
  • Batman's refusal to permanently eliminate his villains has led to countless murders in Gotham City, highlighting his unwillingness to kill as a weakness.
  • Batman's lack of superhuman abilities makes him especially vulnerable to physical trauma, as his body cannot withstand continuous beatings without severe consequences.
  • Batman's past trauma and lack of emotional healing make him easily manipulated by his enemies, who use his fears and personal losses against him.

Over the years and in many different forms, Batman has fought and beaten countless opponents in the DC Universe. Batman even managed to hold his own with the Justice League in a battle against Darkseid and his forces during the conclusion of the Justice League film. Over the years, the Caped Crusader has proven himself one of the most beloved superheroes in the world, despite not having any powers.

5 Weakest DCEU Characters, Ranked

Not everyone in the DCEU is all-powerful, not even some of its biggest heroes.

Batman doesn’t hold back and has often ended up on the brink of death for refusing to sit still when there is something he could do to fight back against evils out in the world. However, Bruce Wayne is just a man, and as much as he proves his resolve and intelligence to be near superhuman, he doesn’t have any powers of his own. This comes with a few glaringly obvious weaknesses that have troubled him many times over.

6 Unwillingness To Kill

Batman Refusing To Kill Joker

Oftentimes described as a kind of strength, it is pretty clear that one of Batman’s most glaringly obvious weaknesses is his refusal to permanently remove some of the most sick and twisted criminals from his roster of villains. Despite continuously putting enemies like the Joker or Two-Face behind bars, they always manage to escape and wreak more havoc, including countless murders of the people of Gotham City.

Having seen numerous times how completely pointless it is locking these villains up in institutions like Arkham Asylum, Bruce should have learned from the lives lost upon their escapes and realized these villains can’t be helped or rehabilitated. At that point, there is no longer an excuse for keeping them alive, and Batman’s rogues gallery only exists because of his refusal to put those deadly adversaries in the ground when he has the opportunity.

5 Physical Trauma

Batman Physically Injured

One of Batman’s biggest and most obvious weaknesses is that he doesn’t have any superhuman abilities. While he has occasionally in the past taken severe damage in battle and needed a long time to recover, the worst part of his humanity is perhaps that his body can’t afford to take all the smaller beatings he’s had so continuously for years, which is exactly what happens in every iteration of the character.

DC: 7 Darkest Batman Storylines, Ranked

DC Comics has a long history of darker Batman-related stories, but which are the most devastating in the caped crusader's tenure?

Bruce Wayne is a man, but he is a stubborn one, and there have been a lot of occasions when he has refused to take a break despite his body breaking down slowly, leading to much worse devastation. Despite having many other Bat-Family characters who could take up the mantle, Bruce is hardly ever able to let it go, leading to him not being able to fight to the best of his abilities in situations where nothing less will get the job done.

4 Mental Trauma

Bruce Wayne With His Dead Parents

Trauma is a word heavily associated with Batman, providing him with the saddest backstory. In every version of the character, Bruce Wayne lost his parents when he was young, leading to him adopting the Batman persona and becoming a vigilante. The psychological loss of his parents was brutal, and it seems from his brooding style and general lack of emotion that he’s never really dealt with that loss in the way that he should.

This has led to Batman being easily manipulated and frustrated by his enemies over the years. It has never proven that difficult for certain villains to work out Batman's real identity, and this has led to villains using the death of his parents and his fears against him. Most notably, twisted characters like the Riddler and Scarecrow are able to manipulate Batman using his own personal fears.

3 Reliance On His Tech

Batman With His Batarangs

Superman doesn’t need to restock his superpowers, but Batman can easily run out of hardware. The Dark Knight is completely reliant on his tech, his movement can be severely impaired by a tear in his cape, or by running out of batarangs. There have been times in the past when Batman has been stripped of his gear, and his first port of call is always to try and regain it or get back to the Bat Cave to try and replenish himself.

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Michael Keaton is one of the best Batman portrayals, and with his return in The Flash, it's time to look at the best Michael Keaton Batman quotes.

Batman has great fighting skills, and amazing planning abilities that have proven him pretty useful even without his gear, but there are all sorts of enemies that Batman is completely reliant upon his gadgets to fight. Therefore, this becomes one of his weaknesses, even as much as it remains one of his greatest strengths as well.

2 Animals

Batman Attacked By Bats

One of the stranger weaknesses Batman seems to have is trouble with a few different types of animals. This goes back to his childhood fear of bats, which he mostly mastered and which was the prime reason for him adopting the bat as his own symbol. He figured that it was a symbol of fear to the enemies he was coming for, just like it had been a symbol of fear for himself, but this fear of bats remains to this day.

Additionally, Batman has continuous problems with attempting to fight animals, particularly dogs. Batman has an affinity for dogs, so he seems to hate fighting them, but they’ve also managed to bite through even his toughest armor on occasions, making it a severe problem for him when villains set their dogs loose on him. This slightly bizarre weakness to different types of animals has proven The Dark Knight’s undoing on various occasions.

1 Toxins

Batman Attacked By Scarecrow's Toxins

Between his humanity and his previous psychological trauma, Bruce has struggled with being intoxicated in various ways by his most dangerous enemies over the years. The most obvious example of this is Scarecrow, whose fear toxin has often had an unusually strong effect on Bruce, leaving him completely useless as he tries to continue the fight. The fear toxin is one of the best-known weapons that has knocked Batman down more than perhaps anything else.

However, it’s not the only time intoxication has brought Batman low. Joker’s venom and that of Bane, not to mention various toxic weapons used by Poison Ivy, have all been part of plots to take down The Dark Knight before as well. What’s worse is that, initially at least, most of them immediately work on him, because despite all of his armor and gadgets, Batman still doesn’t seem to keep something on him to repel toxins.

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