The first BioShock remains cemented in video game culture as one of the most influential, original, and impressive dystopian immersive sims ever. The subsequent two games are beloved as well, but it's hard to forget how instrumental the 2007 entry was in establishing the series as a unique IP with an incredibly engrossing narrative. While there's no denying that the BioShock franchise has left an indelible mark on gaming culture, it seemed for a while that BioShock Infinite might be its last entry. The DLC for the third game neatly tied up the overarching narrative of the series, and fans wondered if another BioShock adventure would even be on the cards.

Luckily, in late 2019, their questions were answered. It was announced that Cloud Chamber, a division of 2K, would be bringing BioShock 4 to life. Since reveal, not much else has been seen of BioShock 4 in the intervening years, and fans are getting more than a little impatient for news of the next installment. While an actual release date may not be set for any time soon, it seems increasingly likely that players will at least have some more details about the upcoming BioShock 4 this summer.

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Details Of BioShock 4 So Far

BioShock 2

There have been a lot of rumors swirling around BioShock 4, in part thanks to the informational vacuum that currently surrounds it. Players still have no idea where or even when it will be set, how it might connect to the previous entries, or if BioShock 4 will embrace the same kinds of ideologies that the first three games explored. There have been rumored space settings, arctic settings, and even speculation around two cities instead of the usual one in a BioShock title. The name BioShock Isolation was thrown around as a possible title, and cosmic horror tropes were put forward as a likely feature to capitalize on the series' reputation for scares.

The recent Nvidia GeForce Now leak even suggested a 2022 release for BioShock 4, which could still potentially happen, but it looks increasingly unlikely. Still, that doesn't mean that there isn't hope for BioShock fans. Due to the relative silence from Cloud Chamber since the game was first revealed to be in development, the time seems ripe for another BioShock 4 announcement, with gamers given a proper look inside the upcoming title so that hype can start to generate around the next installment once more.

The Likelihood of a Looming BioShock 4 Reveal


BioShock 4's 2019 development announcement seems like a very long time ago. The video game industry moves quickly, and games need to keep in the conversation if they want to stay relevant. BioShock 4 might not be quite ready to come out, especially given rumors about Cloud Chamber developers leaving the team after some rough patches in the game's development, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something to show fans. With such a long time since the release of the last mainline entry and a few years since BioShock 4 was announced, players are eager for news.

Summer is traditionally a big time for game reveals, with showcases like E3 providing big platforms to announce new titles or show off games in development. E3 2022 may have been canceled, but there are still plenty of avenues and showcase streams for developers to use in its absence to get the word out about upcoming titles.

Events like Summer Game Fest and the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase provide the perfect opportunities for massive reveals, and there will undoubtedly be lots of exciting gaming news this summer. The time is right for a deeper dive into what BioShock 4 is all about, with a look at its setting and a peak at its story to help whet fans' appetites ahead of the game's eventual launch.

BioShock 4 is in development.

MORE: Every BioShock 4 Rumor So Far