
  • BioShock 4 can evolve gameplay with diverse builds and melee options for a more personalized experience.
  • Melee combat in BioShock 4 could be a primary focus, offering a variety of unique weapons for players to choose from.
  • The game has the potential to offer more flexibility and freedom in gameplay while staying true to its identity.

Not much is known about BioShock 4 beyond the fact that it will be the debut release of Cloud Chamber and presumably serve as the next big step for the long-dormant franchise. But whether BioShock 4 is a soft reboot or a more direct sequel to the story of Rapture or Columbia, there are a few ways that it can evolve the IP's gameplay while still sticking to its roots.

Though BioShock often falls under the broad definition of an RPG, it has much more in common with traditional first-person shooter archetypes, albeit with more flexibility and robust progression systems. Across all three games, players can unlock various character and weapon upgrades alongside Plasmids and Vigors, which grant specialized powers. Choosing which upgrades to invest in and which powers to use can have a major impact on how the game is played, but BioShock 4 can take these light RPG elements to new heights by giving players more options for diverse builds, and doubling down on melee would be a good way to accomplish this.

BioShock 4 May Be a Sci-Fi Avowed

BioShock 4 is still in the works, while Avowed is set to release this Fall, and both titles look to share common connecting features.

BioShock 4 Ought to Go All-In On Melee Options

Melee In Other BioShock Games

BioShock and its sequel, along with Infinite, aren't completely without melee options. All three BioShock games have melee weapons that are a core part of the player's toolkit, and melee attacks with weapons like the drill in BioShock 2 or the Sky-Hook in Infinite can synergize with different pieces of gear and abilities to be surprisingly effective, ramping up in power over the course of a playthrough. BioShock 2 stands out as having particularly enjoyable melee combat, as players can leverage the iconic Big Daddy drill, in tandem with melee-specific upgrades, to plow through enemies.

The BioShock series is an FPS first and foremost, and while it might technically be possible to adopt a strict melee build, it would be more for the sake of novelty or a specialized playthrough. In other words, the series' light RPG elements don't go as far as other first-person RPGs like Cyberpunk 2077 or the Fallout franchise, which allow players to craft dedicated melee builds, ultimately deepening the role-playing experience through more diverse gameplay options and encouraging subsequent playthroughs. BioShock 4 could enjoy similar benefits if it fleshes out melee combat.

How Melee Combat Could Improve BioShock 4

Although there's a chance that BioShock 4 could make major changes to the franchise's formula, it's safe to assume that certain series staples will make a return. Even so, there are ways to offer a fleshed-out melee system within the existing BioShock framework, as the game could, for example, feature the same dual-wielding gameplay as Infinite, with a Plasmid/Vigor equivalent in one hand and a traditional weapon in the other, but said weapon could be a sword, hammer, etcetera. This would allow players to decide if they want melee to be their primary form of damage-dealing, rather than a situational tool like in previous titles. If BioShock 4 could offer a wide variety of melee weapons that behave differently or have distinct attributes, while maintaining a synergistic approach when it comes to powers, then that would be even better.

Theoretically, this philosophy could be applied to Plasmid/Vigor powers and guns as well; BioShock 4 could let players min-max, offering a way to go all-in on one specific playstyle, rather than being a jack of all trades.

Of course, key elements of BioShock 4, such as its plot, setting, and fundamental gameplay loop, have likely already been firmly decided, and fans won't get to see what Cloud Chamber has in store until the studio finally reveals the game. That said, first-person shooters and action RPGs have come a long way since BioShock Infinite, and BioShock 4 can be more contemporary and competitive, without losing its identity, by offering more flexibility and freedom in its gameplay. A better framework for melee builds is just one way to do that.

Bioshock 4

PS5 , PC
Cloud Chamber
2K Games