, and fans deserve to see them with current-gen graphics and framerates. The BioShock Collection was a great remaster at the time, but that was almost seven years ago now, and the games are starting to look a little dated once more. The BioShock series is one of the most artistically beautiful game series ever made, and it deserves to stay that way forever.

Just a few weeks ago, The Witcher 3 finally received its long-awaited current-gen upgrade, and it's breathed new life into the beloved game. Developing a next-gen upgrade probably isn't the easiest of tasks, but it's certainly easier than building a game from the ground up, and the payoff seems more than worth the effort. A fourth BioShock game was technically announced back in 2019, and though it may still be a ways off, a current-gen free upgrade for the BioShock Collection could give the series a big marketing boost. This upgrade would hopefully remind fans why they fell in love with the series in the first place and get them excited for an upcoming release, with the upgraded graphics serving as a teaser of what's to come in BioShock 4.

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