
  • BioShock 4 may revamp Plasmids with customization options for more powerful and unique abilities.
  • A wider variety of Plasmids in BioShock 4 could enhance gameplay by introducing new elements and effects.
  • Despite development challenges, hopes remain high for BioShock 4 to bring fresh life to the iconic ability system.

Introduced in the first game of the series, BioShock's Plasmids are genetically engineered serums that grant the player character superhuman abilities. While each game has included melee weapons for players to use in combat, BioShock's Plasmids serve as a much more effective, albeit costly, method for dealing with enemies. In both BioShock and BioShock 2, these serums provide players with abilities like Telekinesis, Electro Bolt, Incinerate, and Winter Blast. They have done their job throughout the first two games of the franchise, but going into BioShock 4, they may need to freshen things up a bit.

Despite the many alleged issues with its development, the BioShock 4 train keeps chugging away and there is no indication yet of its cancelation. As such, hopes remain high that it will eventually see the light of day. In the event that it does, BioShock 4 has a chance to redefine the series' iconic Plasmids, and it can accomplish that in a variety of ways.

The Case for BioShock 4 to Revive the Big Daddy/Little Sister Mechanics

While little is known about BioShock 4 still, it might behoove Cloud Chamber to bring back the series' iconic duo in some form for the next entry.

How BioShock 4’s Plasmids Can Step Up Their Game

BioShock 4 Should Implement a Robust Plasmid Customization System

One of the best ways BioShock 4's Plasmids can step up their game is by implementing an in-depth customization system for them. It's not uncommon for games in the action-adventure and RPG genres to let players customize and enhance their character using skill trees containing a wide variety of abilities and passive skills. In the same way, perhaps BioShock 4 could give each Plasmid its own skill tree filled with customization options. For example, Electro Bolt might be customized to either deal more single-target damage or less damage to multiple targets. Additionally, Winter Blast might be customized to either have a better chance of freezing enemies solid or slowing them for a longer period of time.

Perhaps BioShock 4 could also feature hybrid Plasmids that allow players to blend different effects for a much more powerful, unique attack. Blending Incinerate with Cyclone Trap might spawn a tornado made of fire, or making a hybrid Plasmid out of Sonic Boom and Winter Blast might spread Winter Blast’s effect over a wider area and with more power than it could deliver on its own. There are plenty of routes BioShock 4 could go with offering customization options for its Plasmids, and it would likely allow the next installment to keep up with more modern games in its genre.

BioShock 4 Should Provide an Even Wider Variety of Plasmids

Another, arguably more logical, way for BioShock 4's Plasmids to improve upon its predecessor is simply by adding a wider variety of Plasmids to the player’s arsenal. Although the Plasmids introduced so far have made use of elements like fire and ice, there are plenty of other elements that are yet to be used. Additionally, aside from the classic Plasmids that should return in BioShock 4, others like Stop/Slow Time, Invisibility, and Teleport would fit well in BioShock's universe. The world of BioShock is bizarre and unique enough that it presents plenty of opportunities for even more creative abilities to be added to the fairly sizable library that's already there.

One of the best ways BioShock 4 's Plasmids can step up their game is by implementing an in-depth customization system for them.

It's currently unconfirmed whether BioShock 4 will feature Plasmids like its predecessors, as well as whether the game will make it through development. However, it may feel like a step backward to completely forego some sort of special ability system akin to Plasmids, and it's likely that Cloud Chamber, BioShock 4's developer, has considered this. Wherever BioShock 4 ends up, perhaps it will implement some sort of evolved version of the classic Plasmid system for players to experiment with — one that will freshen things up and breathe new life into the tired formula.

Bioshock 4

PS5 , PC
Cloud Chamber
2K Games