There’s quite a lot for fans of Bethesda Softworks to be excited about at the moment; its recent production Deathloop won Best Art Direction at The Game Awards 2021 along with a smattering of accolades from other associations and publications, and, if a recent video uploaded to Bethesda’s official YouTube channel is to be believed, there’s a ton of new info about Starfield coming in the not-too-distant future.

The video, which is currently unlisted, shows a few brief snippets from the release date reveal trailer along with some shots of the Bethesda offices. There’s not a whole lot to glean from the 30-second upload, as most of the clip is of Todd Howard wishing fans a happy holiday, but, given how few and far between mentions of Starfield have been over the past few months, any kind of news is good news for fans of the upcoming space-faring title.

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“The team has made such good progress on Starfield this year,” Howard remarks. “We can’t wait to show it to you next year.” Unfortunately, the project’s game director didn’t provide any specifics, but, given the previously-confirmed release date of November 11, 2022, it’s safe to assume that Starfield will be a big part of the publisher’s E3 showing, though it's possible more info on the game will be released before the event in June.

It’s worth noting that Howard begins the video with the line “from all of us here at Bethesda Game Studios, we want to thank you for becoming part of Constellation.” Apparently some kind of agency or collective dedicated to space exploration in the far future, Constellation was hinted at several times in the debut trailer, though the extent of their goals and duties isn’t known.

Starfield won’t be the only game Bethesda fans will be looking out for in 2022; in its most recent E3 presentation, Bethesda revealed that a game based on the Indiana Jones movie franchise is in the works, and, with a new movie slated for a Summer 2022 debut, info on the game may well be divulged around that time. Fans are also holding out hope for info regarding The Elder Scrolls 6, something which hasn’t been mentioned much since it was first revealed at E3 2018.

That said, Starfield seems to be Bethesda’s top priority at the moment, and those who can’t get enough of games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 will doubtlessly be thrilled to hear more about the publisher’s next major RPG in the near future.

Starfield launches November 11, 2022 for PC and Xbox Series X.

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